TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
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Nice::SkyPoint Class Reference

The two coordinates of a point on the celestial sphere. More...

#include <SkyPoint.h>

Collaboration diagram for Nice::SkyPoint:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 SkyPoint ()
 default constructor: Sets Ra, Dec and Alt, Az to NAN More...
 SkyPoint (const DMS &r, const DMS &d)
 constructor: Sets m_ra, Dec and m_ra0, Dec0 according to arguments. More...
 SkyPoint (const Nice::SkyPointVar &rd)
 Bridge constructor: Sets m_ra, Dec and m_ra0, Dec0 according to argument SpkyPointVar. More...
 SkyPoint (double r, double d)
 Default constructor using double arguments, for convenience. More...
virtual ~SkyPoint ()
 Dtor. More...
 operator Nice::SkyPointVar () const
 Cast operator SkyPointVar. More...
bool isValidRaDec () const
 Checks if its a valid radec Does not set Altitude or Azimuth. More...
bool isValidAltAz () const
 Checks if its a valid AltAz Does not set RaDec. More...
void set (const DMS &r, const DMS &d)
 Sets m_ra, Dec and m_ra0, Dec0 according to arguments. More...
void set (double r, double d)
 Sets both coordinates. More...
void setRa (const DMS &r)
 Sets the current Right Ascension. More...
void setRa (double r)
 Sets the right ascension. More...
void setDec (const DMS &d)
 Sets the current Declination. More...
void setDec (double d)
 Sets the declination. More...
void setAlt (const DMS &alt)
 Sets the Altitude. More...
void setAlt (double alt)
 Sets the altitude. More...
void setAz (const DMS &az)
 Sets the Azimuth. More...
void setAz (double az)
 Sets the azimuth. More...
DMS ra () const
DMS dec () const
DMS az () const
DMS alt () const
const DMSra_ref () const
const DMSdec_ref () const
const DMSaz_ref () const
const DMSalt_ref () const
DMS pang (const DMS &LST, const GeoLocation &site=GeoLocation()) const
 Compute the parallactic angle. More...
DMS pang (const DMS &HourAngle, const DMS &lat) const
 Compute the parallactic angle. More...
DMS pangDot (const DMS &LST, const GeoLocation &site=GeoLocation())
 Compute the time derivative of the parallactic angle. More...
DMS pangDot (const DMS &LST, const DMS &lat)
 Compute the time derivative of the parallactic angle. More...
void EquatorialToHorizontal (const DMS &LST, const DMS &lat)
 Fix/compute the (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates. More...
void HorizontalToEquatorial (const DMS &LST, const DMS &lat)
 Determine the (m_ra, Dec) coordinates. More...
void findEcliptic (const DMS &bliquity, DMS &EcLong, DMS &EcLat)
 Determine the Ecliptic coordinates of the SkyPoint, given the Julian Date. More...
void setFromEcliptic (const DMS &Obliquity, const DMS &EcLong, const DMS &EcLat)
 Set the current (m_ra, Dec) coordinates of the SkyPoint, given pointers to its Ecliptic (Long, Lat) coordinates, and to the current obliquity angle (the angle between the equator and ecliptic). More...
void Equatorial1950ToGalactic (DMS &galLong, DMS &galLat)
 Computes galactic coordinates from equatorial coordinates referred to epoch 1950. More...
void GalacticToEquatorial1950 (const DMS &galLong, const DMS &galLat)
 Computes equatorial coordinates referred to 1950 from galactic ones referred to epoch B1950. More...
void nutate (const Nice::SkyNumbers &num)
 Determine the effects of nutation for this SkyPoint. More...
