TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Macros | Functions
DaqLibHLAIO.c File Reference
#include "PDNA.h"
#include "PDNA_private.h"
#include "primes.h"
#include "math.h"
Include dependency graph for DaqLibHLAIO.c:


#define TFNAME   "c:\\testlog.txt"
#define absf(A)   (((A) > 0)?(A):(-A))
#define DQADV208MEASURESIZE   10
#define SAMPLES_SAVG   32
 to the desired resistance. More...
#define __DqAdv208ReadAutogain   DqAdv208ReadAutogain
#define READ208REPS   4


double code2volt201 (uint16 hex, uint32 gain)
double code2volt205 (uint32 hex, uint32 gain)
double code2volt225 (uint32 hex)
int DAQLIB DqReadAIChannel (int hd, int devn, int samplesz, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqWriteAOChannel (int hd, int devn, int samplesz, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint8 *data)
void calc225_gains (int cvolt, int32 *pcval, double *gain, int sz)
int DAQLIB DqAdvReadCalData (int hd, int devn, uint8 **CalData, uint32 *CalSize)
int DAQLIB DqAdv225Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *RawData, uint32 *uData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv225SetRate (int hd, int devn, float *fCLClk, uint32 *TrigMode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetAveraging (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 factor)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double exc_rate, double exc_level, double *calc_rate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetBridgeCompletion (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, double ref_level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetNullLevel (int hd, int devn, uint32 chan_gain, double level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetShunt (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, uint32 position, double *r_shunt)
int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetFIR (int hd, int devn, int ch_mask, int stage, int action, int decrat, int tapsize, int *filter_total, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetMode (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, uint32 *meas_pts, double usr_offset, double usr_gain, double exc_freq, double Se_level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExt (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, pDQ254SetExt params)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double exc_rate, double exc_level, double *calc_rate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254MeasureWF (int hd, int devn, uint32 changain, double *frequency_b, double *amplitude_b, double *offset_b)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetWFMeasurements (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, pWFMEASURE_254 prms, pWFPRM_254 chan_a, pWFPRM_254 chan_b)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double *exc_rate, double *exc_level, double *ADC_rate, uint32 *sine_points)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, int enable, int CLSize, uint32 *cl)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadVrms (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *pos, double *VArms, double *VBrms)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254Write (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254ConvertSim (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata, uint32 *act_cl, uint32 *bdata, uint32 *act_size)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteBin (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteDOut (int hd, int devn, uint32 dout, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadDIn (int hd, int devn, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetWForm (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mask, double upd_rate, int size, uint16 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetMode (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, uint32 *meas_pts, double exc_freq, double Se_level)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExt (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 mode, uint32 flags, pDQ255SetExt params)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double exc_rate, double exc_level, double *calc_rate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255MeasureWF (int hd, int devn, uint32 changain, double *frequency_d, double *amplitude_d, double *offset_d)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetWFMeasurements (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, pWFMEASURE_255 prms, pWFPRM_255 chan_m)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetExcitation (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 config, double *exc_rate, double *exc_level, double *ADC_rate, uint32 *sine_points)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255Enable (int hd, int devn, uint32 config, int enable, int CLSize, uint32 *cl)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255Write (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255ConvertSim (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, double *amplitude, double *fdata, uint32 *act_cl, uint32 *bdata, uint32 *act_size)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteBin (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteDOut (int hd, int devn, uint32 dout, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv255ReadDIn (int hd, int devn, uint32 *din)
