C a r b i d e s
silicon carbid (quick look1 at SiC data)
iron carbid
titanium carbid
s i l i c o n   c a r b i d e | |||||
state | material | data | range (micron) | Temperature | reference (and link) |
alpha | SiC | no,e | 0.4 - 0.7 | Thibault (1944) Am.Mineral. 29, 327 | |
alpha | SiC | e1 | 1 - 100 kHz | Hofman et al. (1957) Physica 23, 236 | |
hexag. | SiC | n,ko,e [fig] | 2.4 - 25 | Spitzer et al. (1959) Phys.Rev. 113, 127. | |
cryst. | SiC | abso,e | 2 - 10 | Spitzer et al. (1960) in O'Connor J.R., Smiltens J. (eds.) Silicon Carbid. NY, Pergamon, p.347 | |
hexag. | SiC | n,k [fig] | 0.124 - 0.4 | Philipp, Taft (1960) in O'Connor J.R., Smiltens J.(eds.) Silicon Carbid. NY, Pergamon, p.366, | |
hexag. | SiC | abs. (T) [fig] | 0.4 - 0.7 | Groth, Kauer (1961) Phys.Stat.Sol. 1, 445. | |
. | SiC | refl. | UV | Wheeler (1966) Sol.Stat.Comm. 4, 173 | |
hexag. | SiC | n [t+f] | 0.34 - 2.43 | Choyke, Patrick (1968) J.Opt.Soc.Am. 58, 377. | |
hexag. | SiC | abs.c. [fig] | 0.25 - 0.4 | Choyke, Patrick (1968) Phys.Rev. 172, 769. | |
cubic | SiC | abs.c. [fig] | 0.25 - 0.48 | Choyke, Patrick (1969) Phys.Rev. 187, 1041. | |
beta | SiC | n [tab, appr] | 0.47 - 0.69 | Shaffer, Naum (1969) J. Opt. Soc. Am. 59, 1498. | |
. | SiC | abs. [fig] | 0.36 - 0.7 | Lefevre (1970) Astron.Astrophys. 5, 37. | |
alpha | SiC | e1,2/o,e | infinity | Patrick, Choyke (1970) Phys.Rev. B2, 2255 | |
alpha, beta | SiC | no,e [tab, appr] | 467 - 691 | Shaffer (1971) Appl.Opt. 10, 1034. | |
cryst. | SiC | . | . | Powell (1972) J. Opt. Soc. Am. 62, 341 | |
alpha | SiC | n,k | 0.05 - 0.1 | Rehn et al. (1976) in Fumi F.G. (ed.) Phys.Semicond. Rome, p.985 | |
alpha | SiC | m.abs.c. [tab] | 10.1 - 14.3 | Dorschner et al. (1977), Astron.Nachr. 298, 279. | |
alpha, beta | SiC | no,e (T) [fig] | 0.4 - 50 | Pikhtin et al. (1977) Opt.Spectr. 43, 711. | |
. | SiC | refl. | soft X-rays | Rehn, Choyke (1980) Nucl.Instr.Methods 177, 173 | |
beta | SiC | ext. [fig] | 0.13 - 0.8 | Stephens (1980) Astrophys.J. 237, 450. | |
alpha | SiC | m.abs.c. [t+f] | 6.7 - 31.2 | Friedemann et al. (1981), Astrophys.Sp.Ssi. 79, 405. | |
. | SiC | refl. | vacuum UV | Kelly et al. (1981) J.Phys. D14, 401 | |
. | SiC | n,k | 0.008 - 0.03 | Rife, Osantowski (1981) Proc. SPIE 315, 103 | |
alpha | SiC | n,k; e1,2 [fig] | 7.7 - 25 | Bohren, Huffman (1983) Absorption and Scattering of Light by Small Particles. NY, J.Wiley, Ch.9.1.5. | |
alpha | SiC | m.abs.c. [tab] | 2.5 - 40 | Borghesi et al. (1983) Infr.Phys. 23, 321 | |
beta | SiC | m.abs.c. [fig, appr] | 25 - 250 | Tanabe et al. (1983) Publ.Astron.Soc.Jpn. 35, 397. | |
alpha, beta | SiC | Qext/a [fig] | 2.5 - 40 | Borghesi et al. (1985) Astron.Astrophys. 153, 1. | |
cryst. | SiC | no,e,ko [tab] (c!) | 0.04 - 25 | Choyke, Palik (1985) in Palik E. (ed) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids. Acad. Press, p.587. | |
. | SiC | refl. | extreme X-rays | Mrowka et al. (1985) Proc. SPIE 597, 160 | |
. | SiC | refl. | extreme X-rays | Sugawara et al. (1985) Nucl.Instr.Methods 228, 549 | |
alpha, beta | SiC | Qext/a [fig] | 2.5 - 300 | Borghesi et al. (1986) Infr.Phys. 26, 37 | |
cryst. | SiC | n,k [tab] | 0.0012 - 0.016 | Yanagihara et al. (1986) Appl.Opt. 25, 4586. | |
. | SiC | . | mid IR | Koike (1987) in Grain Formation Workshop, p.48 | |
alpha | SiC | n,k [f+t] | 0.1 - 244 | Pegourie et al. (1988) Astron.Astrophys. 194, 335. | |
. | SiC | opt.const. | 0.0024 - 0.1216 | Windt et al. (1988) Appl. Opt. 27, 279 | |
beta | SiC | n [tab] | 0.35 - 0.70 | Alterovitz, Woollam (1991) in Palik E. (ed) Handbook of Optical Constants of Solids, II. Acad. Press, p.705. | |
alpha, beta | SiC | Qabs/a [fig] | 40 - 1000 | Blanco et al. (1991) Infr.Phys. 31, 167 | |
