TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions
lbto Namespace Reference




class  Arbitrator
 The arbitrator class controls the authorized instruments and returns the appropiated pointer to the IIF. More...
class  Callback_Factory_create
class  Callback_Factory_create_Base
class  Callback_Factory_debugMode
class  Callback_Factory_debugMode_Base
class  Callback_Factory_destroy
class  Callback_Factory_destroy_Base
class  Callback_Factory_destroyProxy
class  Callback_Factory_destroyProxy_Base
class  Callback_Factory_getProxy
class  Callback_Factory_getProxy_Base
class  Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation
class  Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation_Base
class  Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrument
class  Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrument_Base
class  Callback_Factory_listConnections
class  Callback_Factory_listConnections_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_Authorize
class  Callback_IIFServer_Authorize_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControl
class  Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControl_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffset
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffset_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearReference
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearReference_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearStars
class  Callback_IIFServer_ClearStars_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetParameter
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetParameter_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory
class  Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_LogEvent
class  Callback_IIFServer_LogEvent_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime
class  Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_Move
class  Callback_IIFServer_Move_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocus
class  Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocus_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_MoveXY
class  Callback_IIFServer_MoveXY_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ
class  Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_NSQuery
class  Callback_IIFServer_NSQuery_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_PauseAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_PauseAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding
class  Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_PresetAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_PresetAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope
class  Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RefineAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_RefineAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_remove
class  Callback_IIFServer_remove_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding
class  Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommon
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommon_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotateZ
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotateZ_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotHold
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotHold_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotReady
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotReady_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotTrack
class  Callback_IIFServer_RotTrack_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_RunAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_RunAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefront
class  Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefront_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspot
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspot_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetParameter
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetParameter_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetReference
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetReference_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetStars
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetStars_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetTarget
class  Callback_IIFServer_SetTarget_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_Standby
class  Callback_IIFServer_Standby_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_StartAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_StartAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_StepFocus
class  Callback_IIFServer_StepFocus_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_StopAO
class  Callback_IIFServer_StopAO_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_TipTilt
class  Callback_IIFServer_TipTilt_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference_Base
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength
class  Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength_Base
class  CallbackNC_Factory_create
class  CallbackNC_Factory_debugMode
class  CallbackNC_Factory_destroy
class  CallbackNC_Factory_destroyProxy
class  CallbackNC_Factory_getProxy
class  CallbackNC_Factory_getProxyFocalStation
class  CallbackNC_Factory_getProxyInstrument
class  CallbackNC_Factory_listConnections
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_Authorize
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_BinocularControl
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_CheckRefAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ClearHotspot
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ClearOffset
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ClearReference
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ClearStars
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_GetParameter
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_LogEvent
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ModifyAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_Move
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_MoveFocus
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_MoveXY
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_MoveXYZ
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_NSQuery
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_OffsetPointing
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_OffsetZAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_PauseAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_PauseGuiding
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_PresetAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_PresetTelescope
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RefineAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_remove
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ResumeAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotateCommon
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotatePrimary
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotateZ
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotHold
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotReady
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotServicePosition
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RotTrack
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_RunAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SendWavefront
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetHotspot
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetOffset
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetOffset2
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetParameter
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetPMTerm
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetReference
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetReference2
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetStars
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetStars2
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetStarsNew
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_SetTarget
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_Standby
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_StartAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_StepFocus
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_StopAO
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_TipTilt
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference
class  CallbackNC_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength
struct  DDstruct
struct  DirtContainer
class  Factory
class  FactoryI
class  IIFServer
class  IIFServerI
struct  newposition
struct  nonsidereal
struct  position
struct  position2
struct  result


