| IifServiceWorker (const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
| ctor More...
virtual | ~IifServiceWorker () |
| dtor. Closes the communicator. More...
virtual void | init () |
| Initialize property tree. Create a proxy for the given instrument and focal station according to the configured standards. More...
virtual void | deinit () |
virtual void | activate () |
virtual void | deactivate () |
virtual void | errorOffline () |
| set the target state to OFFLINE. More...
virtual void | errorStandby () |
| set the target state to OFFLINE. More...
virtual void | errorOnline () |
| set the target state to OFFLINE. More...
virtual void | errorWorking () |
| set the target state to OFFLINE. More...
virtual void | idleOffline () |
| wait for a state change. More...
virtual void | idleOnline () |
| wait for a state change. More...
virtual void | stop () |
| does nothing. More...
virtual void | abort () |
| does nothing. More...
virtual bool | isReachable () |
virtual bool | enableOffsetGuiding (bool enable) |
template<typename TTYPE > |
std::string | getAny (const char *ddnam, std::string propnam, const char *lognam=0) |
| retrieve a generic parameter from the IIF. More...
virtual double | getDouble (const std::string &ddnam, const std::string &lognam) |
virtual std::string | getRA () |
| Obtain the RA from the iif interface. More...
virtual double | getRAradians () |
| read the right ascension from the IIF interface. More...
virtual std::string | getDEC () |
| read the declination from the IIF ICE interface. More...
virtual double | getDECradians () |
| read the declination from the IIF interface. More...
virtual double | getParallacticAngle () |
virtual double | getAlt () |
virtual double | getAz () |
virtual double | getEpoch () |
virtual std::string | getUTC () |
| read the univeral time coordinated from the IIF interface. More...
virtual std::string | getLST () |
| read the local siderial time from the IIF interface. More...
virtual std::string | getHourAngle () |
| read the hour angle from the IIF interface. More...
virtual std::string | setPresetTelescope (int _raH, int _raMin, double _raSec, int _decDeg, int _decMin, double _decSec) |
| Preset the telescope to some Ra/Dec position (considered epoch 2000). More...
virtual std::string | setPresetTelescopeCat (const lbto::SeqPos2 &stars) |
| Start telescope slewing and tracking. More...
virtual std::string | setPresetTelescopeStar (const lbto::position2 &star) |
virtual std::string | setOffsetGuiding (double _ra, double _dec, const std::string &_coordSys, const std::string &_side) |
virtual std::string | setOffsetPointing (double _ra, double _dec, const std::string &_coordSys, const std::string &_moveType, const std::string &_side) |
virtual Nice::SeqSeqDouble | getRotatorPolynomials (Nice::Date _startTime) |
virtual Nice::SeqPoint | getKFPCoordinates (const std::string &_side) |
virtual lbto::SeqPos2 | getPresetStars () |
void | poll () |
| read RA, DEC and some other principal variables in one shot If the time defined by cfgInterval has been reached, call snapshot(), otherwise do nothing, assuming that data are recent. More...
void | snapshot () |
| read all DD variables of interest in one shot. The only purpose of this is to be faster than calling getRA(), getDEC() etc in sequence. More...
bool | isSlewing () |
| Flag whether one or both sides of the telescope are on source. The function polls the R_IIFOnSource or S_IIFOnSource keyword of the IIF associated with the side LINC has registered with. If these values are 1, the function returns. More...
| operator Nice::SkyPoint () |
| Transform the current pointing into a SkyPoint object. More...
virtual Basda::VinoFitsCardBox | getFits (const double &_pixscal=0) |
virtual void | toKVPairFile () |
| Dump the DD entries for use in the licsGUI and GEIRS FITS headers. More...
virtual std::string | getObject () |
| Generate an OBJECT string from pointing coordinates. More...
virtual std::string | getLINCstation () |
| Figure out whether our instrument is on the L or R side or not on any. More...
virtual void | getParam () |
| obtain parameters information from the IIF interface. This also updates the iifSidReg parameter, the current assignment by the telescope interface (TO). More...