void aberrate (const Nice::SkyNumbers &num)
 Determine the effects of aberration for this SkyPoint. More...
SkyPoint Eterms ()
 Determine the E-terms of aberration In the past, the mean places of stars published in catalogs included the contribution to the aberration due to the ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth. More...
void B1950ToJ2000 ()
 Exact precession from Besselian epoch 1950 to epoch J2000. More...
void J2000ToB1950 ()
 Exact precession from epoch J2000 Besselian epoch 1950. More...
void addEterms ()
 Coordinates in the FK4 catalog include the effect of aberration due to the ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth. More...
void subtractEterms (void)
 Coordinates in the FK4 catalog include the effect of aberration due to the ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth. More...
DMS angularDistanceTo (const SkyPoint &sp) const
 Computes the angular distance between two SkyObjects. More...
bool operator== (const SkyPoint &p) const
double vRSite (double vsite[3])
 Computes the velocity of any object (oberver's site) projected on the direction of the source. More...
double vTopocentric (double vgeo, double vsite[3])
 Computes the radial velocity of a source referred to the observer site on the surface of the earth from the geocentric velovity and the velocity of the site referred to the center of the Earth. More...
double vTopoToVGeo (double vtopo, double vsite[3])
 Computes the radial velocity of a source referred to the center of the Earth from the radial velocity referred to an observer site on the surface of the earth. More...
 SkyPoint ()
 SkyPoint (const DMS &r, const DMS &d)
 SkyPoint (const Nice::SkyPointVar &rd)
 SkyPoint (double r, double d)
virtual ~SkyPoint ()
 operator Nice::SkyPointVar () const
bool isValidRaDec () const
bool isValidAltAz () const
void set (const DMS &r, const DMS &d)
void set (double r, double d)
void setRa (const DMS &r)
void setRa (double r)
void setDec (const DMS &d)
void setDec (double d)
void setAlt (const DMS &alt)
void setAlt (double alt)
void setAz (const DMS &az)
void setAz (double az)
DMS ra () const
DMS dec () const
DMS az () const
DMS alt () const
const DMSra_ref () const
const DMSdec_ref () const
const DMSaz_ref () const
const DMSalt_ref () const
DMS pang (const DMS &LST, const GeoLocation &site=GeoLocation()) const
DMS pang (const DMS &HourAngle, const DMS &lat) const
DMS pangDot (const DMS &LST, const GeoLocation &site=GeoLocation())
DMS pangDot (const DMS &LST, const DMS &lat)
void EquatorialToHorizontal (const DMS &LST, const DMS &lat)
void HorizontalToEquatorial (const DMS &LST, const DMS &lat)
void findEcliptic (const DMS &bliquity, DMS &EcLong, DMS &EcLat)
void setFromEcliptic (const DMS &Obliquity, const DMS &EcLong, const DMS &EcLat)
void Equatorial1950ToGalactic (DMS &galLong, DMS &galLat)
void GalacticToEquatorial1950 (const DMS &galLong, const DMS &galLat)
void nutate (const Nice::SkyNumbers &num)
void aberrate (const Nice::SkyNumbers &num)
SkyPoint Eterms ()
void B1950ToJ2000 ()
void J2000ToB1950 ()
void addEterms ()
void subtractEterms (void)
DMS angularDistanceTo (const SkyPoint &sp) const
bool operator== (const SkyPoint &p) const
double vRSite (double vsite[3])
double vTopocentric (double vgeo, double vsite[3])
double vTopoToVGeo (double vtopo, double vsite[3])

