TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
DAQLibHL.h File Reference
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  DQ208CPRM
struct  DQ208CCOND
struct  DQDIOPWM
struct  DQ_AI255_DATA
struct  DQ_AI254_DATA


#define DAQLIB   __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall
#define DqAdv202Read   DqAdv201Read
#define DqAdv508BaseClock   DqAdv501BaseClock


typedef struct DQ208CPRMpDQ208CPRM
typedef struct DQ208CCONDpDQ208CCOND
typedef struct DQDIOPWMpDQDIOPWM
typedef struct DQ_AI255_DATApDQ_AI255_DATA
typedef struct DQ_AI254_DATApDQ_AI254_DATA


int DAQLIB DqReadAIChannel (int hd, int devn, int samplesize, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqWriteAOChannel (int hd, int devn, int samplesize, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104SwitchDCDC (int hd, int devn, uint32 state)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104ConfigureBus (int hd, int devn, int pc104, uint32 bus_cfg, uint32 base_addr, uint32 bus_control)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104ReadBus (int hd, int devn, int mem_access, uint32 *addr_list, uint32 list_size, uint16 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteBus (int hd, int devn, int mem_access, uint32 *addr_list, uint32 list_size, uint16 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104ReadBusBlock (int hd, int devn, int mem_access, uint32 address, uint32 size, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteBusBlock (int hd, int devn, int mem_access, uint32 address, uint32 size, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104ReadMemory (int hd, int devn, uint32 address, uint32 size, int *new_block, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteMemory (int hd, int devn, uint32 address, uint32 size, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteScript (int hd, int devn, uint32 offset, uint32 size, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104SetScriptSource (int hd, int devn, uint32 cl_clk_type, uint32 int_a_b, float frequency)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104GetGeneralStatus (int hd, int devn, uint32 *status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104SetCustomProcessing (int hd, int devn, int irq, uint32 pc104, uint32 base_addr, uint32 custom_proc, uint32 *status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104SetCustomParameter (int hd, int devn, uint32 pc104, uint32 custom_proc, uint32 param_type, uint32 param_index, uint32 param_value, uint32 *status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv104Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 script_sz, uint32 enable)
int DAQLIB DqAdv201Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint16 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv205Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv205SetFilterMode (int hd, int devn, int fir, int channel, uint32 mode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv205LoadCoeff (int hd, int devn, int fir, int channel, int decrat, int tapsize, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv207Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv207ReadChannel (int hd, int devn, uint32 measurement, uint32 clentry, int *samples, uint32 *data, double *volts)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadChannel (int hd, int devn, uint32 measurement, uint32 clentry, int *samples, uint32 *data, double *volts)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetControl (int hd, int devn, uint32 control, uint32 value, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208MeasureParams (int hd, int devn, pDQ208CCOND pcond, pDQ208CPRM pprm)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadAutogain (int hd, int devn, uint32 measurement, uint32 clentry, int *samples, uint32 *dt, double *df)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetExcVoltage (int hd, int devn, float ExcVoltA, float ExcVoltB, uint32 chA, uint32 chB, float *readbackA, float *readbackB)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208ShuntCal (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 shunt_set, int cycles, double excitation, double r_shunt, uint32 *r_steps, double *r_actual, double *v_exc, double *v_gage, double *v_shunt)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgChannel (int hd, int devn, pDQCFGCH_211 cdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgLayer (int hd, int devn, pDQCFGLAYER_211 ldata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetFIR (int hd, int devn, int channel, int mask, int decrat, int tapsize, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetPll (int hd, double samplerate, double *sr_actual, int *dec_factor, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetCjcAvg (int hd, int devn, int factor)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetFIR (int hd, int devn, int ch_mask, int action, int decrat, int tapsize, int *filter_total, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetPll (int hd, double samplerate, double *sr_actual, int *dec_factor, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217GetPgaStatus (int hd, int devn, uint32 *errchan, uint32 *newdata, uint32 *pgadata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetAveraging (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 factor)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetBridgeCompletion (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, double ref_level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double exc_rate, double exc_level, double *calc_rate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetFIR (int hd, int devn, int ch_mask, int stage, int action, int decrat, int tapsize, int *filter_total, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetNullLevel (int hd, int devn, uint32 chan_gain, double level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetShunt (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, uint32 position, double *r_shunt)
int DAQLIB DqAdv225Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *RawData, uint32 *uData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdvReadCalData (int hd, int devn, uint8 **CalData, uint32 *CalSize)
int DAQLIB DqAdv225SetRate (int hd, int devn, float *fCLClk, uint32 *TrigMode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetMode (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, uint32 *meas_pts, double usr_offset, double usr_gain, double exc_freq, double Se_level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExt (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, pDQ254SetExt params)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double exc_rate, double exc_level, double *calc_rate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double *exc_rate, double *exc_level, double *ADC_rate, uint32 *sine_points)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetWFMeasurements (int handle, int devn, uint32 config, pWFMEASURE_254 prm, pWFPRM_254 chan_a, pWFPRM_254 chan_b)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254MeasureWF (int hd, int devn, uint32 changain, double *frequency_b, double *amplitude_b, double *offset_b)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, int enable, int CLSize, uint32 *cl)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254Read (int handle, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadVrms (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *pos, double *VArms, double *VBrms)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254Write (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254ConvertSim (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata, uint32 *act_cl, uint32 *bdata, uint32 *act_size)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteBin (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadDIn (int hd, int devn, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteDOut (int hd, int devn, uint32 dout, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetWForm (int handle, int device, uint32 channel, uint32 mask, double upd_rate, int size, uint16 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetMode (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, uint32 *meas_pts, double exc_freq, double Se_level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExt (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, pDQ255SetExt params)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double exc_rate, double exc_level, double *calc_rate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double *exc_rate, double *exc_level, double *ADC_rate, uint32 *sine_points)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetWFMeasurements (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, pWFMEASURE_255 prms, pWFPRM_255 chan_m)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255MeasureWF (int hd, int devn, uint32 changain, double *frequency_d, double *amplitude_d, double *offset_d)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, int enable, int CLSize, uint32 *cl)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255Write (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteBin (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255ConvertSim (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata, uint32 *act_cl, uint32 *bdata, uint32 *act_size)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255ReadDIn (int hd, int devn, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteDOut (int hd, int devn, uint32 dout, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWrite (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv302Write (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxEnableWForm (int hd, int devn, int enable)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxSetWForm (int hd, int devn, uint32 Cfg, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, int samples, double UpdRate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWForm (int hd, int devn, int size, int from, int channel, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWFormCL (int hd, int devn, int size, int from, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv333ReadADC (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADC (int hd, int devn)
int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADCresult (int hd, int devn, int *result)
int DAQLIB DqAdv358ExCalAccess (int hd, int devn, uint32 cmd, uint32 len, uint32 addr, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv358Write (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, int takeraw, uint32 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv358ReadADC (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv403SetIo (int hd, int devn, uint32 Cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv403Write (int hd, int devn, uint8 data[DQ_DIO403_PORTS])
int DAQLIB DqAdv403Read (int hd, int devn, uint8 data[DQ_DIO403_PORTS])
int DAQLIB DqAdv40xWrite (int hd, int devn, uint32 data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv40xRead (int hd, int devn, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv40xSetHyst (int hd, int devn, uint16 level0, uint16 level1)
int DAQLIB DqAdv404SetHyst (int hd, int devn, int ref_volts, float *level0, float *level1)
int DAQLIB DqAdv40xConfigEvents (int hd, int devn, event601_t event, uint32 pos_edge_mask, uint32 neg_edge_mask)
int DAQLIB DqAdv416GetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO416DATAIN pdata, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv416SetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO416DATAOUT pdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv416SetLimit (int hd, int devn, int limitid, double limitvalue)