virtual lbto::result | iifAcquireRefAO (bool repointFlag, const std::string &side) |
| Acquire the reference star. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifAuthorize () |
| Check authorization to control the telescope. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifBinocularControl (const std::string &flag) |
| BinocularControl clears the target information in the PCS. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifCheckRefAO (const std::string &side) |
| Check the reference star position. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifClearHotspot () |
| Removes the hotspot from the system. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifClearNonSidereal (bool override) |
| Removes the non-sidereal object from the system. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifClearOffset () |
| Removes the offset from the system. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifClearReference () |
| Removes the AO reference star from the system. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifClearStars () |
| Removes the selected target and guide stars from the system. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifCorrectModesAO (const lbto::SeqModes &modes, const std::string &side) |
| Send 672 mode corrections to AO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifGetKFPCoordinates (const lbto::SeqPos &list, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to get focal plane positions for LN AO reference objects. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifGetKFPCoordinates2 (const lbto::SeqPos2 &list, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to get focal plane positions for LN AO reference objects. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifGetParameter (const lbto::SeqDD &_dd) |
| Reads a block of entries from the data dictionary in one shot. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifGetRotatorPolynomials (double start, int count, double interval, int order, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to get rotator polynomials. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifGetRotatorTrajectory (double seconds, double interval, double start, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to get the rotator trajectory for the LBC. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifLogEvent (const std::string &event, const std::string &description) |
| Use this command to log a message inside the TCS's logging system. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifMaximizeWrapTime (bool azflag, bool rotflag, const std::string &side) |
| This command is to provide some control over the use of the rotator cablewrap. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifModifyAO (int NModes, double Freq, int Nbins, double TTmod, const std::string &F1spec, const std::string &F2spec, const std::string &side) |
| Modify AO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifMove (double x, double y, double z, double rx, double ry, double rz, int dflag, const std::string &movetype, const std::string &ope, int time, const std::string &side) |
| This command combines the functionality of MoveXY, TipTilt, StepFocus and MoveFocus. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifMoveFocus (double absPos, const std::string &ope, const std::string &side) |
| Moves an OPE to a new absolute position z to adjust or to define a new focus position. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifMoveXY (double xmov, double ymov, const std::string &ope, const std::string &side) |
| MoveXY moves an OPE in X or Y direction, relative to the current position. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifMoveXYZ (double xmov, double ymov, double zmov, const std::string &side) |
| MoveXYZ moves the primary and secondary together in X, Y and Z direction. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifOffsetGuiding (double angle, double offx, double offy, const std::string &_coordsys, const std::string &side) |
| OffsetGuiding moves the telescope a small distance without changing. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifOffsetPointing (double _rotangle, double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &_coordsys, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_np, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
| OffsetPointing moves the telescope a small distance, setting the value. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifOffsetPointing2 (double _rotangle, double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &_coordsys, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
| OffsetPointing moves the telescope a small distance, setting the value. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifOffsetXYAO (double DeltaX, double DeltaY, const std::string &side) |
| OffsetXY AO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifOffsetZAO (double DeltaZ, const std::string &side) |
| OffsetZ AO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifPauseAO (const std::string &side) |
| Temporarily suspends the current AO operation. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifPauseGuiding (const std::string &side) |
| Temporarily suspends the current guiding operation. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifPresetAO (const std::string &AOMode, const std::string &side) |
| Preset AO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifPresetFlatAO (const std::string &flat, const std::string &side) |
| Request flat shape for AO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifPresetTelescope (double rotangle, const std::string &rotmode, const std::string &mode, const std::string &side) |
| PresetTelescope slew the telescope into position in order to begin an observation cycle. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRefineAO (const std::string &method, const std::string &side) |
| Refine AO. More...
virtual void | iifRemove () |
| remove the IIF object More...