typedef ::IceInternal::Handle< ::lbto::IIFServerIIFServerPtr
typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ::IceProxy::lbto::IIFServerIIFServerPrx
typedef ::std::vector< ::lbto::DDstructSeqDD
typedef ::std::vector< ::lbto::positionSeqPos
typedef ::std::vector< ::lbto::newpositionSeqNewPos
typedef ::std::vector< ::lbto::position2SeqPos2
typedef ::std::vector< ::Ice::Double > SeqWF
typedef ::std::vector< ::Ice::Double > SeqModes
typedef ::std::vector< ::std::string > SeqRes
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_Authorize_BaseCallback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_StepFocus_BaseCallback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocus_BaseCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing_BaseCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2_BaseCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding_BaseCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference_BaseCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_TipTilt_BaseCallback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ_BaseCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_MoveXY_BaseCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_Move_BaseCallback_IIFServer_MovePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetTarget_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetStars_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ClearStars_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspot_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffset_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget_BaseCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject_BaseCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope_BaseCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControl_BaseCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_GetParameter_BaseCallback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetParameter_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommon_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotateZ_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefront_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength_BaseCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_LogEvent_BaseCallback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory_BaseCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials_BaseCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_Standby_BaseCallback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime_BaseCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding_BaseCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotReady_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotHold_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotTrack_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_PauseAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_StartAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_StopAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RefineAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_RunAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_PresetAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO_BaseCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetReference_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2_BaseCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_ClearReference_BaseCallback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates_BaseCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew_BaseCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2_BaseCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_NSQuery_BaseCallback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_IIFServer_remove_BaseCallback_IIFServer_removePtr
typedef ::IceInternal::Handle< ::lbto::FactoryFactoryPtr
typedef ::IceInternal::ProxyHandle< ::IceProxy::lbto::FactoryFactoryPrx
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_create_BaseCallback_Factory_createPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_destroy_BaseCallback_Factory_destroyPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_destroyProxy_BaseCallback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_getProxy_BaseCallback_Factory_getProxyPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrument_BaseCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation_BaseCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_listConnections_BaseCallback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr
typedef ::IceUtil::Handle< Callback_Factory_debugMode_BaseCallback_Factory_debugModePtr


::Ice::Object * upCast (::lbto::IIFServer *)
void __patch (IIFServerPtr &, const ::Ice::ObjectPtr &)
bool operator== (const IIFServer &l, const IIFServer &r)
bool operator< (const IIFServer &l, const IIFServer &r)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Move (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Move (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Move (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr newCallback_IIFServer_Move (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_Standby (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_Standby (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_Standby (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_Standby (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr newCallback_IIFServer_remove (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const result &res)
 print the most important parameters of a result structure. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, result &res)
 get the rescode from an input stream More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DDstruct &DD)
 print the most important parameters of a DDstruct structure. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, DDstruct &DD)
 print the most important parameters of a DDstruct structure. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const position &pos)
 print the most important parameters of a position structure. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, position &pos)
 print the most important parameters of a position structure. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const position2 &pos2)
 print the most important parameters of a position2 structure. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, position2 &pos2)
 print the most important parameters of a position2 structure. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const nonsidereal &target)
 print the most important parameters of a nonsidereal structure. More...
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, nonsidereal &target)
 print the most important parameters of a nonsidereal structure. More...
bool operator< (const lbto::result &left, const lbto::result &right)
 Compare two result types. More...
bool operator== (const lbto::result &left, const lbto::result &right)
 Compare two result types. More...
bool operator!= (const lbto::result &left, const lbto::result &right)
 Compare two result types. More...
bool operator< (const lbto::position2 &left, const lbto::position2 &right)
 Compare two position2 types This is to simplify derivation of the IifStar class in a TaN environment. More...
bool operator== (const lbto::position2 &left, const lbto::position2 &right)
 Compare two position2 types This is to simplify derivation of the IifStar class in a TaN environment. More...
bool operator!= (const lbto::position2 &left, const lbto::position2 &right)
 Compare two position2 types This is to simplify derivation of the IifStar class in a TaN environment. More...
bool operator< (const nonsidereal &left, const nonsidereal &right)
bool operator== (const nonsidereal &left, const nonsidereal &right)
bool operator!= (const nonsidereal &left, const nonsidereal &right)
::Ice::Object * upCast (::lbto::Factory *)
void __patch (FactoryPtr &, const ::Ice::ObjectPtr &)
bool operator== (const Factory &l, const Factory &r)
bool operator< (const Factory &l, const Factory &r)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_createPtr newCallback_Factory_create (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_createPtr newCallback_Factory_create (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_createPtr newCallback_Factory_create (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_createPtr newCallback_Factory_create (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroy (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxy (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxy (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxy (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr newCallback_Factory_listConnections (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr newCallback_Factory_listConnections (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr newCallback_Factory_listConnections (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr newCallback_Factory_listConnections (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const ::std::string &, const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (const IceUtil::Handle< T > &instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (T *instance, void(T::*cb)(const CT &), void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr newCallback_Factory_debugMode (T *instance, void(T::*excb)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &), void(T::*sentcb)(bool, const CT &)=0)
void showResults (const result _res, const string _cmd)
 Print the result messages of the TCS. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ Callback_Factory_createPtr

