The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2024 Download
Prime Talks
Fabian Heitsch
Answering the Big Questions: Are We Making Progress? Part I: From Clouds to Cores
Kate Pattle
Magnetic Fields in Star Formation
Megan Reiter
Special Talks
Stella Offner (Perspective Talk)
Harnessing Machine Learning for the Classification, Identification and Modeling of Astronomical Data
Henrik Beuther
JOYS: JWST Observations of Young protoStars
Rachel Friesen
Dense gas flows and feedback in the Serpens South protocluster
Adam Ginsburg
The brick is icy and still mostly starless (Github link)
Doug Johnstone
What the Variability of Embedded Protostars Tells Us about Accretion - Past, Present, and Future
Beth Jones
Investigating high-mass star formation with ALMAGAL Robust temperatures and luminosities of cores in a thousand high-mass cluster-forming regions
Shuo Kong
Magnetically Regulated Molecular Cloud and Star Formation
Kaho Morii
Insights from ASHES: Core Characteristics in 70μm High-mass Clumps
Discussions: Moderator slides
Shuo Kong
Extra-Galactic Star Formation Discussion
Hendrik Linz
Feedback Discussion
Asmita Bhandare
Unravelling the effects of gas and dust dynamics during protostellar collapse
Brandt Gaches
High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded protoStars (HADES): Accretion flows onto embedded protostars
Shanghuo Li
Observations of high-order multiplicity in a high-mass stellar protocluster
Núria Miret Roig
What is the primordial distribution and kinematics of star clusters?
Hendrik Linz
Episodic accretion in high-mass star formation: Maser flares as indicators and their follow-up
Luca Moscadelli
The 3D velocity and magnetic fields of a MHD disk-wind (DW) around a forming star
Alice Nucara
The Rosetta Stone Project
Jinshi Sai
Influence of Turbulence in Dense Cores on the Formation and Evolution of Protostellar Disks
Benjamin Thomasson
Analytical model of hierarchical fragmentation within molecular clouds: towards a new perspective?
Focus Group Contributions
Alice Nucara FG6
What Collapses? Understanding the Onset of Star Formation According to Simulations & Synthetic Observations of Massive Clumps Fragmentation
Benjamin Thomasson FG2
What is the connection between the emergence of the stellar IMF and the multiplicity/clustering of stellar systems?
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.