TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Deprecated List
Member Laos::StarEnlarger::posReachable (const Nice::Point &_targetPosition, std::string _unit)
since a the StarEnlargerServiceWorker::validateMoveTo delivers essentially the same information
Member lbto::IIFServerI::GetKFPCoordinatesNew (const SeqNewPos &list, const std::string &side, const Ice::Current &)
Use GetKFPCoordinates2
Member lbto::IIFServerI::SetOffsetNew (double coord1, double coord2, const std::string &coordsys, const std::string &movetype, const Ice::Current &)
Use SetOffset2
Member lbto::IIFServerI::SetReferenceNew (const SeqNewPos &list, const Ice::Current &)
use SetReference2
Member Ltcs::IifServiceWorker::iifSetTarget (double coord1, double coord2, const std::string &coordsys, double epoch, float wl)

use iifSetStars2 instead

use iifSetStars2 instead

Member Nice::basic_pstreambuf< CharT, Traits >::fd_t

use pstreams::fd_type instead.

use pstreams::fd_type instead.