int DAQLIB DqAdv432GetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO432DATAIN pdata, pDQDIO432CVTD fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv432SetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO432DATAOUT pdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv432SetLimit (int hd, int devn, int limitid, double limitvalue)
int DAQLIB DqAdv432SetPWM (int hd, int devn, uint32 period_us, int count, pDQDIOPWM settings)
int DAQLIB DqAdv448Read (int hd, int devn, int readwhat, uint32 data[DQ_DIO448_PORTS])
int DAQLIB DqAdv448ReadAdc (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint16 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv448SetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO448DATAOUT pdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv448SetLevels (int hd, int devn, uint32 clsize, uint32 *cl, float l_low, float l_high)
int DAQLIB DqAdv448SetDebouncer (int hd, int devn, uint32 clsize, uint32 *cl, uint32 debouncer)
int DAQLIB DqAdv462ReadAdc (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv462GetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO462DATAIN pdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv462SetAll (int hd, int devn, pDQDIO462DATAOUT pdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv462SetLimit (int hd, int devn, int limitid, int limitch, double limitvalue)
int DAQLIB DqAdv500SetConfig (int hd, int devn, int sending, uint32 config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv500SetTxCondition (int hd, int devn, uint32 cmd, uint8 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetBaud (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 baud, uint32 *realbaud)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetTimeout (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint16 timeout)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501BaseClock (int hd, int devn, int chnl, int baseclock)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetCharDelay (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 delay_src, double delay_us)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetFrameDelay (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 delay_mode, uint32 length, uint32 delay_src, double delay_us, double repeat_us)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetTermString (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint16 len, uint8 *buf)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetTermLength (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint16 len)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetWatermark (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 dir, uint16 len)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501Enable (int hd, int devn, int enable)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501ClearFifo (int hd, int devn, uint32 ch_mask, int action)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501GetStatus (int hd, int devn, uint32 *errors, uint32 *count)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501ReadRecvFIFO (int hd, int devn, int chnl, int requested, uint8 *data, int *returned, int *remained)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501RecvMessage (int hd, int devn, int chan, uint8 *data, uint16 *size, int *success, uint8 *errorcode, int *avail)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SendMessage (int hd, int devn, int chan, uint8 *data, uint16 size, uint16 *written, int *success, uint8 *errorcode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetChannelCfg (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501ChangeChannelCfg (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, int config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501ChangeChannelParity (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, int config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501PauseAndResume (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel_mask, int todo)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetParity9 (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 parity_mode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501SendMessageParity9 (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint16 *data, uint16 size, uint16 *written, int *success, uint8 *errorcode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv501ConfigEvents (int hd, int devn, int channel, event501_t event, uint32 *param)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503RecvMessage (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 *id, uint8 *data, uint16 *size, int *success, uint8 *errorcode, int *avail)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503SendMessage (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 id, uint8 *data, uint16 size, int *success, uint8 *errorcode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetConfig (int hd, int devn, int sending, uint32 config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetMode (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 cmd, uint8 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetChannelCfg (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503ResetChannel (int hd, int devn, int chnl)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503Enable (int hd, int devn, int enable)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503MakeVmapMsg (uint32 mode, uint32 identifier, uint8 *buf, int len, uint8 *tx)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503ParseVmapMsg (uint32 mode, uint8 *rx, uint32 *tstamp, uint32 *pktid, uint8 *buf, int *len)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetWatermark (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 rx_or_tx, uint32 messages)
int DAQLIB DqAdv503GetStatus (int hd, int devn, uint32 *errors, uint32 *count)
int DAQLIB DqAdvSetWirelessState (int hd, int devn, uint32 cmd, uint32 data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553SetMode (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553Control (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 flags, pDQ553Control params)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553BITTest (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 testmode, uint32 iterations, uint32 *bus_errors)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBM (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 busmode, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint32 *trig_list)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBMSetFilter (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 busmode, uint32 f_size, pDQBM553Filter pFilter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBMSetTrigger (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 busmode, uint32 t_size, pDQBM553Trigger pTrigger)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553RecvBMMessages (int hd, int devn, int chan, int rq_size, pDQBM553Message pMsg, uint32 *messages)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553RecvBMMessagesCnt (int hd, int devn, int channel, int rq_size, int max_msg, pDQBM553Message pMsg, uint32 *messages)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553RecvBMMessagesRaw (int hd, int devn, int channel, int rq_size, pDQBM553Message pMsg, uint32 *rawsz)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigRT (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 rt_mode, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint32 *valid_list)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteValidTableRT (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 flags, uint32 val_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint32 *valid_list)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteRT (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint16 **data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadRT (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint16 **data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadStatusRT (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteTxFifo (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 tx_size, uint32 *tx_data)
int DAQLIB DqVMap553WriteRT (int vmapid, uint8 *vmap_ptr, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint16 **data)
int DAQLIB DqVMap553ReadRT (int vmapid, uint8 *vmap_ptr, uint32 rt_size, uint32 *rtsa_list, uint16 **data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 actions)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadRAM (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 memtype, uint32 rt, uint32 sa, uint32 block, uint32 size, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteRAM (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 memtype, uint32 rt, uint32 sa, uint32 block, uint32 size, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigEvents (int hd, int devn, int channel, event553_t event, uint32 rtsa, uint32 *param)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBC (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 bc_mode, uint32 option_flags, double MJ_clock, double MN_clock)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteMJDescriptors (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 index, int size, uint32 *descriptors)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteMNDescriptors (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 mn_frame, uint32 mn_block, uint32 index, int size, uint32 *descriptors)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadMNDescriptors (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 mn_frame, uint32 mn_block, uint32 index, int size, uint32 *descriptors, uint32 *bc_position, uint32 *sel_position)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553BCCBCodeFromCommand (int command)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteBCCB (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 mn_frame, uint32 mn_block, uint32 index, int size, pBCCB_Control bccb)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadBCCB (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 mn_frame, uint32 mn_block, uint32 index, int size, pBCCB_Status bccb)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadBCStatus (int hd, int devn, int channel, int list_size, uint32 *list, uint32 *status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553SelectMNBlock (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 block_mask, uint32 *status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553SelectMJBlock (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 block_mask, uint32 *status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553BCDebug (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 todo, int major_idx, int minor_idx, int *current_major_d, int *current_minor_d, uint32 *bc_status)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553SetBccbCommand (BCCB_Control *bccb, tSL553CommandType ctype, int Bus_flags, int Rt, int Sa, int Rt2, int Sa2, int WordCount, uint16 *rx_data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConvertBcErrSts0 (uint32 sts, int buf_size, char *buf)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConvertBcErrSts1 (uint32 sts, int buf_size, char *buf)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigA708 (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 busmode, uint32 frame_size, uint32 if_delay_us)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteTxFifoA708 (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 tx_size, uint32 *written, uint32 *remains, uint16 *tx_data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadRxFifoA708 (int hd, int devn, int channel, uint32 rq_size, uint32 *received, uint32 *remains, uint16 *rx_data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetConfig (int hd, int devn, int ss, int timeout_us, uint32 config)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetMode (int hd, int devn, int ss, int chnl, uint32 cmd)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetFilter (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 cmd, uint32 from, uint32 size, uint32 *labels)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetScheduler (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 cmd, uint32 from, uint32 size, uint32 *flags, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetSchedTimebase (int hd, int devn, int chnl, int timebase, uint32 rate_us)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetFifoRate (int hd, int devn, int ss, int chnl, int timebase, uint32 rate_us)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SendPacket (int hd, int devn, int chan, int priority, uint32 data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SendFifo (int hd, int devn, int chan, int packets, uint32 *data, uint32 *accepted, uint32 *available)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566RecvPacket (int hd, int devn, int chan, int where, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566RecvFifo (int hd, int devn, int chan, int maxsz, uint32 *data, int *copied, int *remains)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteFifo (int hd, int devn, int chanwr, int chanrd, int writesz, uint32 *wrdata, int *written, int *available, int readsz, uint32 *rddata, int *read, int *remains)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteAll (int hd, int devn, uint32 tx_ch, uint32 rx_ch, uint32 *tx_chan_arr, uint32 *tx_data_arr[], uint32 *tx_size, uint32 *tx_wrt, uint32 *tx_avl, uint32 *rx_chan_arr, uint32 *rx_data_arr[], uint32 *rx_size, uint32 *rx_read, uint32 *rx_rmns)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteSend (int hd, int devn, uint32 tx_ch, uint32 rx_ch, uint32 *tx_chan_arr, uint32 *tx_data_arr[], uint32 *tx_size, uint32 *rx_chan_arr, uint32 *rx_size)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteRcv (int hd, int devn, uint32 tx_ch, uint32 rx_ch, uint32 *tx_wrt, uint32 *tx_avl, uint32 *rx_chan_arr, uint32 *rx_data_arr[], uint32 *rx_size, uint32 *rx_read, uint32 *rx_rmns)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566GetStatus (int hd, int devn, int ss, int chan, uint32 request, uint32 *errors, uint32 *count)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetChannelCfg (int hd, int devn, int ss, int chan, uint32 actions)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 actions)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566EnableByChip (int hd, int devn, int chipmask, uint32 actions)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetChannelList (int hd, int devn, int chan, uint32 ss, int32 size, uint32 *entries)
uint32 DAQLIB DqAdv566BuildPacket (uint32 data, uint32 label, uint32 sdi, uint32 ssm, uint32 parity)
void DAQLIB DqAdv566ParsePacket (uint32 packet, uint32 *data, uint8 *label, uint8 *sdi, uint8 *ssm, uint8 *parity)
uint32 DAQLIB DqAdv566BuildFilterEntry (uint32 label, uint32 new_data_only, uint32 trigger_scheduler)
uint32 DAQLIB DqAdv566BuildSchedEntry (uint32 master_entry, uint32 periodic, uint32 prescaler, uint16 delay_counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566ClearFifo (int hd, int devn, uint32 ch_mask, int action)
int DAQLIB DqAdv566PauseAndResume (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel_mask, int todo)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetWatermark (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 dir, uint16 len)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetRegister (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601GetRegister (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetAdditionalCfg (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 mask, uint32 data, uint32 mode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetAltClocks (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 timebase, uint32 prescaler)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601EnableAll (int hd, int devn)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601DisableAll (int hd, int devn)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601StartCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601StopCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601WriteRegisterValue (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601ReadRegisterValue (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601Write (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601ClearCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601ConfigCounter (int hd, int devn, int ss, int counter, int startmode, int sampwidth, int ps, int pc, int cr0, int cr1, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int oie, int mode, int trs, int enc, int gated, int re, int end_mode, int lr, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForPWM (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int sampwidth, int ps, int cr0, int cr1, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int oie, int extclk, int trig, int trs, int enc, int gated, int re, int end_mode, int lr, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForGeneralCounting (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int ps, int cr0, int cr1, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int oie, int extclk, int trig, int trs, int enc, int gated, int re, int end_mode, int lr, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForBinCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int ps, int cr0, int cr1, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int extclk, int trig, int trs, int enc, int gated, int re, int end_mode, int lr, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForQuadrature (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int end_mode, int lr, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForHalfPeriod (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int trig, int trs, int enc, int gated, int re, int end_mode, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForPeriodMeasurment (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int pc, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int trig, int trs, int enc, int gated, int re, int end_mode, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForTPPM (int hd, int devn, int counter, int startmode, int tbr, int dbg, int dbc, int iie, int gie, int re, int end_mode, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601ConfigEvents (int hd, int devn, int channel, event601_t event, uint32 count, uint32 *param)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601WaitForEvents (int hd, int devn, event601_t *event, uint32 *chan, uint32 *count, uint32 *crl, uint32 *crh, uint32 *sts, uint32 *tstamp)
int DAQLIB DqAdv601Enable (int hd, int devn, int enable)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604SetWatermark (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 dir, uint16 len)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604SetChannelCfg (int hd, int devn, int ss, int counter, pDQCHNLSET_604_ pCfg, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604GetRegister (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604ReadRegisterValue (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604SetRegister (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604WriteRegisterValue (int hd, int devn, int counter, uint32 reg, uint32 value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604WriteDioOut (int hd, int devn, uint32 dout, uint32 *last_dout)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604ReadDioOut (int hd, int devn, uint32 *dout)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604ReadDioIn (int hd, int devn, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604ClearCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604StartCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604StopCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter)
int DAQLIB DqAdv604ConfigCounter (int hd, int devn, int counter, int en, int lr, int cr0, int cr1, int tbr, int idba, int idbb, int idbz, int idbt, int inv_a, int inv_b, int inv_z, int inv_t, int inv_do0, int inv_do1, int mode, int rl_mode, int evt_b, int evt_src, int tb_src, int clkout_en, int clkout_mode, int trg_src, int trg_clr, int trgout_en, int trgout_mode, int gtstart_en, int gtstop_en, int out_width, int qe_mode, int qe_delay, int qe_err, int qe_swap, int ts_mode, int end_mode, int inc, int *cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv651GetRegister (int hd, int devn, uint32 reg, uint32 *value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv651SetRegister (int hd, int devn, uint32 reg, uint32 value)
int DAQLIB DqAdv91xRead (int hd, int devn, uint32 *status, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv91xSetConfig (int hd, int devn, uint32 src, uint32 vsel)
int DAQLIB DqAdvAssignIsoSync (int hd, int devn, uint32 sync_line, uint32 signal)
int DAQLIB DqAdvAssignIsoDio (int hd, int devn, uint32 dio_line, uint32 direction, uint32 signal)
int DAQLIB DqAdvLayerAccessDio (int hd, int devn, uint16 config, uint16 d_out, uint32 *d_in)
int DAQLIB DqAdvAssignSyncx (int hd, int devn, uint32 sync_line, uint32 signal)
int DAQLIB DqAdvDnrpRead (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdvDnrpSetConfig (int hd, int devn, uint32 action, uint32 *config)
int DAQLIB DqAdvDnxpRead (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdvDnxpSetConfig (int hd, int devn, uint32 action, uint32 *config)
int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestStart (int hd)
int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestAbort (int hd)
int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestGetStatus (int hd, uint32 *busy, char *str)
int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestGetResults (int hd, uint32 *error, char *str)
int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsIOLayerTest (int hd, int devn, uint32 testtype, uint32 *error, char *str, uint32 *data_bus_staus, uint32 *addr_bus_staus)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteClockIn (int hd, int devn, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteClockOut (int hd, int devn, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRoutePll (int hd, double frequency, double *f_actual, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncClockIn (int hd, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncClockOut (int hd, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncIn (int hd, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncOut (int hd, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncTrigIn (int hd, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncTrigOut (int hd, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteTrigIn (int hd, int devn, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteTrigOut (int hd, int devn, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncTest (int hd, int devn, int line, int level)
int DAQLIB DqAdvRWExtDevice (int hd, int devn, uint32 id, uint32 cmd, uint32 d2dev, uint32 count, uint32 *d_fr_dev)
int DAQLIB DqAdvSetClockSource (int hd, int devn, uint32 clock, uint32 source, uint32 edge)
int DAQLIB DqAdvSetNetworkBuffers (int hd, int dev, int ss, int nbufs)
int DAQLIB DqAdvSetScansPerPkt (int hd, int dev, int ss, int scans)
int DAQLIB DqAdvSetTriggerSource (int hd, int devn, uint32 trigger, uint32 source, uint32 edge)
int DAQLIB DqAdvWriteSignalRouting (int hd, int devn, pSGNLS psignals)
int DAQLIB DqAdvSetParam (int hd, int devn, int chnl, uint32 datain_size, uint32 *datain, uint32 *dataout)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxTestRead (int hd, int devn, uint32 cmd, uint32 chan, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DAQLIB   __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall



◆ DqAdv202Read

#define DqAdv202Read   DqAdv201Read

◆ DqAdv508BaseClock

#define DqAdv508BaseClock   DqAdv501BaseClock

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct DQ208CCOND * pDQ208CCOND

◆ pDQ208CPRM

typedef struct DQ208CPRM * pDQ208CPRM

◆ pDQ_AI254_DATA

typedef struct DQ_AI254_DATA * pDQ_AI254_DATA

◆ pDQ_AI255_DATA

typedef struct DQ_AI255_DATA * pDQ_AI255_DATA




typedef struct DQDIOPWM * pDQDIOPWM

Function Documentation

◆ DqAdv104ConfigureBus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104ConfigureBus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  pc104,
uint32  bus_cfg,
uint32  base_addr,
uint32  bus_control 

◆ DqAdv104Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  script_sz,
uint32  enable 

◆ DqAdv104GetGeneralStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104GetGeneralStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 status 

◆ DqAdv104ReadBus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104ReadBus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  mem_access,
uint32 addr_list,
uint32  list_size,
uint16 data 

◆ DqAdv104ReadBusBlock()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104ReadBusBlock ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  mem_access,
uint32  address,
uint32  size,
uint8 data 

◆ DqAdv104ReadMemory()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104ReadMemory ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  address,
uint32  size,
int *  new_block,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv104SetCustomParameter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104SetCustomParameter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  pc104,
uint32  custom_proc,
uint32  param_type,
uint32  param_index,
uint32  param_value,
uint32 status 

◆ DqAdv104SetCustomProcessing()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104SetCustomProcessing ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  irq,
uint32  pc104,
uint32  base_addr,
uint32  custom_proc,
uint32 status 

◆ DqAdv104SetScriptSource()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104SetScriptSource ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cl_clk_type,
uint32  int_a_b,
float  frequency 

◆ DqAdv104SwitchDCDC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104SwitchDCDC ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  state 

◆ DqAdv104WriteBus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteBus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  mem_access,
uint32 addr_list,
uint32  list_size,
uint16 data 

◆ DqAdv104WriteBusBlock()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteBusBlock ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  mem_access,
uint32  address,
uint32  size,
uint8 data 

◆ DqAdv104WriteMemory()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteMemory ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  address,
uint32  size,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv104WriteScript()

int DAQLIB DqAdv104WriteScript ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  offset,
uint32  size,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv201Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv201Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint16 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv205LoadCoeff()

int DAQLIB DqAdv205LoadCoeff ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  fir,
int  channel,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv205Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv205Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv205SetFilterMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv205SetFilterMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  fir,
int  channel,
uint32  mode 

◆ DqAdv207Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv207Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv207ReadChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv207ReadChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  measurement,
uint32  clentry,
int *  samples,
uint32 data,
double *  volts 

◆ DqAdv208MeasureParams()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208MeasureParams ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQ208CCOND  pcond,
pDQ208CPRM  pprm 

◆ DqAdv208Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv208ReadAutogain()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadAutogain ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  measurement,
uint32  clentry,
int *  samples,
uint32 dt,
double *  df 

◆ DqAdv208ReadChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  measurement,
uint32  clentry,
int *  samples,
uint32 data,
double *  volts 

◆ DqAdv208SetControl()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetControl ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  control,
uint32  value,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv208SetExcVoltage()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetExcVoltage ( int  hd,
int  devn,
float  ExcVoltA,
float  ExcVoltB,
uint32  chA,
uint32  chB,
float *  readbackA,
float *  readbackB 

◆ DqAdv208ShuntCal()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208ShuntCal ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  shunt_set,
int  cycles,
double  excitation,
double  r_shunt,
uint32 r_steps,
double *  r_actual,
double *  v_exc,
double *  v_gage,
double *  v_shunt 

◆ DqAdv211Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv211SetCfgChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQCFGCH_211  cdata 

◆ DqAdv211SetCfgLayer()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgLayer ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQCFGLAYER_211  ldata 

◆ DqAdv211SetFIR()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetFIR ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
int  mask,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv211SetPll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetPll ( int  hd,
double  samplerate,
double *  sr_actual,
int *  dec_factor,
int  line 

◆ DqAdv217GetPgaStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217GetPgaStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 errchan,
uint32 newdata,
uint32 pgadata 

◆ DqAdv217Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv217SetCjcAvg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetCjcAvg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  factor 

◆ DqAdv217SetFIR()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetFIR ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ch_mask,
int  action,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
int *  filter_total,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv217SetPll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetPll ( int  hd,
double  samplerate,
double *  sr_actual,
int *  dec_factor,
int  line 

◆ DqAdv224Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv224SetAveraging()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetAveraging ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  factor 