int DAQLIB DqAdv302Write (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWrite (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWFormCL (int hd, int devn, int size, int from, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWForm (int hd, int devn, int size, int from, int channel, int takeraw, uint16 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxEnableWForm (int hd, int devn, int enable)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxSetWForm (int hd, int devn, uint32 Cfg, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, int samples, double UpdRate)
int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxTestRead (int hd, int devn, uint32 cmd, uint32 chan, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv358ReadADC (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int Adv358Dbl2Bin (int hd, int devn, uint32 ch, double res, uint32 *crsfin)
int DAQLIB DqAdv358Write (int hd, int devn, uint32 CLSize, uint32 *cl, int takeraw, uint32 *data, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv205SetFilterMode (int hd, int devn, int fir, int channel, uint32 mode)
int DAQLIB DqAdv205LoadCoeff (int hd, int devn, int fir, int channel, int decrat, int tapsize, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv201Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint16 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv207Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
double DqsMean (int samples, double *ddata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadAutogain (int hd, int devn, uint32 measurement, uint32 clentry, int *samples, uint32 *dt, double *df)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208MeasureParams (int hd, int devn, pDQ208CCOND pcond, pDQ208CPRM pprm)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208ShuntCal (int hd, int devn, uint32 channel, uint32 shunt_set, int cycles, double excitation, double r_shunt, uint32 *r_steps, double *r_actual, double *v_exc, double *v_gage, double *v_shunt)
int DAQLIB DqAdv207ReadChannel (int hd, int devn, uint32 measurement, uint32 clentry, int *samples, uint32 *data, double *volts)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadChannel (int hd, int devn, uint32 measurement, uint32 clentry, int *samples, uint32 *data, double *volts)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetControl (int hd, int devn, uint32 control, uint32 value, uint32 *data)
int Force208Stop (int hd, int devn)
int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetExcVoltage (int hd, int devn, float ExcVoltA, float ExcVoltB, uint32 chA, uint32 chB, float *readbackA, float *readbackB)
int DAQLIB DqAdv205Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgChannel (int hd, int devn, pDQCFGCH_211 cdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgLayer (int hd, int devn, pDQCFGLAYER_211 ldata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetFIR (int hd, int devn, int channel, int mask, int decrat, int tapsize, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetPll (int hd, double samplerate, double *sr_actual, int *dec_factor, int line)
int Adv211GetCfgamg (int hd, int devn, uint32 *value)
int Adv211GetConfigNumber (uint32 cfg)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217Read (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bData, double *fData)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetCjcAvg (int hd, int devn, int factor)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetFIR (int hd, int devn, int bank, int action, int decrat, int tapsize, int *filter_total, double *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetPll (int hd, double samplerate, double *sr_actual, int *dec_factor, int line)
int DAQLIB DqAdv217GetPgaStatus (int hd, int devn, uint32 *errchan, uint32 *newdata, uint32 *pgadata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv333ReadADC (int hd, int devn, int CLSize, uint32 *cl, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADC (int hd, int devn)
int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADCresult (int hd, int devn, int *result)
int DAQLIB DqAdv358ExCalAccess (int hd, int devn, uint32 cmd, uint32 len, uint32 addr, uint8 *data)
int DAQLIB DqAdv91xRead (int hd, int devn, uint32 *status, uint32 *bdata, double *fdata)
int DAQLIB DqAdv91xSetConfig (int hd, int devn, uint32 src, uint32 vsel)