Static Public Member Functions

static double ParAng (double _ha, double _dec, double _phi)
 compute the parallactic angle More...
static double ParAng (double _ha, double _dec, double _phi)

Protected Attributes

DMS m_ra
 current true sky coordinate RA More...
DMS m_dec
 current true sky coordinate DEC More...
DMS m_alt
 current altitude More...
DMS m_az
 current azimuth Apparently this is oriented with N=0, E=90, as LBTO does. More...

Detailed Description

The two coordinates of a point on the celestial sphere.

The sky coordinates of a point in the sky. The coordinates are stored in both Equatorial (Right Ascension, Declination) and Horizontal (Azimuth, Altitude) coordinate systems. Provides set/get functions for each coordinate angle, and functions to convert between the Equatorial and Horizon coordinate systems.

Because the coordinate values change slowly over time (due to precession, nutation), the "catalog coordinates" are stored (m_ra0, Dec0), which were the true coordinates on Jan 1, 2000. The true coordinates (m_ra, Dec) at any other epoch can be found from the catalog coordinates using updateCoords(). Stores DMS coordinates for a point in the sky. for converting between coordinate systems.

Jason Harris

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SkyPoint() [1/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( )

default constructor: Sets Ra, Dec and Alt, Az to NAN

◆ SkyPoint() [2/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( const DMS r,
const DMS d 

constructor: Sets m_ra, Dec and m_ra0, Dec0 according to arguments.

Does not set Altitude or Azimuth.

rRight Ascension

◆ SkyPoint() [3/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( const Nice::SkyPointVar rd)

Bridge constructor: Sets m_ra, Dec and m_ra0, Dec0 according to argument SpkyPointVar.

Does not set Altitude or Azimuth.


◆ SkyPoint() [4/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( double  r,
double  d 

Default constructor using double arguments, for convenience.

It behaves essentially like the default constructor.

rRight Ascension, expressed as a double
dDeclination, expressed as a double

◆ ~SkyPoint() [1/2]

Nice::SkyPoint::~SkyPoint ( )


Does nothing. Actually this is superfluous becuase the default dtor would work as a POD.

◆ SkyPoint() [5/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( )

◆ SkyPoint() [6/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( const DMS r,
const DMS d 

◆ SkyPoint() [7/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( const Nice::SkyPointVar rd)

◆ SkyPoint() [8/8]

Nice::SkyPoint::SkyPoint ( double  r,
double  d 

◆ ~SkyPoint() [2/2]

virtual Nice::SkyPoint::~SkyPoint ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ aberrate() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::aberrate ( const Nice::SkyNumbers num)

Determine the effects of aberration for this SkyPoint.

numpointer to SkyNumbers object containing current values of time-dependent variables.

◆ aberrate() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::aberrate ( const Nice::SkyNumbers num)

◆ addEterms() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::addEterms ( )

Coordinates in the FK4 catalog include the effect of aberration due to the ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth.

Coordinates in the FK5 catalog do not include these terms. In order to convert from B1950 (FK4) to actual mean places one has to use this function.

◆ addEterms() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::addEterms ( )

◆ alt() [1/2]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::alt ( ) const
the current Altitude.

◆ alt() [2/2]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::alt ( ) const

◆ alt_ref() [1/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::alt_ref ( ) const

◆ alt_ref() [2/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::alt_ref ( ) const

◆ angularDistanceTo() [1/2]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::angularDistanceTo ( const SkyPoint sp) const

Computes the angular distance between two SkyObjects.

The algorithm to compute this distance is: cos(distance) = sin(d1)*sin(d2) + cos(d1)*cos(d2)*cos(a1-a2) where a1,d1 are the coordinates of the first object and a2,d2 are the coordinates of the second object. However this algorithm is not accurate when the angular separation is small. Meeus provides a different algorithm in page 111 which we implement here.

spSkyPoint to which distance is to be calculated
DMS angle representing angular separation.

◆ angularDistanceTo() [2/2]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::angularDistanceTo ( const SkyPoint sp) const

◆ az() [1/2]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::az ( ) const
the current Azimuth.

◆ az() [2/2]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::az ( ) const

◆ az_ref() [1/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::az_ref ( ) const

◆ az_ref() [2/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::az_ref ( ) const

◆ B1950ToJ2000() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::B1950ToJ2000 ( )

Exact precession from Besselian epoch 1950 to epoch J2000.

The coordinates referred to the first epoch are in the FK4 catalog, while the latter are in the Fk5 one. Reference: Smith, C. A.; Kaplan, G. H.; Hughes, J. A.; Seidelmann, P. K.; Yallop, B. D.; Hohenkerk, C. Y. Astronomical Journal, vol. 97, Jan. 1989, p. 265-279 This transformation requires 4 steps:

  • Correct E-terms
  • Precess from B1950 to 1984, January 1st, 0h, using Newcomb expressions
  • Add zero point correction in right ascension for 1984
  • Precess from 1984, January 1st, 0h to J2000

◆ B1950ToJ2000() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::B1950ToJ2000 ( )

◆ dec() [1/2]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::dec ( ) const
the current Declination.

