The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2024 Posters
P01 Ahmad Ali Star cluster formation and feedback in different galactic environments
P02 Maite Beltrán Self-similarity of the magnetic field in G31.41+0.31 from core to circumstellar scales
P03 Asmita Bhandare Mixing is easy: new insights on gas and dust dynamics during disc formation
P04 Gordian Edenhofer Interstellar dust in 3D at parsec-scale resolution out to 1.25 kiloparsecs in distance
P06 Brandt Gaches The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded Protostars (HADES) simulations: Accretion flows onto embedded protostars
P07 Josefa Elisabeth Großschedl The evolution of velocity dispersion in OB associations - The case of Sco-Cen
P08 Rebecca J. Houghton The star formation rate in the Galactic Centre using JWST imaging
P09 Katharine G. Johnston Resolving the disk-jet accretion connection for forming massive stars
P10 Jens Kauffmann Unraveling Molecular Cloud Populations and Lifecycles with LEGO and the Haystack Telescope
P11 Wonju Kim CASCADE: Unveiling the photodissociation chemistry and feedback in DR18
P12 Alva Kinman The Core Mass Function in the Galactic Center
P13 Rolf Kuiper On the metallicity-dependence of radiation forces and photoionization feedback in massive star formation
P14 Shih-Ping Lai Searching for young stellar objects through SEDs by machine learning
P15 Hua-bai Li A Unified Explanation of Zeeman Measurements and Polarized Thermal Dust Emission
P16 Shanghuo Li High-order multiplicity formation in high-mass stellar protocluster
P17 Hendrik Linz Episodic accretion in high-mass star formation: Follow-up on accretion-burst sources
P18 Núria Miret-Roig Synchronising stellar clocks. A new observable for probing star formation and dispersion
P19 Sanghyuk Moon When and How Do Prestellar Cores Collapse? Critical Conditions and Collapse Dynamics from Analytic Modeling and Numerical Simulations
P20 Luca Moscadelli The 3D velocity and magnetic fields of a MHD disk-wind around a forming star
P21 Alice Nucara Probing Star-Formation Mechanisms in Massive Star-Forming Regions: Bridging Observations and Simulations through the Rosetta Stone Project
P22 Giovanni Sabatini First ALMA Maps of Cosmic-Rays Ionization Rate in High-mass Star-forming Regions
P23 Jinshi Sai Influence of Turbulence in Dense Cores on the Formation and Evolution of Protostellar Disks
P24 Alberto Sanna Gas infall via accretion disk - late findings
P25 Kamber Schwarz Evidence of Enhanced Ionization in Protostellar Envelopes
P26 Cameren Swiggum Unveiling the majority origins of young stellar clusters in the local Milky Way and their role in shaping interstellar structure
P27 Travis J. Thieme The Dynamics of Infall in Class 0 Protostars: A Case of Multiple Streamers in Lupus 3-MMS
P28 Benjamin Thomasson Analytical model of hierarchical fragmentation within molecular clouds: towards a new perspective?
P29 Yao-Lun Yang Chemical Evolution in Embedded Protostars: Ice Chemistry Unveiled by JWST
P30 Annie Zavagno Machine learning for filament detection
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.