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ __DqAdv208ReadAutogain

#define __DqAdv208ReadAutogain   DqAdv208ReadAutogain

◆ absf

#define absf (   A)    (((A) > 0)?(A):(-A))


#define DQADV208MEASURESIZE   10


#define READ208REPS   4


#define SAMPLES_SAVG   32

to the desired resistance.


#define TFNAME   "c:\\testlog.txt"

Function Documentation

◆ Adv211GetCfgamg()

int Adv211GetCfgamg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 value 

◆ Adv211GetConfigNumber()

int Adv211GetConfigNumber ( uint32  cfg)

◆ Adv358Dbl2Bin()

int Adv358Dbl2Bin ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  ch,
double  res,
uint32 crsfin 

◆ calc225_gains()

void calc225_gains ( int  cvolt,
int32 pcval,
double *  gain,
int  sz 

◆ code2volt201()

double code2volt201 ( uint16  hex,
uint32  gain 

◆ code2volt205()

double code2volt205 ( uint32  hex,
uint32  gain 

◆ code2volt225()

double code2volt225 ( uint32  hex)

◆ DqAdv201Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv201Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint16 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv205LoadCoeff()

int DAQLIB DqAdv205LoadCoeff ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  fir,
int  channel,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv205Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv205Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv205SetFilterMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv205SetFilterMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  fir,
int  channel,
uint32  mode 

◆ DqAdv207Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv207Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv207ReadChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv207ReadChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  measurement,
uint32  clentry,
int *  samples,
uint32 data,
double *  volts 

◆ DqAdv208MeasureParams()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208MeasureParams ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQ208CCOND  pcond,
pDQ208CPRM  pprm 

◆ DqAdv208Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv208ReadAutogain()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadAutogain ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  measurement,
uint32  clentry,
int *  samples,
uint32 dt,
double *  df 

◆ DqAdv208ReadChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208ReadChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  measurement,
uint32  clentry,
int *  samples,
uint32 data,
double *  volts 

◆ DqAdv208SetControl()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetControl ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  control,
uint32  value,
uint32 data 

◆ DqAdv208SetExcVoltage()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208SetExcVoltage ( int  hd,
int  devn,
float  ExcVoltA,
float  ExcVoltB,
uint32  chA,
uint32  chB,
float *  readbackA,
float *  readbackB 

◆ DqAdv208ShuntCal()

int DAQLIB DqAdv208ShuntCal ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  shunt_set,
int  cycles,
double  excitation,
double  r_shunt,
uint32 r_steps,
double *  r_actual,
double *  v_exc,
double *  v_gage,
double *  v_shunt 

◆ DqAdv211Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv211SetCfgChannel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQCFGCH_211  cdata 

◆ DqAdv211SetCfgLayer()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetCfgLayer ( int  hd,
int  devn,
pDQCFGLAYER_211  ldata 

◆ DqAdv211SetFIR()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetFIR ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  channel,
int  mask,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv211SetPll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv211SetPll ( int  hd,
double  samplerate,
double *  sr_actual,
int *  dec_factor,
int  line 

◆ DqAdv217GetPgaStatus()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217GetPgaStatus ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 errchan,
uint32 newdata,
uint32 pgadata 

◆ DqAdv217Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv217SetCjcAvg()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetCjcAvg ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  factor 

◆ DqAdv217SetFIR()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetFIR ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  bank,
int  action,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
int *  filter_total,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv217SetPll()

int DAQLIB DqAdv217SetPll ( int  hd,
double  samplerate,
double *  sr_actual,
int *  dec_factor,
int  line 

◆ DqAdv224Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv224SetAveraging()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetAveraging ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  factor 

◆ DqAdv224SetBridgeCompletion()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetBridgeCompletion ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
double  ref_level 

◆ DqAdv224SetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double  exc_rate,
double  exc_level,
double *  calc_rate 

◆ DqAdv224SetFIR()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetFIR ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  ch_mask,
int  stage,
int  action,
int  decrat,
int  tapsize,
int *  filter_total,
double *  data 

◆ DqAdv224SetNullLevel()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetNullLevel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  chan_gain,
double  level 

◆ DqAdv224SetShunt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv224SetShunt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
uint32  position,
double *  r_shunt 

◆ DqAdv225Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv225Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 RawData,
uint32 uData,
double *  fData 

◆ DqAdv225SetRate()

int DAQLIB DqAdv225SetRate ( int  hd,
int  devn,
float *  fCLClk,
uint32 TrigMode 

◆ DqAdv254ConvertSim()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254ConvertSim ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata,
uint32 act_cl,
uint32 bdata,
uint32 act_size 

◆ DqAdv254Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
int  enable,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl 

◆ DqAdv254GetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double *  exc_rate,
double *  exc_level,
double *  ADC_rate,
uint32 sine_points 

◆ DqAdv254GetWFMeasurements()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254GetWFMeasurements ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
pWFMEASURE_254  prms,
pWFPRM_254  chan_a,
pWFPRM_254  chan_b 