◆ dec() [2/2]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::dec ( ) const

◆ dec_ref() [1/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::dec_ref ( ) const

◆ dec_ref() [2/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::dec_ref ( ) const

◆ Equatorial1950ToGalactic() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::Equatorial1950ToGalactic ( DMS galLong,
DMS galLat 

◆ Equatorial1950ToGalactic() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::Equatorial1950ToGalactic ( Nice::DMS galLong,
Nice::DMS galLat 

Computes galactic coordinates from equatorial coordinates referred to epoch 1950.

m_ra and Dec are, therefore assumed to be B1950 coordinates.

◆ EquatorialToHorizontal() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::EquatorialToHorizontal ( const DMS LST,
const DMS lat 

◆ EquatorialToHorizontal() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::EquatorialToHorizontal ( const DMS LST,
const DMS lat 

Fix/compute the (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates.

There is no return value, because the coordinates are stored internally. Start from (m_ra, Dec) coordinates, given the local sidereal time and the observer's latitude.

LSTThe local sidereal time
latThe geographic latitude

◆ Eterms() [1/2]

Nice::SkyPoint Nice::SkyPoint::Eterms ( )

Determine the E-terms of aberration In the past, the mean places of stars published in catalogs included the contribution to the aberration due to the ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth.

These terms, known as E-terms were almost constant, and in the newer catalogs (FK5) are not included. Therefore to convert from FK4 to FK5 one has to compute these E-terms.

◆ Eterms() [2/2]

SkyPoint Nice::SkyPoint::Eterms ( )

◆ findEcliptic() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::findEcliptic ( const DMS bliquity,
DMS EcLong,
DMS EcLat 

◆ findEcliptic() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::findEcliptic ( const DMS bliquity,
Nice::DMS EcLong,
Nice::DMS EcLat 

Determine the Ecliptic coordinates of the SkyPoint, given the Julian Date.

The ecliptic coordinates are returned as reference arguments (since they are not stored internally)

◆ GalacticToEquatorial1950() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::GalacticToEquatorial1950 ( const DMS galLong,
const DMS galLat 

◆ GalacticToEquatorial1950() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::GalacticToEquatorial1950 ( const DMS galLong,
const DMS galLat 

Computes equatorial coordinates referred to 1950 from galactic ones referred to epoch B1950.

m_ra and Dec are, therefore assumed to be B1950 coordinates.

◆ HorizontalToEquatorial() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::HorizontalToEquatorial ( const DMS LST,
const DMS lat 

◆ HorizontalToEquatorial() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::HorizontalToEquatorial ( const DMS LST,
const DMS lat 

Determine the (m_ra, Dec) coordinates.

There is no return value, because the coordinates are stored internally. Start from its (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates, given the local sidereal time and the observer's latitude.

LSTthe local sidereal time
latthe geographic latitude

◆ isValidAltAz() [1/2]

bool Nice::SkyPoint::isValidAltAz ( ) const

◆ isValidAltAz() [2/2]

bool Nice::SkyPoint::isValidAltAz ( ) const

Checks if its a valid AltAz Does not set RaDec.

◆ isValidRaDec() [1/2]

bool Nice::SkyPoint::isValidRaDec ( ) const

◆ isValidRaDec() [2/2]

bool Nice::SkyPoint::isValidRaDec ( ) const

Checks if its a valid radec Does not set Altitude or Azimuth.

◆ J2000ToB1950() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::J2000ToB1950 ( void  )

Exact precession from epoch J2000 Besselian epoch 1950.