alpha, beta | SiC | Cext [fig] | 5 - 25 | Orofino et al. (1991) Astron.Astrophys. 252, 315. | |
alpha | SiC | e1,2 [fig] (c!) | 0.0012 - 1.24 (103) | Laor, Draine (1993) Astrophys.J. 402, 441. | |
3C, 6H | SiC | refl. [fig] | 0.12 - 0.3 | Laumbrecht et al. (1993) Appl. Phys. Lett. 63, 2747 | |
cryst. | SiC | refl. [fig] | 0.12 - 0.3 | Laumbrecht et al. (1994) Phys. Rev. B 50, 10722 | |
alpha, beta | SiC | m.abs.c. [fig] | 3 - 14 | Kaito et al. (1995) Planet.Sp.Sci. 43, 1227 | |
. | SiC | n,k [fig] | 0.05 - 0.3 | Adolph et al. (1996) Phys. Rev. B 53, 9797 | |
cryst. | SiC | refl.; n,k [fig] | 0.1 - 0.3 | Adolph et al. (1997) Phys. Rev. B 55, 1422 | |
cryst. | SiC | abs. [fig] | 10 - 12.6 | Papoular et al. (1998) Astron.Astrophys. 329, 1035. | |
cryst. | meteor. SiC | transm. [fig] | 2.5 - 16.5 | Andersen et al. (1999), Astron.Astrophys. 343, 933. | |
cryst. | SiC | abs.c. [fig] | 2 - 25 | Mutschke et al. (1999), Astron.Astrophys. 345, 187. | |
amor. | SiC | n,k [fig] | 2 - 25 | Mutschke et al. (1999), Astron.Astrophys. 345, 187. | |
amor. | SiC | n,k [f+t] | 0.049 - 0.2 | Larruquert, Keski-Kuha (2000) Appl. Opt. 39, 2772 | |
cryst. | SiC | refl.; e1,2 [fig] | 0.09 - inf-ty | Rohling, Pollmann (2001) Phys. Rev. B 63, 125201 | |
porous | SiC | refl. [fig] | 9 - 16.7 | Spanier, Herman (2001) Phys. Rev. B 61, 10437 | |
cryst. | SiC | n,k | very wide | Zollner et al. (2002) Am. Phys. Soc. Meet., U12.009 | |
. | SiC | n, k [tab] [fig] | 5 - 152 nm | Garoli et al. (2006) Applied Optics IP | |
cry. | α-SiC (Alpha Aecar Johnson: 6H polytype: thin films) | Absoption [fig.] | 15-1000 (650-10cm-1) | Speck, Hofmeister (2004) ApJ | |
cry. | β-SiC (Superior Graphite Company: polytype 3C: avg. grain size of ~1mm: thin films) | Absorption [fig.] | 15-1000 (650-10cm-1) | Speck, Hofmeister (2004) ApJ | |
cry. | β-SiC (Rohm & Haas Compahy: a wafer: 380mm thick) | Absorption [fig.] | 15-1000 (650-10cm-1); 2-22 (450-4000cm-1) |
Speck, Hofmeister (2004) ApJ | |
amor. | SiC | Transmission [fig.] | 10-50 μm | 300K | ClĂ©ment, D. et al. (2005) The astrophysical Journal, Volume 621, Issue 2, pp. 985-990 |
i r o n c a r b i d e | |||||
. | FeC | transm./m.abs.c. [f/t] | 15 - 125 | Nuth et al. (1985) Astrophys.J. 290, L41. | |
cryst. | Fe3C | transm./m.abs.c. [f/t] | 15 - 125 | Nuth et al. (1985) Astrophys.J. 290, L41. | |
t i t a n i u m c a r b i d e | |||||
cryst. | TiC | . | . | Demaayer (1974) PhD thesis, Calif.Univ., Los Angeles, | |
cubic | TiC | refl. | 0.155 - 12.4 | Fong, Wooten (1976) Final Report Calif.Univ., Davis Dept.Phys., | |
. | TiC | sp. | IR | Huiling (1984) J. Centr. South Inst. Mining & Metal. 2 40, 74 | |
cryst. | TiC | n,k [f+t] | 0.0015 - 0.015 | Yanagihara et al. (1986) Appl.Opt. 25, 4586. | |
. | TiC | . | . | Koide et al. (1990) Phys. Rev. B 42, 4979 | |
. | TiC | sp. | IR | von Helden et al. (2000) Science 288, 313 | |
. | TiC | refl. [fig] | 0.2 - 200 | Henning, Mutschke (2001), Acta Spectrosc. A57, 815. | |
. | TiC (Alpha Aecar Johnson: avg. grain size 2mm: bulk: film) | Absorption [fig.] | 15-1000 (650-10cm-1) | Speck, Hofmeister (2004) ApJ |
state: cryst. - crystaline, hexag. - hexagonal.
data: abs. - absorbance, abs.c. - absorption coefficient, e1,2 - dielectric permittivity, ext. - extinction, m.abs.c. - mass absorption coefficient, n,k - refractive index, n,ko,e - that for ordinary and extraordinary rays, refl. - reflectance; Cext/abs - extinction/ absorption cross-section, Q/a - efficiency divided by particle size; [appr] - approximations, [fig] - figure, [tab] - table, [t+f] - table and figure.
1 The quick-look figures were borrowed from the graphic library of the Ioffe Physical Institute.