virtual lbto::result | iifResumeAO (const std::string &side) |
| Resumes suspended operation after a PauseAO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifResumeGuiding (const std::string &side) |
| Resumes suspended guiding operation. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotateCommon (double z, double angle, double direction, const std::string &side) |
| Rotates the primary and the secondary mirror around a common point. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotatePrimary (double distance, double angle, double direction, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to to rotate the primary about a point on axis. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotateZ (double angle, const std::string &movetype, const std::string &side) |
| the tertiary mirror is rotated to adjust the incoming beam angle for the instrument. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotHold (const std::string &side) |
| If the rotator is tracking or slewing, this command makes it stop moving and hold the position. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotReady (bool enable, const std::string &side) |
| Readies the cable wrap and rotator. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotServicePosition (double angle, const std::string &side) |
| Makes the rotator move to the specified angle in the specified coordinate frame and hold at that position. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRotTrack (const std::string &side) |
| Makes rotator begin tracking according to the polynomial stream it is currently receiving from the PCS. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifRunAO (const std::string &repointFlag, const std::string &side) |
| Do AcquireRefAO, StartAO. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSendWavefront (const lbto::SeqWF &wfs, const std::string &OPE, const std::string &side) |
| Sends an array of 28 Zernike polynomial coefficients to be compensated by the actuators. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetAGWFilter (int filterNumber, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to set the AGw filter. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetGuidingBinning (int factor, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to set the AGw filter. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetGuidingHotspot (double coord1, double coord2, const std::string &movetype, const std::string &side) |
| Sets guider hotspot. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetHotspot (double _offx, double _offy) |
| Set the hotspot coordinates to be used by PresetTelescope command. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetNonSidereal (const lbto::nonsidereal &target, bool override) |
| Set the non-sidereal values to be used by PresetTelescope. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetOffset (double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &_coordsys) |
| Set the offset coordinates to be used by PresetTelescope. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetOffset2 (double coord1, double coord2, const std::string &system, const std::string &movetype) |
| Set the offset coordinates to be used by PresetTelescope. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetParameter (const lbto::SeqDD &list) |
| Sets the values of the specified data dictionary entries on the TCS in one shot. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetPMTerm (const std::string &_name, double value, const std::string &side) |
| SetPMTerm sets a singel term in the pointing model. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetPMTerm2 (const std::string &_name, double value, const std::string &movetype, const std::string &side) |
| SetPMTerm sets a singel term in the pointing model. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetReference (const lbto::SeqPos &list) |
| Sets the AO reference star. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetReference2 (const lbto::SeqPos2 &list) |
| Sets the AO reference star. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetStars (const lbto::SeqPos &_stars) |
| Sets the target, and eventually, the guide stars. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetStars2 (const lbto::SeqPos2 &list) |
| Sets the target, and eventually, the guide stars. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifSetTarget (double coord1, double coord2, const std::string &coordsys, double epoch, float wl) |
| Set the target information to be used by PresetTelescope. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifStandby (int level, const std::string &side) |
| Use this command to set the standby level. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifStartAO (const std::string &side) |
| Start AO operation. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifStepFocus (double relPos, const std::string &ope, const std::string &side) |
| StepFocus moves the respective focus position, by moving the OPE. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifStopAO (const std::string &reason, const std::string &side) |
| Stop AO operation. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifTipTilt (double xrot, double yrot, const std::string &ope, const std::string &side) |
| TipTilt moves an OPE in tip or tilt direction, relative to the current position. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifUpdateNonSiderealTarget (double RArate, double DECrate) |
| Update the non-sidereal values. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifUpdatePointingReference (const std::string &offset_coord, const std::string &side) |
| This command allows the user to use the current sky or focal plane location achieved via the. More...
virtual lbto::result | iifUpdateTargetWavelength (float wavelength, const std::string &side) |
| Updates the target effective wavelength without issuing a new preset. More...