◆ Callback_Factory_debugModePtr

◆ Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr

◆ Callback_Factory_destroyPtr

◆ Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr

◆ Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr

◆ Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr

◆ Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_removePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr

◆ Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr

◆ FactoryPrx

typedef::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::lbto::Factory > lbto::FactoryPrx

◆ FactoryPtr

typedef::IceInternal::Handle<::lbto::Factory > lbto::FactoryPtr

◆ IIFServerPrx

typedef::IceInternal::ProxyHandle<::IceProxy::lbto::IIFServer > lbto::IIFServerPrx

◆ IIFServerPtr

typedef::IceInternal::Handle<::lbto::IIFServer > lbto::IIFServerPtr

◆ SeqDD

typedef::std::vector<::lbto::DDstruct > lbto::SeqDD

◆ SeqModes

typedef::std::vector<::Ice::Double > lbto::SeqModes

◆ SeqNewPos

typedef::std::vector<::lbto::newposition > lbto::SeqNewPos

◆ SeqPos

typedef::std::vector<::lbto::position > lbto::SeqPos

◆ SeqPos2

typedef::std::vector<::lbto::position2 > lbto::SeqPos2

◆ SeqRes

typedef::std::vector<::std::string > lbto::SeqRes

◆ SeqWF

typedef::std::vector<::Ice::Double > lbto::SeqWF

Function Documentation

◆ __patch() [1/2]

void lbto::__patch ( IIFServerPtr ,
const ::Ice::ObjectPtr &   

◆ __patch() [2/2]

void lbto::__patch ( FactoryPtr ,
const ::Ice::ObjectPtr &   

◆ newCallback_Factory_create() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_createPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_create ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_create() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_createPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_create ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_create() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_createPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_create ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_create() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_createPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_create ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::IIFServerPrx &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [1/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [2/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [3/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [4/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [5/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [6/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [7/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_debugMode() [8/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_debugModePtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_debugMode ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [1/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [2/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [3/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [4/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [5/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [6/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [7/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroy() [8/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [1/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [2/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [3/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [4/8]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [5/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [6/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [7/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy() [8/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_destroyProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_destroyProxy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxy() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxy() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxy() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxy ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxy() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxy ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyFocalStationPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyFocalStation ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_getProxyInstrumentPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_getProxyInstrument ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_listConnections() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_listConnections ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_listConnections() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_listConnections ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_listConnections() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_listConnections ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_Factory_listConnections() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_Factory_listConnectionsPtr lbto::newCallback_Factory_listConnections ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::std::string &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_AcquireRefAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_AuthorizePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Authorize ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_BinocularControlPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_BinocularControl ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CheckRefAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CheckRefAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearHotspot ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSidereal ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearNonSiderealObject ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearOffset ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearReference ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ClearStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ClearStars ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_CorrectModesAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinates2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetKFPCoordinatesNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetParameter ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomialsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorPolynomials ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectoryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_GetRotatorTrajectory ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_LogEventPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_LogEvent ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTimePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MaximizeWrapTime ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ModifyAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ModifyAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Move() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Move ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Move() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Move ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Move() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Move ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Move() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MovePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Move ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveFocus ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXY ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_MoveXYZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_MoveXYZ ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_NSQueryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_NSQuery ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetGuiding ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetPointing2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetXYAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_OffsetZAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_OffsetZAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PauseGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PauseGuiding ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetFlatAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_PresetTelescopePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_PresetTelescope ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RefineAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RefineAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [1/8]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [2/8]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [3/8]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)()  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [4/8]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [5/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [6/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [7/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_remove() [8/8]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_removePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_remove ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_ResumeGuidingPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_ResumeGuiding ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateCommonPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateCommon ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotatePrimaryPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotatePrimary ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotateZPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotateZ ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotHoldPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotHold ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotReadyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotReady ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotServicePositionPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotServicePosition ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RotTrackPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RotTrack ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_RunAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_RunAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SendWavefrontPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SendWavefront ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetAGWFilter ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinningPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingBinning ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetGuidingHotspot ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetHotspotPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetHotspot ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSidereal ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetNonSiderealObject ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffset2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffset2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetOffsetNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetParameterPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetParameter ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTermPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetPMTerm2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReference2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReference2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetReferenceNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStars2Ptr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStars2 ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetStarsNewPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetStarsNew ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_SetTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_SetTarget ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Standby() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Standby ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Standby() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Standby ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Standby() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Standby ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_Standby() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StandbyPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_Standby ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StartAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StartAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StepFocusPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StepFocus ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_StopAOPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_StopAO ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_TipTiltPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_TipTilt ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObjectPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealObject ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTargetPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateNonSiderealTarget ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReferencePtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdatePointingReference ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength() [1/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength() [2/4]

