"For every complex natural phenomenon there is a
simple, elegant, compelling, wrong explanation"

Thomas Gold
The Early Phase of Star Formation
The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
Stars matter for astronomy.
We work hard to learn
how they are formed.
Discussions essential
We have no generally accepted paradigm for star formation.
Hence, scientific meetings about this topic should allow for ample discussions. Those work best in a small group with a few ten persons.
Many topics essential
Star formation is complex: a number of physical processes are at work simultaneously.
Correspondingly, the field requires to bring together enough persons representing all aspects: a large conference with over 100 persons is needed which means discussions become difficult.
The unique EPoS format
EPoS therefore operates with a compromise of about 70 participants packed in a small room to maintain workshop atmosphere.
The talks are short and to the point. Discussions after the talks and sessions are the key ingredient of the scientific program. No advertisements, just talking science.
Continuity in accessing progress
Organized every two years since 2006, the meetings have attracted a large fraction of the scientists working in this field worldwide.
Contributions remain online, often with a figure and a reference link. A list of potentially "Big Questions" of the field have been assembled to serve the community.
invented and organized by Jürgen Steinacker & Aurore Bacmann
The EPoS webpages currently offer 1440+ pages with 1.7 GB of information.