◆ DqAdv224SetBridgeCompletion()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetBridgeCompletion ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
double  ref_level 

◆ DqAdv224SetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double  exc_rate,
double  exc_level,
double *  calc_rate 

◆ DqAdv224SetFIR()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetFIR ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ch_mask,
int  stage,
int  action,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
int *  filter_total,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv224SetNullLevel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetNullLevel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  chan_gain,
double  level 

◆ DqAdv224SetShunt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetShunt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
uint32  position,
double *  r_shunt 

◆ DqAdv225Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv225Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 RawData,
uint32 uData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv225SetRate()

int DAQLIB DqAdv225SetRate ( int  hd,
int  devn,
float *  fCLClk,
uint32 TrigMode 

◆ DqAdv254ConvertSim()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254ConvertSim ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata,
uint32 act_cl,
uint32 bdata,
uint32 act_size 

◆ DqAdv254Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
int  enable,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl 

◆ DqAdv254GetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double *  exc_rate,
double *  exc_level,
double *  ADC_rate,
uint32 sine_points 

◆ DqAdv254GetWFMeasurements()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetWFMeasurements ( int  handle,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
pWFMEASURE_254  prm,
pWFPRM_254  chan_a,
pWFPRM_254  chan_b 

◆ DqAdv254MeasureWF()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254MeasureWF ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  changain,
double *  frequency_b,
double *  amplitude_b,
double *  offset_b 

◆ DqAdv254Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254Read ( int  handle,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv254ReadDIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadDIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv254ReadVrms()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadVrms ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  pos,
double *  VArms,
double *  VBrms 

◆ DqAdv254SetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double  exc_rate,
double  exc_level,
double *  calc_rate 

◆ DqAdv254SetExt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
pDQ254SetExt  params 

◆ DqAdv254SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
uint32 meas_pts,
double  usr_offset,
double  usr_gain,
double  exc_freq,
double  Se_level 

◆ DqAdv254SetWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetWForm ( int  handle,
int  device,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mask,
double  upd_rate,
int  size,
uint16 data 

◆ DqAdv254Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv254WriteBin()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteBin ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata 

◆ DqAdv254WriteDOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteDOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  dout,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv255ConvertSim()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255ConvertSim ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata,
uint32 act_cl,
uint32 bdata,
uint32 act_size 

◆ DqAdv255Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
int  enable,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl 

◆ DqAdv255GetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double *  exc_rate,
double *  exc_level,
double *  ADC_rate,
uint32 sine_points 

◆ DqAdv255GetWFMeasurements()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetWFMeasurements ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
pWFMEASURE_255  prms,
pWFPRM_255  chan_m 

◆ DqAdv255MeasureWF()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255MeasureWF ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  changain,
double *  frequency_d,
double *  amplitude_d,
double *  offset_d 

◆ DqAdv255Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv255ReadDIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255ReadDIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv255SetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double  exc_rate,
double  exc_level,
double *  calc_rate 

◆ DqAdv255SetExt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
pDQ255SetExt  params 

◆ DqAdv255SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
uint32 meas_pts,
double  exc_freq,
double  Se_level 

◆ DqAdv255Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv255WriteBin()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteBin ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata 

◆ DqAdv255WriteDOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteDOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  dout,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv302Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv302Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv333CalibrateADC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADC ( int  hd,
int  devn 

◆ DqAdv333CalibrateADCresult()

int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADCresult ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int *  result 

◆ DqAdv333ReadADC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv333ReadADC ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv358ExCalAccess()

int DAQLIB DqAdv358ExCalAccess ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  len,
uint32  addr,
uint8 data 

◆ DqAdv358ReadADC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv358ReadADC ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv358Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv358Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  takeraw,
uint32 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxEnableWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxEnableWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  enable 

◆ DqAdv3xxSetWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxSetWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  Cfg,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  samples,
double  UpdRate 

◆ DqAdv3xxTestRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxTestRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  chan,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxWrite()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWrite ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxWriteWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  size,
int  from,
int  channel,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxWriteWFormCL()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWFormCL ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  size,
int  from,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv403Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv403Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint8  data[DQ_DIO403_PORTS] 

◆ DqAdv403SetIo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv403SetIo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  Cfg 

◆ DqAdv403Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv403Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint8  data[DQ_DIO403_PORTS] 

◆ DqAdv404SetHyst()

int DAQLIB DqAdv404SetHyst ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ref_volts,
float *  level0,
float *  level1 

◆ DqAdv40xConfigEvents()

int DAQLIB DqAdv40xConfigEvents ( int  hd,
int  devn,
event601_t  event,
uint32  pos_edge_mask,
uint32  neg_edge_mask 

◆ DqAdv40xRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdv40xRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv40xSetHyst()

int DAQLIB DqAdv40xSetHyst ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint16  level0,
uint16  level1 

◆ DqAdv40xWrite()

int DAQLIB DqAdv40xWrite ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  data 

◆ DqAdv416GetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv416GetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO416DATAIN  pdata,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv416SetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv416SetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO416DATAOUT  pdata 

◆ DqAdv416SetLimit()

int DAQLIB DqAdv416SetLimit ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  limitid,
double  limitvalue 

◆ DqAdv432GetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv432GetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO432DATAIN  pdata,
pDQDIO432CVTD  fdata 

◆ DqAdv432SetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv432SetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO432DATAOUT  pdata 

◆ DqAdv432SetLimit()

int DAQLIB DqAdv432SetLimit ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  limitid,
double  limitvalue 

◆ DqAdv432SetPWM()

int DAQLIB DqAdv432SetPWM ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  period_us,
int  count,
pDQDIOPWM  settings 

◆ DqAdv448Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv448Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  readwhat,
uint32  data[DQ_DIO448_PORTS] 

◆ DqAdv448ReadAdc()

int DAQLIB DqAdv448ReadAdc ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint16 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv448SetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv448SetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO448DATAOUT  pdata 

◆ DqAdv448SetDebouncer()

int DAQLIB DqAdv448SetDebouncer ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  clsize,
uint32 cl,
uint32  debouncer 

◆ DqAdv448SetLevels()

int DAQLIB DqAdv448SetLevels ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  clsize,
uint32 cl,
float  l_low,
float  l_high 

◆ DqAdv462GetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv462GetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO462DATAIN  pdata 

◆ DqAdv462ReadAdc()

int DAQLIB DqAdv462ReadAdc ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv462SetAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv462SetAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQDIO462DATAOUT  pdata 

◆ DqAdv462SetLimit()

int DAQLIB DqAdv462SetLimit ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  limitid,
int  limitch,
double  limitvalue 

◆ DqAdv500SetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdv500SetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  sending,
uint32  config 

◆ DqAdv500SetTxCondition()

int DAQLIB DqAdv500SetTxCondition ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cmd,
uint8 value 

◆ DqAdv501BaseClock()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501BaseClock ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
int  baseclock 

◆ DqAdv501ChangeChannelCfg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501ChangeChannelCfg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
int  config 

◆ DqAdv501ChangeChannelParity()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501ChangeChannelParity ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
int  config 

