The Early Phase of Star Formation
The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle, Germany
EPoS 2006 Posters

No. Name Contribution
1 Joao Alves The mass function of dense molecular cores and the origin of the IMF
2 Robi Banerjee The Assembly of Massive Stars in Supersonic Turbulence
3 Ian Bonnell Numerical Simulations and the initial conditions for star formation
4 Paul Clark The Star Forming Ability of Giant MolecularClouds
5 Wolfgang Dapp Axisymmetric simulations of star formation to explain features of IRAM 04191
6 Sami Dib Stability and Virial Balance of Clumps and Cores in Molecular Clouds
7 James Di Francesco Dense Gas and Star Formation in the Ophiuchus B2 Core
8 Turlough Downes Numerical simulations of molecular outflows - from RAM to reality and back
9 Maiken Gustafsson Probing Turbulence with Infrared Observations: Protostars in Orion
10 Robert Gutermuth Characterizing the Structure of Embedded Clusters with the Spitzer Young Stellar Cluster Survey
11 Karl Haisch Mid-Infrared Observations of Class I/Flat-Spectrum Systems in Six Nearby Molecular Clouds
12 Patrick Hennebelle Are the molecular clouds multiphase objects?
13 Martin Hennemann A (Sub)Millimeter survey of ISOSS massive star-forming regions
14 Vera Hoffmeister Star formation in the Arc of M17SW
15 Helen Kirk Kinematics of Star Formation in the Perseus Molecular Cloud
16 Markus Kissler-Patig Star cluster formation, backwards: how far back in time can we trace the formation of star clusters?
17 Xavier Koenig Triggered Star Formation in W5
18 Hendrik Linz Spitzer/MIPS observations of southern Infrared Dark Clouds
19 Masahiro Machida Second Core Formation and High Speed Jets: Resistive MHD Nested Grid Simulations
20 Sabine Mengel Can Westerlund 1 shed light on extragalactic young star clusters?
21 Lawrence Morgan Triggered Star Formation In Bright-Rimmed Clouds
22 Dieter Nürnberger The birth of a star of SpT O - How to unravel its mystery
23 Yaroslav Pavlyuchenkov Molecular lines in prestellar cores: what should we take into account when we deal with line profiles?
24 Jaime Pineda Using Perseus to study clump finding algorithms
25 Dmitry Semenov Turbulent mixing chemistry in protoplanetary disks
26 Konstantinos Tassis Using the orientation of the mean magnetic field in molecular clouds to test models of molecular cloud support
27 Enrique Vazquez-Semadeni Unified Scenario of Molecular Cloud and Star Formation
28 Enrique Vazquez-Semadeni Dynamical Structure of Molecular Cloud Cores
29 Enrique Vazquez-Semadeni Star Formation Efficiency in Driven, Supercritical, Turbulent Clouds
30 Eduard Vorobyov The Burst Mode of Protostellar Accretion
31 Malcolm Walmsley Depletion and Deuteration in Prestellar Cores
32 Dmitry Wiebe Can we infer the dynamical history of pre-stellar cores with the chemical modelling?
33 Erick Young A Spitzer Survey of Class 0 Sources- What Is the Mid-Infrared SED Telling Us?
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.