EPoS Contribution
The Dynamics of Infall in Class 0 Protostars: A Case of Multiple Streamers in Lupus 3-MMS
Travis J. Thieme ASIAA, Taipei, TW | |
Understanding how material accretes onto a rotationally supported disk from the surrounding envelope of gas and dust in the youngest protostellar systems is important for describing how these disks are formed. Recently, many observations have confirmed the existence of so-called "streamers", which are extended filamentary-like structures feeding a reservoir of mass to these protostellar disks. We present one such case of a unique Class 0 protostar, Lupus 3-MMS, which shows multiple infalling streamers along the edge of the outflows in C18O. We isolate these streamers using dendrograms and compare to a simple model of infalling trajectories, which matches the observations very well (>96% in four out of five of the dendrogram structures). We derive several properties of the streamers, such as their mass and infall rate, and compare them in the context of other confirmed streamers in Class 0 protostars and values from MHD simulations of protostellar disk formation. Our results confirm the dynamically infalling nature of multiple streamers in Lupus 3-MMS and show that even these simple models can be good approximations when comparing to observations. | |
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Caption: An overview of the multiple streamers in Lupus 3-MMS. In Figure (a), we show the integrated-intensity maps of C18O (background), 12CO (red and blue contours), and the 1.3mm dust continuum (yellow contours). While 12CO traces the red and blue-shifted emission of the protostellar outflow, C18O shows four clear extended structures along the edges of the outflow. In Figure (b), we isolate velocity-coherent parts of the extended structures using a dendrogram algorithm (colored regions) and compare to our simple infalling trajectory model (colored streamlines). In Figure (c), we use the best-matching trajectories to infer the 3D positions of the streamers (colored points) and compare to the position of protostellar outflow (red and blue cones). | |
Collaborators: S.-P. Lai, NTHU, TW S.-J. Lin, ASIAA, TW C.-F. Lee, ASIAA, TW H.-W. Yen, ASIAA, TW Z.-Y. Li, UVa, USA B. Zhao, Mac, CA |
Key publication
Relevant topic(s): Collapse Low-Mass SF |
Relevant Big Question: What is the dynamical nature of the infalling mass reservoir feeding protostellar disks from the envelope and beyond? |