◆ DqAdv501ClearFifo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501ClearFifo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  ch_mask,
int  action 

◆ DqAdv501ConfigEvents()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501ConfigEvents ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
event501_t  event,
uint32 param 

◆ DqAdv501Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  enable 

◆ DqAdv501GetStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501GetStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 errors,
uint32 count 

◆ DqAdv501PauseAndResume()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501PauseAndResume ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel_mask,
int  todo 

◆ DqAdv501ReadRecvFIFO()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501ReadRecvFIFO ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
int  requested,
uint8 data,
int *  returned,
int *  remained 

◆ DqAdv501RecvMessage()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501RecvMessage ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
uint8 data,
uint16 size,
int *  success,
uint8 errorcode,
int *  avail 

◆ DqAdv501SendMessage()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SendMessage ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
uint8 data,
uint16  size,
uint16 written,
int *  success,
uint8 errorcode 

◆ DqAdv501SendMessageParity9()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SendMessageParity9 ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint16 data,
uint16  size,
uint16 written,
int *  success,
uint8 errorcode 

◆ DqAdv501SetBaud()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetBaud ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  baud,
uint32 realbaud 

◆ DqAdv501SetChannelCfg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetChannelCfg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  config 

◆ DqAdv501SetCharDelay()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetCharDelay ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  delay_src,
double  delay_us 

◆ DqAdv501SetFrameDelay()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetFrameDelay ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  delay_mode,
uint32  length,
uint32  delay_src,
double  delay_us,
double  repeat_us 

◆ DqAdv501SetParity9()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetParity9 ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  parity_mode 

◆ DqAdv501SetTermLength()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetTermLength ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint16  len 

◆ DqAdv501SetTermString()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetTermString ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint16  len,
uint8 buf 

◆ DqAdv501SetTimeout()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetTimeout ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint16  timeout 

◆ DqAdv501SetWatermark()

int DAQLIB DqAdv501SetWatermark ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  dir,
uint16  len 

◆ DqAdv503Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  enable 

◆ DqAdv503GetStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503GetStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 errors,
uint32 count 

◆ DqAdv503MakeVmapMsg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503MakeVmapMsg ( uint32  mode,
uint32  identifier,
uint8 buf,
int  len,
uint8 tx 

◆ DqAdv503ParseVmapMsg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503ParseVmapMsg ( uint32  mode,
uint8 rx,
uint32 tstamp,
uint32 pktid,
uint8 buf,
int *  len 

◆ DqAdv503RecvMessage()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503RecvMessage ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32 id,
uint8 data,
uint16 size,
int *  success,
uint8 errorcode,
int *  avail 

◆ DqAdv503ResetChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503ResetChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl 

◆ DqAdv503SendMessage()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503SendMessage ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  id,
uint8 data,
uint16  size,
int *  success,
uint8 errorcode 

◆ DqAdv503SetChannelCfg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetChannelCfg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  config 

◆ DqAdv503SetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  sending,
uint32  config 

◆ DqAdv503SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  cmd,
uint8 value 

◆ DqAdv503SetWatermark()

int DAQLIB DqAdv503SetWatermark ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  rx_or_tx,
uint32  messages 

◆ DqAdv553BCCBCodeFromCommand()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553BCCBCodeFromCommand ( int  command)

◆ DqAdv553BCDebug()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553BCDebug ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  todo,
int  major_idx,
int  minor_idx,
int *  current_major_d,
int *  current_minor_d,
uint32 bc_status 

◆ DqAdv553BITTest()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553BITTest ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  testmode,
uint32  iterations,
uint32 bus_errors 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigA708()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigA708 ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  busmode,
uint32  frame_size,
uint32  if_delay_us 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigBC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBC ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  bc_mode,
uint32  option_flags,
double  MJ_clock,
double  MN_clock 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigBM()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBM ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  busmode,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint32 trig_list 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigBMSetFilter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBMSetFilter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  busmode,
uint32  f_size,
pDQBM553Filter  pFilter 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigBMSetTrigger()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigBMSetTrigger ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  busmode,
uint32  t_size,
pDQBM553Trigger  pTrigger 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigEvents()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigEvents ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
event553_t  event,
uint32  rtsa,
uint32 param 

◆ DqAdv553ConfigRT()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConfigRT ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  rt_mode,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint32 valid_list 

◆ DqAdv553Control()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553Control ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  flags,
pDQ553Control  params 

◆ DqAdv553ConvertBcErrSts0()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConvertBcErrSts0 ( uint32  sts,
int  buf_size,
char *  buf 

◆ DqAdv553ConvertBcErrSts1()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ConvertBcErrSts1 ( uint32  sts,
int  buf_size,
char *  buf 

◆ DqAdv553Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  actions 

◆ DqAdv553ReadBCCB()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadBCCB ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  mn_frame,
uint32  mn_block,
uint32  index,
int  size,
pBCCB_Status  bccb 

◆ DqAdv553ReadBCStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadBCStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
int  list_size,
uint32 list,
uint32 status 

◆ DqAdv553ReadMNDescriptors()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadMNDescriptors ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  mn_frame,
uint32  mn_block,
uint32  index,
int  size,
uint32 descriptors,
uint32 bc_position,
uint32 sel_position 

◆ DqAdv553ReadRAM()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadRAM ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  memtype,
uint32  rt,
uint32  sa,
uint32  block,
uint32  size,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv553ReadRT()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadRT ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint16 **  data 

◆ DqAdv553ReadRxFifoA708()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadRxFifoA708 ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  rq_size,
uint32 received,
uint32 remains,
uint16 rx_data 

◆ DqAdv553ReadStatusRT()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553ReadStatusRT ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv553RecvBMMessages()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553RecvBMMessages ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
int  rq_size,
pDQBM553Message  pMsg,
uint32 messages 

◆ DqAdv553RecvBMMessagesCnt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553RecvBMMessagesCnt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
int  rq_size,
int  max_msg,
pDQBM553Message  pMsg,
uint32 messages 

◆ DqAdv553RecvBMMessagesRaw()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553RecvBMMessagesRaw ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
int  rq_size,
pDQBM553Message  pMsg,
uint32 rawsz 

◆ DqAdv553SelectMJBlock()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553SelectMJBlock ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  block_mask,
uint32 status 

◆ DqAdv553SelectMNBlock()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553SelectMNBlock ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  block_mask,
uint32 status 

◆ DqAdv553SetBccbCommand()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553SetBccbCommand ( BCCB_Control bccb,
tSL553CommandType  ctype,
int  Bus_flags,
int  Rt,
int  Sa,
int  Rt2,
int  Sa2,
int  WordCount,
uint16 rx_data 