| IifServiceWorkerSkeleton (const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
virtual | ~IifServiceWorkerSkeleton () |
| IifServiceWorkerSkeleton (const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
virtual | ~IifServiceWorkerSkeleton () |
const Nice::PropertyPtr & | cmd () |
void | setCompletion (const Nice::Completion &_c) |
void | cmdStart (const std::string &_action="") |
void | cmdDone () |
void | cmdWarning (const std::string &_l) |
void | cmdWarning (const Nice::LoggerObject &_o) |
void | cmdError (const std::string &_l) |
void | cmdError (const Nice::LoggerObject &_o) |
void | cmdError (const Nice::SeqLoggerObject &_oo) |
void | cmdPercent (Nice::Int _v) |
void | cmdAction (Nice::Int _v, const std::string &_s) |
virtual void | cmd (const Nice::Completion &_c) |
template<typename DataType > |
Nice::Completion | exec (const Nice::Completion &_c, DataType &_localdata, const DataType &_indata=DataType()) |
| if currently online, push the state into WORKING More...
template<typename DataType > |
void | execCommand (DataType _cmd) |
const Nice::PropertyPtr & | cmd () |
void | setCompletion (const Nice::Completion &_c) |
void | cmdStart (const std::string &_action="") |
void | cmdDone () |
void | cmdWarning (const std::string &_l) |
void | cmdWarning (const Nice::LoggerObject &_o) |
void | cmdError (const std::string &_l) |
void | cmdError (const Nice::LoggerObject &_o) |
void | cmdError (const Nice::SeqLoggerObject &_oo) |
void | cmdPercent (Nice::Int _v) |
void | cmdAction (Nice::Int _v, const std::string &_s) |
virtual void | cmd (const Nice::Completion &_c) |
template<typename DataType > |
Nice::Completion | exec (const Nice::Completion &_c, DataType &_localdata, const DataType &_indata=DataType()) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | execCommand (DataType _cmd) |
const Nice::JointPtr & | config () |
Nice::JointPtr | cfg () |
Nice::JointPtr | var () |
virtual const std::string & | name () |
virtual WorkerThreadPtr | worker () |
virtual Nice::Monitor & | monitor () |
virtual void | lock () |
virtual void | unlock () |
bool | stateIsSettled () |
bool | stateHasChanged () |
void | changeState (Basda::ServiceState _state) |
| change state to a new state If the state is the current state, or a negative state, do nothing. Otherwise change the "next" state in the state machine and notify all threads. More...
bool | tryChangeState (Basda::ServiceState _state, const Nice::Time &_timeout=Nice::Time::seconds(0.0)) |
| change state to a new state More...
void | waitForState (Basda::ServiceState _state) |
| wait (indefinitely) until the worker has reached a spcifici state More...
bool | timedWaitForState (Basda::ServiceState _state, const Nice::Time &_timeout) |
| wait (indefinitely) until the worker has reached a specific state More...
bool | changeStateOnlyFromTo (Basda::ServiceState _from, Basda::ServiceState _to) |
| wait (indefinitely) until the worker has reached a spcifici state More...
Basda::ServiceState | state () |
Basda::ServiceState | stateNow () |
Basda::ServiceState | stateNext () |
Basda::ServiceState | stateLast () |
bool | isTransit () |
bool | isTerminated () |
const Nice::JointPtr & | config () |
Nice::JointPtr | cfg () |
Nice::JointPtr | var () |
virtual const std::string & | name () |
virtual WorkerThreadPtr | worker () |
virtual Nice::Monitor & | monitor () |
virtual void | lock () |
virtual void | unlock () |
bool | stateIsSettled () |
bool | stateHasChanged () |
void | changeState (Basda::ServiceState _state) |
bool | tryChangeState (Basda::ServiceState _state, const Nice::Time &_timeout=Nice::Time::seconds(0.0)) |
void | waitForState (Basda::ServiceState _state) |
bool | timedWaitForState (Basda::ServiceState _state, const Nice::Time &_timeout) |
bool | changeStateOnlyFromTo (Basda::ServiceState _from, Basda::ServiceState _to) |
Basda::ServiceState | state () |
Basda::ServiceState | stateNow () |
Basda::ServiceState | stateNext () |
Basda::ServiceState | stateLast () |
bool | isTransit () |
bool | isTerminated () |
Basda::VinoFitsCardBox | getFitsWithWcs (const double pixsc=0., const double ctrpx[]=0, const double wcsAng=std::numeric_limits< double >::quiet_NaN()) |
const char * | isReachableNode () |
const char * | enableOffsetGuidingNode () |
void | enableOffsetGuidingInit (bool _enable) |
const char * | getRANode () |
const char * | getDECNode () |
const char * | getParallacticAngleNode () |
const char * | getUTCNode () |
const char * | getLSTNode () |
const char * | getHourAngleNode () |
const char * | getAltNode () |
const char * | getAzNode () |
const char * | getEpochNode () |
const char * | getRAradiansNode () |
const char * | getDECradiansNode () |
const char * | setOffsetGuidingNode () |
