
Hello and welcome to MPIA's Planet and Star Formation Coffee!

PSF Coffee is held every Wednesday at 14:00 h. For the hybrid meetings in the 2021/22 season, we will use the MPIA Lecture hall from October 27, 2001 onwards!

Go here for the Schedule

For volunteering to give a talk, please contact PSFCoffee@mpia.de.

The current organisers are Macla Ramirez-Tannus, Roy van Boekel, and Hendrik Linz.


  • PSF Coffee is started by an informal part. Short contributions (<= 3 slides) are allowed during this part. Such short contributions may be pre-announced or spontaneous.
  • One talk per session is the default. Two talk slots are really reserved just for very exceptional circumstances.
  • Talks should not strongly exceed ~20 minutes, leaving ample time for discussion.
  • Talks should focus on a single result or work in progress and not contain too many slides.
  • Discussion, also during talks, is strongly encouraged!
  • Total PSF coffee time is at maximum 60 minutes!
  • PSF Coffee never gets fully canceled, but in case of no announced talks, there will be no coffee provided...
  • If you drink coffee or eat cookies and are not a PhD student or visitor, a small contribution to the PSF Snacks Trust Fund is kindly requested. Please put your contribution in the piggy bank provided at PSF Coffee.

Note: For the time being, during Corona season, we will do hybrid meetings, with a limited number of people allowed to be present in the room, and more people joining virtually via zoom.

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