< Remote terminal to receive data from bus controller

< Remote terminal to transmit data to bus controller

< Status word

< Remote terminal to transmit data and/or status word to bus controller

< Remote terminal to receive data for mode command from bus controller

< Remote terminal to receive broadcast data from bus controller

< Mode command without data, remote terminals should not reply

< Mode command with data, remote terminals should receive data

< One remote terminal to transmit data to another remote terminal

< One remote terminal to broadcast data to other remote terminal

< Remote terminal to receive data from bus controller

< Remote terminal to transmit data to bus controller

< Status word

< Remote terminal to transmit data and/or status word to bus controller

< Remote terminal to receive data for mode command from bus controller

< Remote terminal to receive broadcast data from bus controller

< Mode command without data, remote terminals should not reply

< Mode command with data, remote terminals should receive data

< One remote terminal to transmit data to another remote terminal

< One remote terminal to broadcast data to other remote terminal

◆ DqAdv553SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags 

◆ DqAdv553WriteBCCB()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteBCCB ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  mn_frame,
uint32  mn_block,
uint32  index,
int  size,
pBCCB_Control  bccb 

◆ DqAdv553WriteMJDescriptors()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteMJDescriptors ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  index,
int  size,
uint32 descriptors 

◆ DqAdv553WriteMNDescriptors()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteMNDescriptors ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  mn_frame,
uint32  mn_block,
uint32  index,
int  size,
uint32 descriptors 

◆ DqAdv553WriteRAM()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteRAM ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  memtype,
uint32  rt,
uint32  sa,
uint32  block,
uint32  size,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv553WriteRT()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteRT ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint16 **  data 

◆ DqAdv553WriteTxFifo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteTxFifo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  tx_size,
uint32 tx_data 

◆ DqAdv553WriteTxFifoA708()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteTxFifoA708 ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  tx_size,
uint32 written,
uint32 remains,
uint16 tx_data 

◆ DqAdv553WriteValidTableRT()

int DAQLIB DqAdv553WriteValidTableRT ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
uint32  flags,
uint32  val_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint32 valid_list 

◆ DqAdv566BuildFilterEntry()

uint32 DAQLIB DqAdv566BuildFilterEntry ( uint32  label,
uint32  new_data_only,
uint32  trigger_scheduler 

◆ DqAdv566BuildPacket()

uint32 DAQLIB DqAdv566BuildPacket ( uint32  data,
uint32  label,
uint32  sdi,
uint32  ssm,
uint32  parity 

◆ DqAdv566BuildSchedEntry()

uint32 DAQLIB DqAdv566BuildSchedEntry ( uint32  master_entry,
uint32  periodic,
uint32  prescaler,
uint16  delay_counter 

◆ DqAdv566ClearFifo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566ClearFifo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  ch_mask,
int  action 

◆ DqAdv566Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  actions 

◆ DqAdv566EnableByChip()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566EnableByChip ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chipmask,
uint32  actions 

◆ DqAdv566GetStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566GetStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  chan,
uint32  request,
uint32 errors,
uint32 count 

◆ DqAdv566ParsePacket()

void DAQLIB DqAdv566ParsePacket ( uint32  packet,
uint32 data,
uint8 label,
uint8 sdi,
uint8 ssm,
uint8 parity 

◆ DqAdv566PauseAndResume()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566PauseAndResume ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel_mask,
int  todo 

◆ DqAdv566ReadWriteAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteAll ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  tx_ch,
uint32  rx_ch,
uint32 tx_chan_arr,
uint32 tx_data_arr[],
uint32 tx_size,
uint32 tx_wrt,
uint32 tx_avl,
uint32 rx_chan_arr,
uint32 rx_data_arr[],
uint32 rx_size,
uint32 rx_read,
uint32 rx_rmns 

◆ DqAdv566ReadWriteFifo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteFifo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chanwr,
int  chanrd,
int  writesz,
uint32 wrdata,
int *  written,
int *  available,
int  readsz,
uint32 rddata,
int *  read,
int *  remains 

◆ DqAdv566ReadWriteRcv()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteRcv ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  tx_ch,
uint32  rx_ch,
uint32 tx_wrt,
uint32 tx_avl,
uint32 rx_chan_arr,
uint32 rx_data_arr[],
uint32 rx_size,
uint32 rx_read,
uint32 rx_rmns 

◆ DqAdv566ReadWriteSend()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566ReadWriteSend ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  tx_ch,
uint32  rx_ch,
uint32 tx_chan_arr,
uint32 tx_data_arr[],
uint32 tx_size,
uint32 rx_chan_arr,
uint32 rx_size 

◆ DqAdv566RecvFifo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566RecvFifo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
int  maxsz,
uint32 data,
int *  copied,
int *  remains 

◆ DqAdv566RecvPacket()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566RecvPacket ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
int  where,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv566SendFifo()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SendFifo ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
int  packets,
uint32 data,
uint32 accepted,
uint32 available 

◆ DqAdv566SendPacket()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SendPacket ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
int  priority,
uint32  data 

◆ DqAdv566SetChannelCfg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetChannelCfg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  chan,
uint32  actions 

◆ DqAdv566SetChannelList()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetChannelList ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chan,
uint32  ss,
int32  size,
uint32 entries 

◆ DqAdv566SetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  timeout_us,
uint32  config 

◆ DqAdv566SetFifoRate()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetFifoRate ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  chnl,
int  timebase,
uint32  rate_us 

◆ DqAdv566SetFilter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetFilter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  from,
uint32  size,
uint32 labels 

◆ DqAdv566SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  chnl,
uint32  cmd 

◆ DqAdv566SetSchedTimebase()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetSchedTimebase ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
int  timebase,
uint32  rate_us 

◆ DqAdv566SetScheduler()

int DAQLIB DqAdv566SetScheduler ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  from,
uint32  size,
uint32 flags,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForBinCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForBinCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  ps,
int  cr0,
int  cr1,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  extclk,
int  trig,
int  trs,
int  enc,
int  gated,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int  lr,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForGeneralCounting()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForGeneralCounting ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  ps,
int  cr0,
int  cr1,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  oie,
int  extclk,
int  trig,
int  trs,
int  enc,
int  gated,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int  lr,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForHalfPeriod()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForHalfPeriod ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  trig,
int  trs,
int  enc,
int  gated,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForPeriodMeasurment()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForPeriodMeasurment ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  pc,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  trig,
int  trs,
int  enc,
int  gated,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForPWM()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForPWM ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  sampwidth,
int  ps,
int  cr0,
int  cr1,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  oie,
int  extclk,
int  trig,
int  trs,
int  enc,
int  gated,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int  lr,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForQuadrature()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForQuadrature ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  end_mode,
int  lr,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601CfgForTPPM()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601CfgForTPPM ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601ClearCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601ClearCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter 

◆ DqAdv601ConfigCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601ConfigCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  counter,
int  startmode,
int  sampwidth,
int  ps,
int  pc,
int  cr0,
int  cr1,
int  tbr,
int  dbg,
int  dbc,
int  iie,
int  gie,
int  oie,
int  mode,
int  trs,
int  enc,
int  gated,
int  re,
int  end_mode,
int  lr,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv601ConfigEvents()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601ConfigEvents ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
event601_t  event,
uint32  count,
uint32 param 

◆ DqAdv601DisableAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601DisableAll ( int  hd,
int  devn 

◆ DqAdv601Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  enable 

◆ DqAdv601EnableAll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601EnableAll ( int  hd,
int  devn 

◆ DqAdv601GetRegister()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601GetRegister ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32 value 

