EPoS Contribution

A Unified Explanation of Zeeman Measurements and Polarized Thermal Dust Emission

Hua-bai Li
CUHK, Hong Kong, CN
At the beginning of the 21st century, the prevailing belief was that primarily super-Alfvénic turbulence could rival gravity in the process of star formation. However, in the following decade, the perception began to shift as polarized thermal dust emission indicated that cloud-scale magnetic fields were predominantly ordered, suggesting that both turbulence and gravitational contraction were anisotropic. Meanwhile, the relationship between the magnetic field (B) and density (n), B~n2/3, derived from Zeeman measurements, was interpreted as isotropic gravitational collapse. The discrepancy in the interpretations of these two major magnetic field tracers remains a puzzle, as discussed in the latest PPVII review chapter. The logic and data behind the mystery will be discussed, followed by our solution -- I will demonstrate that a MHD simulation calibrated by polarimetry observations (i.e., ordered cloud-scale B-fields) can naturally replicate Zeeman results.
Caption: Sub-Alfvénic and magnetically trans-critical MHD cloud simulations (Cao & Li 2023) can replicate both Zeeman (e.g., Jiang, Li & Fan 2020) and polarimetry (e.g., Zhang et al. 2019) observations.
Z. Cao, Juelich, DE
Key publication

Relevant topic(s):
Magnetic Fields
Relevant Big Question:
The role of turbulence and magnetic fields in regulating gravitational contraction.