template<class T >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength() [3/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength ( const IceUtil::Handle< T > &  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength() [4/4]

template<class T , typename CT >
Callback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelengthPtr lbto::newCallback_IIFServer_UpdateTargetWavelength ( T *  instance,
void(T::*)(const ::lbto::result &, const CT &)  cb,
void(T::*)(const ::Ice::Exception &, const CT &)  excb,
void(T::*)(bool, const CT &)  sentcb = 0 

◆ operator!=() [1/3]

bool lbto::operator!= ( const result left,
const result right 

Compare two result types.

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two integer codes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator!=() [2/3]

bool lbto::operator!= ( const position2 left,
const position2 right 

Compare two position2 types This is to simplify derivation of the IifStar class in a TaN environment.

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two magnitudes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator!=() [3/3]

bool lbto::operator!= ( const nonsidereal left,
const nonsidereal right 

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two integer codes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<() [1/5]

bool lbto::operator< ( const result left,
const result right 

Compare two result types.

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two integer codes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<() [2/5]

bool lbto::operator< ( const position2 left,
const position2 right 

Compare two position2 types This is to simplify derivation of the IifStar class in a TaN environment.

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two magnitudes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<() [3/5]

bool lbto::operator< ( const nonsidereal left,
const nonsidereal right 

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two integer codes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<() [4/5]

bool lbto::operator< ( const Factory l,
const Factory r 

◆ operator<() [5/5]

bool lbto::operator< ( const IIFServer l,
const IIFServer r 

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

std::ostream & lbto::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const result res 

print the most important parameters of a result structure.

osThe stream to print this to.
resThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream & lbto::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DDstruct DD 

print the most important parameters of a DDstruct structure.

osThe stream to print this to.
DDThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream & lbto::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const position pos 

print the most important parameters of a position structure.

osThe stream to print this to.
posThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream & lbto::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const position2 pos2 

print the most important parameters of a position2 structure.

osThe stream to print this to.
pos2The structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream & lbto::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const nonsidereal target 

print the most important parameters of a nonsidereal structure.

targetThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator==() [1/5]

bool lbto::operator== ( const result left,
const result right 

Compare two result types.

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two integer codes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator==() [2/5]

bool lbto::operator== ( const position2 left,
const position2 right 

Compare two position2 types This is to simplify derivation of the IifStar class in a TaN environment.

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two magnitudes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator==() [3/5]

bool lbto::operator== ( const nonsidereal left,
const nonsidereal right 

leftParameter left to the less-sign.
rightParameter right to the less-sign.
A flat (useless) comparison of the two integer codes.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator==() [4/5]

bool lbto::operator== ( const Factory l,
const Factory r 

◆ operator==() [5/5]

bool lbto::operator== ( const IIFServer l,
const IIFServer r 

◆ operator>>() [1/5]

std::istream & lbto::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
result res 

get the rescode from an input stream

isThe stream to get this from
resThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
This is not compatible with the output streamoperation because we cannot know how many strings will be in the input stream.
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator>>() [2/5]

std::istream & lbto::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
DDstruct DD 

print the most important parameters of a DDstruct structure.

DDThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator>>() [3/5]

std::istream & lbto::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
position pos 

print the most important parameters of a position structure.

isThe stream to print this to.
posThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator>>() [4/5]

std::istream & lbto::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
position2 pos2 

print the most important parameters of a position2 structure.

isThe streamto get this from
pos2The structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ operator>>() [5/5]

std::istream & lbto::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
nonsidereal target 

print the most important parameters of a nonsidereal structure.

targetThe structure as defined in the ICE interface
R. J. Mathar

◆ showResults()

void lbto::showResults ( const result  _res,
const string  _cmd 

Print the result messages of the TCS.

to print out the result messages coming from TCS

_resThe result structure obtained from the TCS
_cmdThe command that was sent.

◆ upCast() [1/2]

Ice::Object * lbto::upCast ( ::lbto::IIFServer )

◆ upCast() [2/2]

Ice::Object * lbto::upCast ( ::lbto::Factory )