The coordinates referred to the first epoch are in the FK4 catalog, while the latter are in the Fk5 one. Reference: Smith, C. A.; Kaplan, G. H.; Hughes, J. A.; Seidelmann, P. K.; Yallop, B. D.; Hohenkerk, C. Y. Astronomical Journal, vol. 97, Jan. 1989, p. 265-279 This transformation requires 4 steps:

  • Precess from J2000 to 1984, January 1st, 0h
  • Add zero point correction in right ascension for 1984
  • Precess from 1984, January 1st, 0h, to B1950 using Newcomb expressions
  • Correct E-terms

◆ J2000ToB1950() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::J2000ToB1950 ( )

◆ nutate() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::nutate ( const Nice::SkyNumbers num)

Determine the effects of nutation for this SkyPoint.

numpointer to SkyNumbers object containing current values of time-dependent variables.

◆ nutate() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::nutate ( const Nice::SkyNumbers num)

◆ operator Nice::SkyPointVar() [1/2]

Nice::SkyPoint::operator Nice::SkyPointVar ( ) const

Cast operator SkyPointVar.

◆ operator Nice::SkyPointVar() [2/2]

Nice::SkyPoint::operator Nice::SkyPointVar ( ) const

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool Nice::SkyPoint::operator== ( const SkyPoint p) const

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool Nice::SkyPoint::operator== ( const SkyPoint p) const

◆ pang() [1/4]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pang ( const DMS LST,
const GeoLocation site = GeoLocation() 
) const

◆ pang() [2/4]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pang ( const DMS LST,
const GeoLocation site = GeoLocation() 
) const

Compute the parallactic angle.

LSTlocal siderial time
siteObservatory geographic location. The default argument is the LBT location on Mt Graham, AZ.
the parallactic angle.

◆ pang() [3/4]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pang ( const DMS HourAngle,
const DMS lat 
) const

◆ pang() [4/4]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pang ( const DMS HourAngle,
const DMS lat 
) const

Compute the parallactic angle.

HourAngleThe hour angle of the object.
latThe geographic latitude.
the parallactic angle.
See also
eq. (A6) in arxiv:astro-ph/0608273

◆ pangDot() [1/4]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pangDot ( const DMS LST,
const GeoLocation site = GeoLocation() 

◆ pangDot() [2/4]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pangDot ( const DMS LST,
const GeoLocation site = GeoLocation() 

Compute the time derivative of the parallactic angle.

LSTlocal siderial time
siteObservatory geographic location. The default argument is the LBT location on Mt Graham, AZ.
the change of the parallactic angle over time. This is in units of DMS divided by seconds.

◆ pangDot() [3/4]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pangDot ( const DMS LST,
const DMS lat 

◆ pangDot() [4/4]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::pangDot ( const DMS LST,
const DMS lat 

Compute the time derivative of the parallactic angle.

LSTlocal siderial time
latThe geographic latitude.
the change of the parallactic angle with time. This is in units of DMS (intrinsically degrees) over seconds.

◆ ParAng() [1/2]

static double Nice::SkyPoint::ParAng ( double  _ha,
double  _dec,
double  _phi 

◆ ParAng() [2/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::ParAng ( double  ha,
double  dec,
double  phi 

compute the parallactic angle

haHour angle of the star in radians.
decDeclination of the star in radians.
phiGeographic latitude of the observer in radians.
The parallactic angle in radians

◆ ra() [1/2]

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::ra ( ) const

◆ ra() [2/2]

Nice::DMS Nice::SkyPoint::ra ( ) const
the current Right Ascension.

◆ ra_ref() [1/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::ra_ref ( ) const

◆ ra_ref() [2/2]

const DMS& Nice::SkyPoint::ra_ref ( ) const

◆ set() [1/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::set ( const DMS r,
const DMS d 

Sets m_ra, Dec and m_ra0, Dec0 according to arguments.

Does not set Altitude or Azimuth.

rRight Ascension

◆ set() [2/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::set ( const DMS r,
const DMS d 

◆ set() [3/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::set ( double  r,
double  d 

Sets both coordinates.

rRight Ascension in hours.
dDeclination in degrees.