void | setOffsetGuidingInit (double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | setOffsetPointingNode () |
void | setOffsetPointingInit (double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &__move_type, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | getRotatorPolynomialsNode () |
void | getRotatorPolynomialsInit (double __starttime, int __count, double __interval, int __order, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | getKFPCoordinatesNode () |
void | getKFPCoordinatesInit (const std::string &__side) |
const char * | getPresetStarsNode () |
const char * | getLINCstationNode () |
const char * | isSlewingNode () |
const char * | getFitsNode () |
void | getFitsInit (const double &__pixscal) |
const char * | setPresetTelescopeNode () |
void | setPresetTelescopeInit (int __rah, int __ramin, double __rasec, int __decdeg, int __decmin, double __decsec) |
const char * | setPresetTelescopeCatNode () |
void | setPresetTelescopeCatInit (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_stars) |
const char * | iifAcquireRefAONode () |
void | iifAcquireRefAOInit (bool _repointflag, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifAuthorizeNode () |
const char * | iifBinocularControlNode () |
void | iifBinocularControlInit (const std::string &_flag) |
const char * | iifCheckRefAONode () |
void | iifCheckRefAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifClearHotspotNode () |
const char * | iifClearNonSiderealNode () |
void | iifClearNonSiderealInit (bool _override) |
const char * | iifClearOffsetNode () |
const char * | iifClearReferenceNode () |
const char * | iifClearStarsNode () |
const char * | iifCorrectModesAONode () |
void | iifCorrectModesAOInit (const lbto::SeqModes &_modes, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifGetKFPCoordinates2Node () |
void | iifGetKFPCoordinates2Init (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_list, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifGetParameterNode () |
void | iifGetParameterInit (const lbto::SeqDD &__dd) |
const char * | iifGetRotatorPolynomialsNode () |
void | iifGetRotatorPolynomialsInit (double _start, int _count, double _interval, int _order, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifGetRotatorTrajectoryNode () |
void | iifGetRotatorTrajectoryInit (double _seconds, double _interval, double _start, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifLogEventNode () |
void | iifLogEventInit (const std::string &_event, const std::string &_description) |
const char * | iifMaximizeWrapTimeNode () |
void | iifMaximizeWrapTimeInit (bool _azflag, bool _rotflag, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifModifyAONode () |
void | iifModifyAOInit (int _nmodes, double _freq, int _nbins, double _ttmod, const std::string &_f1spec, const std::string &_f2spec, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveNode () |
void | iifMoveInit (double _x, double _y, double _z, double _rx, double _ry, double _rz, int _dflag, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_ope, int _time, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveFocusNode () |
void | iifMoveFocusInit (double _abspos, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveXYNode () |
void | iifMoveXYInit (double _xmov, double _ymov, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveXYZNode () |
void | iifMoveXYZInit (double _xmov, double _ymov, double _zmov, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifOffsetGuidingNode () |
void | iifOffsetGuidingInit (double _angle, double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifOffsetPointing2Node () |
void | iifOffsetPointing2Init (double __rotangle, double __offx, double __offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &__movetype, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | iifOffsetXYAONode () |
void | iifOffsetXYAOInit (double _deltax, double _deltay, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifOffsetZAONode () |
void | iifOffsetZAOInit (double _deltaz, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPauseAONode () |
void | iifPauseAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPauseGuidingNode () |
void | iifPauseGuidingInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPresetAONode () |
void | iifPresetAOInit (const std::string &_aomode, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPresetFlatAONode () |
void | iifPresetFlatAOInit (const std::string &_flat, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPresetTelescopeNode () |
void | iifPresetTelescopeInit (double _rotangle, const std::string &_rotmode, const std::string &_mode, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRefineAONode () |
void | iifRefineAOInit (const std::string &_method, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRemoveNode () |
const char * | iifResumeAONode () |
void | iifResumeAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifResumeGuidingNode () |
void | iifResumeGuidingInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotateCommonNode () |
void | iifRotateCommonInit (double _z, double _angle, double _direction, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotatePrimaryNode () |
void | iifRotatePrimaryInit (double _distance, double _angle, double _direction, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotateZNode () |
void | iifRotateZInit (double _angle, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotHoldNode () |
void | iifRotHoldInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotReadyNode () |
void | iifRotReadyInit (bool _enable, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotServicePositionNode () |
void | iifRotServicePositionInit (double _angle, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotTrackNode () |
void | iifRotTrackInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRunAONode () |
void | iifRunAOInit (const std::string &_repointflag, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSendWavefrontNode () |
void | iifSendWavefrontInit (const lbto::SeqWF &_wfs, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetAGWFilterNode () |
void | iifSetAGWFilterInit (int _filternumber, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetGuidingBinningNode () |
void | iifSetGuidingBinningInit (int _factor, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetGuidingHotspotNode () |
void | iifSetGuidingHotspotInit (double _coord1, double _coord2, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetHotspotNode () |
void | iifSetHotspotInit (double __offx, double __offy) |
const char * | iifSetNonSiderealNode () |
void | iifSetNonSiderealInit (const lbto::nonsidereal &_target, bool _override) |
const char * | iifSetOffset2Node () |
void | iifSetOffset2Init (double _coord1, double _coord2, const std::string &_system, const std::string &_movetype) |
const char * | iifSetParameterNode () |
void | iifSetParameterInit (const lbto::SeqDD &_list) |
const char * | iifSetPMTerm2Node () |
void | iifSetPMTerm2Init (const std::string &__name, double _value, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetReference2Node () |
void | iifSetReference2Init (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_list) |
const char * | iifSetStars2Node () |
void | iifSetStars2Init (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_list) |
const char * | iifSetTargetNode () |
void | iifSetTargetInit (double _coord1, double _coord2, const std::string &_coordsys, double _epoch, float _wl) |
const char * | iifStandbyNode () |
void | iifStandbyInit (int _level, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifStartAONode () |
void | iifStartAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifStepFocusNode () |
void | iifStepFocusInit (double _relpos, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifStopAONode () |
void | iifStopAOInit (const std::string &_reason, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifTipTiltNode () |
void | iifTipTiltInit (double _xrot, double _yrot, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifUpdateNonSiderealTargetNode () |
void | iifUpdateNonSiderealTargetInit (double _rarate, double _decrate) |
const char * | iifUpdatePointingReferenceNode () |
void | iifUpdatePointingReferenceInit (const std::string &_offset_coord, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifUpdateTargetWavelengthNode () |
void | iifUpdateTargetWavelengthInit (float _wavelength, const std::string &_side) |
virtual void | work () |
const char * | isReachableNode () |
const char * | enableOffsetGuidingNode () |
void | enableOffsetGuidingInit (bool _enable) |
const char * | getRANode () |
const char * | getDECNode () |
const char * | getParallacticAngleNode () |
const char * | getUTCNode () |
const char * | getLSTNode () |
const char * | getHourAngleNode () |
const char * | getAltNode () |
const char * | getAzNode () |
const char * | getEpochNode () |
const char * | getRAradiansNode () |
const char * | getDECradiansNode () |
const char * | setOffsetGuidingNode () |
void | setOffsetGuidingInit (double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | setOffsetPointingNode () |
void | setOffsetPointingInit (double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &__move_type, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | getRotatorPolynomialsNode () |
void | getRotatorPolynomialsInit (double __starttime, int __count, double __interval, int __order, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | getKFPCoordinatesNode () |