◆ DqAdv601Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv601ReadRegisterValue()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601ReadRegisterValue ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32 value 

◆ DqAdv601SetAdditionalCfg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetAdditionalCfg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32  mask,
uint32  data,
uint32  mode 

◆ DqAdv601SetAltClocks()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetAltClocks ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  timebase,
uint32  prescaler 

◆ DqAdv601SetRegister()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetRegister ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32  value 

◆ DqAdv601SetWatermark()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601SetWatermark ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  dir,
uint16  len 

◆ DqAdv601StartCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601StartCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter 

◆ DqAdv601StopCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601StopCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter 

◆ DqAdv601WaitForEvents()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601WaitForEvents ( int  hd,
int  devn,
event601_t event,
uint32 chan,
uint32 count,
uint32 crl,
uint32 crh,
uint32 sts,
uint32 tstamp 

◆ DqAdv601Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv601WriteRegisterValue()

int DAQLIB DqAdv601WriteRegisterValue ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32  value 

◆ DqAdv604ClearCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604ClearCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter 

◆ DqAdv604ConfigCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604ConfigCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
int  en,
int  lr,
int  cr0,
int  cr1,
int  tbr,
int  idba,
int  idbb,
int  idbz,
int  idbt,
int  inv_a,
int  inv_b,
int  inv_z,
int  inv_t,
int  inv_do0,
int  inv_do1,
int  mode,
int  rl_mode,
int  evt_b,
int  evt_src,
int  tb_src,
int  clkout_en,
int  clkout_mode,
int  trg_src,
int  trg_clr,
int  trgout_en,
int  trgout_mode,
int  gtstart_en,
int  gtstop_en,
int  out_width,
int  qe_mode,
int  qe_delay,
int  qe_err,
int  qe_swap,
int  ts_mode,
int  end_mode,
int  inc,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv604GetRegister()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604GetRegister ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32 value 

◆ DqAdv604Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv604ReadDioIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604ReadDioIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv604ReadDioOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604ReadDioOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 dout 

◆ DqAdv604ReadRegisterValue()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604ReadRegisterValue ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32 value 

◆ DqAdv604SetChannelCfg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604SetChannelCfg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ss,
int  counter,
pDQCHNLSET_604_  pCfg,
int *  cfg 

◆ DqAdv604SetRegister()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604SetRegister ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32  value 

◆ DqAdv604SetWatermark()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604SetWatermark ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  dir,
uint16  len 

◆ DqAdv604StartCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604StartCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter 

◆ DqAdv604StopCounter()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604StopCounter ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter 

◆ DqAdv604WriteDioOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604WriteDioOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  dout,
uint32 last_dout 

◆ DqAdv604WriteRegisterValue()

int DAQLIB DqAdv604WriteRegisterValue ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  counter,
uint32  reg,
uint32  value 

◆ DqAdv651GetRegister()

int DAQLIB DqAdv651GetRegister ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  reg,
uint32 value 

◆ DqAdv651SetRegister()

int DAQLIB DqAdv651SetRegister ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  reg,
uint32  value 

◆ DqAdv91xRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdv91xRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 status,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv91xSetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdv91xSetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  src,
uint32  vsel 

◆ DqAdvAssignIsoDio()

int DAQLIB DqAdvAssignIsoDio ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  dio_line,
uint32  direction,
uint32  signal 

◆ DqAdvAssignIsoSync()

int DAQLIB DqAdvAssignIsoSync ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  sync_line,
uint32  signal 

◆ DqAdvAssignSyncx()

int DAQLIB DqAdvAssignSyncx ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  sync_line,
uint32  signal 

◆ DqAdvDnrpRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdvDnrpRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdvDnrpSetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdvDnrpSetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  action,
uint32 config 

◆ DqAdvDnxpRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdvDnxpRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdvDnxpSetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdvDnxpSetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  action,
uint32 config 

◆ DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestAbort()

int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestAbort ( int  hd)

◆ DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestGetResults()

int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestGetResults ( int  hd,
uint32 error,
char *  str 

◆ DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestGetStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestGetStatus ( int  hd,
uint32 busy,
char *  str 

◆ DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestStart()

int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsCpuLayerTestStart ( int  hd)

◆ DqAdvHwTestsIOLayerTest()

int DAQLIB DqAdvHwTestsIOLayerTest ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  testtype,
uint32 error,
char *  str,
uint32 data_bus_staus,
uint32 addr_bus_staus 

◆ DqAdvLayerAccessDio()

int DAQLIB DqAdvLayerAccessDio ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint16  config,
uint16  d_out,
uint32 d_in 

◆ DqAdvReadCalData()

int DAQLIB DqAdvReadCalData ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint8 **  CalData,
uint32 CalSize 

◆ DqAdvRouteClockIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteClockIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteClockOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteClockOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRoutePll()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRoutePll ( int  hd,
double  frequency,
double *  f_actual,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncClockIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncClockIn ( int  hd,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncClockOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncClockOut ( int  hd,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncIn ( int  hd,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncOut ( int  hd,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncTest()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncTest ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  line,
int  level 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncTrigIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncTrigIn ( int  hd,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteSyncTrigOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteSyncTrigOut ( int  hd,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteTrigIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteTrigIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRouteTrigOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRouteTrigOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  line 

◆ DqAdvRWExtDevice()

int DAQLIB DqAdvRWExtDevice ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  id,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  d2dev,
uint32  count,
uint32 d_fr_dev 

◆ DqAdvSetClockSource()

int DAQLIB DqAdvSetClockSource ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  clock,
uint32  source,
uint32  edge 

◆ DqAdvSetNetworkBuffers()

int DAQLIB DqAdvSetNetworkBuffers ( int  hd,
int  dev,
int  ss,
int  nbufs 

◆ DqAdvSetParam()

int DAQLIB DqAdvSetParam ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  chnl,
uint32  datain_size,
uint32 datain,
uint32 dataout 

◆ DqAdvSetScansPerPkt()

int DAQLIB DqAdvSetScansPerPkt ( int  hd,
int  dev,
int  ss,
int  scans 

◆ DqAdvSetTriggerSource()

int DAQLIB DqAdvSetTriggerSource ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  trigger,
uint32  source,
uint32  edge 

◆ DqAdvSetWirelessState()

int DAQLIB DqAdvSetWirelessState ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  data 

◆ DqAdvWriteSignalRouting()

int DAQLIB DqAdvWriteSignalRouting ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pSGNLS  psignals 

◆ DqReadAIChannel()

int DAQLIB DqReadAIChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  samplesize,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint8 data 

◆ DqVMap553ReadRT()

int DAQLIB DqVMap553ReadRT ( int  vmapid,
uint8 vmap_ptr,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint16 **  data 

◆ DqVMap553WriteRT()

int DAQLIB DqVMap553WriteRT ( int  vmapid,
uint8 vmap_ptr,
uint32  rt_size,
uint32 rtsa_list,
uint16 **  data 

◆ DqWriteAOChannel()

int DAQLIB DqWriteAOChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  samplesize,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint8 data 