◆ set() [4/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::set ( double  r,
double  d 

◆ setAlt() [1/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAlt ( const DMS alt)

Sets the Altitude.


◆ setAlt() [2/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAlt ( const DMS alt)

◆ setAlt() [3/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAlt ( double  alt)

Sets the altitude.

altAltitude in degrees.

◆ setAlt() [4/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAlt ( double  alt)

◆ setAz() [1/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAz ( const DMS az)

Sets the Azimuth.


◆ setAz() [2/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAz ( const DMS az)

◆ setAz() [3/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAz ( double  az)

◆ setAz() [4/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setAz ( double  az)

Sets the azimuth.

azAzimuth in degrees.

◆ setDec() [1/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setDec ( const DMS d)

Sets the current Declination.


◆ setDec() [2/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setDec ( const DMS d)

◆ setDec() [3/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setDec ( double  d)

Sets the declination.

dDeclination in degrees.

◆ setDec() [4/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setDec ( double  d)

◆ setFromEcliptic() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setFromEcliptic ( const DMS Obliquity,
const DMS EcLong,
const DMS EcLat 

Set the current (m_ra, Dec) coordinates of the SkyPoint, given pointers to its Ecliptic (Long, Lat) coordinates, and to the current obliquity angle (the angle between the equator and ecliptic).

◆ setFromEcliptic() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setFromEcliptic ( const DMS Obliquity,
const DMS EcLong,
const DMS EcLat 

◆ setRa() [1/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setRa ( const DMS r)

◆ setRa() [2/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setRa ( const DMS r)

Sets the current Right Ascension.

rRight Ascension.

◆ setRa() [3/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setRa ( double  r)

◆ setRa() [4/4]

void Nice::SkyPoint::setRa ( double  r)

Sets the right ascension.

rRight Ascension in hours.

◆ subtractEterms() [1/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::subtractEterms ( void  )

◆ subtractEterms() [2/2]

void Nice::SkyPoint::subtractEterms ( void  )

Coordinates in the FK4 catalog include the effect of aberration due to the ellipticity of the orbit of the Earth.

Coordinates in the FK5 catalog do not include these terms. In order to convert from FK5 coordinates to B1950 (FK4) one has to use this function.

◆ vRSite() [1/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::vRSite ( double  vsite[3])

◆ vRSite() [2/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::vRSite ( double  vsite[3])

Computes the velocity of any object (oberver's site) projected on the direction of the source.

vsitevelocity of that object in cartesian coordinates
velocity of the object projected on the direction of the source kms-1

◆ vTopocentric() [1/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::vTopocentric ( double  vgeo,
double  vsite[3] 

◆ vTopocentric() [2/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::vTopocentric ( double  vgeo,
double  vsite[3] 

Computes the radial velocity of a source referred to the observer site on the surface of the earth from the geocentric velovity and the velocity of the site referred to the center of the Earth.

vgeoradial velocity of the source referred to the center of the earth in km/s
vsiteVelocity at which the observer moves referred to the center of the earth.
Radial velocity of the source referred to the observer's site in km/s

◆ vTopoToVGeo() [1/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::vTopoToVGeo ( double  vtopo,
double  vsite[3] 

Computes the radial velocity of a source referred to the center of the Earth from the radial velocity referred to an observer site on the surface of the earth.

vtoporadial velocity of the source referred to the observer's site in km/s
vsiteVelocity at which the observer moves referred to the center of the earth.
Radial velocity of the source referred the center of the earth in km/s

◆ vTopoToVGeo() [2/2]

double Nice::SkyPoint::vTopoToVGeo ( double  vtopo,
double  vsite[3] 

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_alt

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::m_alt

current altitude

◆ m_az

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::m_az

current azimuth Apparently this is oriented with N=0, E=90, as LBTO does.

◆ m_dec

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::m_dec

current true sky coordinate DEC

◆ m_ra

DMS Nice::SkyPoint::m_ra

current true sky coordinate RA

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