void | getKFPCoordinatesInit (const std::string &__side) |
const char * | getPresetStarsNode () |
const char * | getLINCstationNode () |
const char * | isSlewingNode () |
const char * | getFitsNode () |
void | getFitsInit (const double &__pixscal) |
const char * | setPresetTelescopeNode () |
void | setPresetTelescopeInit (int __rah, int __ramin, double __rasec, int __decdeg, int __decmin, double __decsec) |
const char * | setPresetTelescopeCatNode () |
void | setPresetTelescopeCatInit (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_stars) |
const char * | iifAcquireRefAONode () |
void | iifAcquireRefAOInit (bool _repointflag, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifAuthorizeNode () |
const char * | iifBinocularControlNode () |
void | iifBinocularControlInit (const std::string &_flag) |
const char * | iifCheckRefAONode () |
void | iifCheckRefAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifClearHotspotNode () |
const char * | iifClearNonSiderealNode () |
void | iifClearNonSiderealInit (bool _override) |
const char * | iifClearOffsetNode () |
const char * | iifClearReferenceNode () |
const char * | iifClearStarsNode () |
const char * | iifCorrectModesAONode () |
void | iifCorrectModesAOInit (const lbto::SeqModes &_modes, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifGetKFPCoordinates2Node () |
void | iifGetKFPCoordinates2Init (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_list, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifGetParameterNode () |
void | iifGetParameterInit (const lbto::SeqDD &__dd) |
const char * | iifGetRotatorPolynomialsNode () |
void | iifGetRotatorPolynomialsInit (double _start, int _count, double _interval, int _order, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifGetRotatorTrajectoryNode () |
void | iifGetRotatorTrajectoryInit (double _seconds, double _interval, double _start, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifLogEventNode () |
void | iifLogEventInit (const std::string &_event, const std::string &_description) |
const char * | iifMaximizeWrapTimeNode () |
void | iifMaximizeWrapTimeInit (bool _azflag, bool _rotflag, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifModifyAONode () |
void | iifModifyAOInit (int _nmodes, double _freq, int _nbins, double _ttmod, const std::string &_f1spec, const std::string &_f2spec, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveNode () |
void | iifMoveInit (double _x, double _y, double _z, double _rx, double _ry, double _rz, int _dflag, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_ope, int _time, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveFocusNode () |
void | iifMoveFocusInit (double _abspos, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveXYNode () |
void | iifMoveXYInit (double _xmov, double _ymov, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifMoveXYZNode () |
void | iifMoveXYZInit (double _xmov, double _ymov, double _zmov, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifOffsetGuidingNode () |
void | iifOffsetGuidingInit (double _angle, double _offx, double _offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifOffsetPointing2Node () |
void | iifOffsetPointing2Init (double __rotangle, double __offx, double __offy, const std::string &__coordsys, const std::string &__movetype, const std::string &__side) |
const char * | iifOffsetXYAONode () |
void | iifOffsetXYAOInit (double _deltax, double _deltay, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifOffsetZAONode () |
void | iifOffsetZAOInit (double _deltaz, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPauseAONode () |
void | iifPauseAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPauseGuidingNode () |
void | iifPauseGuidingInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPresetAONode () |
void | iifPresetAOInit (const std::string &_aomode, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPresetFlatAONode () |
void | iifPresetFlatAOInit (const std::string &_flat, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifPresetTelescopeNode () |
void | iifPresetTelescopeInit (double _rotangle, const std::string &_rotmode, const std::string &_mode, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRefineAONode () |
void | iifRefineAOInit (const std::string &_method, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRemoveNode () |
const char * | iifResumeAONode () |
void | iifResumeAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifResumeGuidingNode () |
void | iifResumeGuidingInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotateCommonNode () |
void | iifRotateCommonInit (double _z, double _angle, double _direction, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotatePrimaryNode () |
void | iifRotatePrimaryInit (double _distance, double _angle, double _direction, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotateZNode () |
void | iifRotateZInit (double _angle, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotHoldNode () |
void | iifRotHoldInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotReadyNode () |
void | iifRotReadyInit (bool _enable, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotServicePositionNode () |
void | iifRotServicePositionInit (double _angle, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRotTrackNode () |
void | iifRotTrackInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifRunAONode () |
void | iifRunAOInit (const std::string &_repointflag, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSendWavefrontNode () |
void | iifSendWavefrontInit (const lbto::SeqWF &_wfs, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetAGWFilterNode () |
void | iifSetAGWFilterInit (int _filternumber, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetGuidingBinningNode () |
void | iifSetGuidingBinningInit (int _factor, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetGuidingHotspotNode () |
void | iifSetGuidingHotspotInit (double _coord1, double _coord2, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetHotspotNode () |
void | iifSetHotspotInit (double __offx, double __offy) |
const char * | iifSetNonSiderealNode () |
void | iifSetNonSiderealInit (const lbto::nonsidereal &_target, bool _override) |
const char * | iifSetOffset2Node () |
void | iifSetOffset2Init (double _coord1, double _coord2, const std::string &_system, const std::string &_movetype) |
const char * | iifSetParameterNode () |
void | iifSetParameterInit (const lbto::SeqDD &_list) |
const char * | iifSetPMTerm2Node () |
void | iifSetPMTerm2Init (const std::string &__name, double _value, const std::string &_movetype, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifSetReference2Node () |
void | iifSetReference2Init (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_list) |
const char * | iifSetStars2Node () |
void | iifSetStars2Init (const lbto::SeqPos2 &_list) |
const char * | iifSetTargetNode () |
void | iifSetTargetInit (double _coord1, double _coord2, const std::string &_coordsys, double _epoch, float _wl) |
const char * | iifStandbyNode () |
void | iifStandbyInit (int _level, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifStartAONode () |
void | iifStartAOInit (const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifStepFocusNode () |
void | iifStepFocusInit (double _relpos, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifStopAONode () |
void | iifStopAOInit (const std::string &_reason, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifTipTiltNode () |
void | iifTipTiltInit (double _xrot, double _yrot, const std::string &_ope, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifUpdateNonSiderealTargetNode () |
void | iifUpdateNonSiderealTargetInit (double _rarate, double _decrate) |
const char * | iifUpdatePointingReferenceNode () |
void | iifUpdatePointingReferenceInit (const std::string &_offset_coord, const std::string &_side) |
const char * | iifUpdateTargetWavelengthNode () |
void | iifUpdateTargetWavelengthInit (float _wavelength, const std::string &_side) |
virtual void | work () |
| ServiceWorkerSkeleton (const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
| ServiceWorkerSkeleton (const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
| ServiceWorker (const Nice::JointPtr &_jointPtr) |
| ctor More...
virtual | ~ServiceWorker () |
| dtor Does nothing (in this base class) More...
void | triggerState (const Basda::ServiceStateMachine &_state) |
| change state to a new state More...
void | sendStateStatus (const std::string &_action, int _percent) |
void | setState (Basda::ServiceState _next) |
virtual void | waitForNewState () |
virtual bool | timedWaitForNewState (const Nice::Time &_timeout) |
virtual void | preinit () |
virtual void | packin () |
| schedule ONLINE as the next target state. More...
virtual void | terminate () |
| schedule EXIT as the next target state. More...
virtual void | idleStandby () |
| wait for a state change. More...
| ServiceWorker (const Nice::JointPtr &_jointPtr) |
virtual | ~ServiceWorker () |
void | triggerState (const Basda::ServiceStateMachine &_state) |
void | sendStateStatus (const std::string &_action, int _percent) |
void | setState (Basda::ServiceState _next) |
virtual void | waitForNewState () |
virtual bool | timedWaitForNewState (const Nice::Time &_timeout) |
virtual void | preinit () |
virtual void | packin () |
virtual void | terminate () |
virtual void | idleStandby () |