◆ DqAdv254MeasureWF()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254MeasureWF ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  changain,
double *  frequency_b,
double *  amplitude_b,
double *  offset_b 

◆ DqAdv254Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv254ReadDIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadDIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv254ReadVrms()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254ReadVrms ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  pos,
double *  VArms,
double *  VBrms 

◆ DqAdv254SetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double  exc_rate,
double  exc_level,
double *  calc_rate 

◆ DqAdv254SetExt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetExt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
pDQ254SetExt  params 

◆ DqAdv254SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
uint32 meas_pts,
double  usr_offset,
double  usr_gain,
double  exc_freq,
double  Se_level 

◆ DqAdv254SetWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254SetWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mask,
double  upd_rate,
int  size,
uint16 data 

◆ DqAdv254Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv254WriteBin()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteBin ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata 

◆ DqAdv254WriteDOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdv254WriteDOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  dout,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv255ConvertSim()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255ConvertSim ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata,
uint32 act_cl,
uint32 bdata,
uint32 act_size 

◆ DqAdv255Enable()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255Enable ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
int  enable,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl 

◆ DqAdv255GetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double *  exc_rate,
double *  exc_level,
double *  ADC_rate,
uint32 sine_points 

◆ DqAdv255GetWFMeasurements()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255GetWFMeasurements ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  config,
pWFMEASURE_255  prms,
pWFPRM_255  chan_m 

◆ DqAdv255MeasureWF()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255MeasureWF ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  changain,
double *  frequency_d,
double *  amplitude_d,
double *  offset_d 

◆ DqAdv255Read()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255Read ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv255ReadDIn()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255ReadDIn ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv255SetExcitation()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExcitation ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  config,
double  exc_rate,
double  exc_level,
double *  calc_rate 

◆ DqAdv255SetExt()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetExt ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
pDQ255SetExt  params 

◆ DqAdv255SetMode()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255SetMode ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  channel,
uint32  mode,
uint32  flags,
uint32 meas_pts,
double  exc_freq,
double  Se_level 

◆ DqAdv255Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
double *  amplitude,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv255WriteBin()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteBin ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata 

◆ DqAdv255WriteDOut()

int DAQLIB DqAdv255WriteDOut ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  dout,
uint32 din 

◆ DqAdv302Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv302Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv333CalibrateADC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADC ( int  hd,
int  devn 

◆ DqAdv333CalibrateADCresult()

int DAQLIB DqAdv333CalibrateADCresult ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int *  result 

◆ DqAdv333ReadADC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv333ReadADC ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv358ExCalAccess()

int DAQLIB DqAdv358ExCalAccess ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  len,
uint32  addr,
uint8 data 

◆ DqAdv358ReadADC()

int DAQLIB DqAdv358ReadADC ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv358Write()

int DAQLIB DqAdv358Write ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  takeraw,
uint32 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxEnableWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxEnableWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  enable 

◆ DqAdv3xxSetWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxSetWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  Cfg,
int  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  samples,
double  UpdRate 

◆ DqAdv3xxTestRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxTestRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  cmd,
uint32  chan,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxWrite()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWrite ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxWriteWForm()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWForm ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  size,
int  from,
int  channel,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv3xxWriteWFormCL()

int DAQLIB DqAdv3xxWriteWFormCL ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  size,
int  from,
int  takeraw,
uint16 data,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv91xRead()

int DAQLIB DqAdv91xRead ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32 status,
uint32 bdata,
double *  fdata 

◆ DqAdv91xSetConfig()

int DAQLIB DqAdv91xSetConfig ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint32  src,
uint32  vsel 

◆ DqAdvReadCalData()

int DAQLIB DqAdvReadCalData ( int  hd,
int  devn,
uint8 **  CalData,
uint32 CalSize 

◆ DqReadAIChannel()

int DAQLIB DqReadAIChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  samplesz,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint8 data 

◆ DqsMean()

double DqsMean ( int  samples,
double *  ddata 

◆ DqWriteAOChannel()

int DAQLIB DqWriteAOChannel ( int  hd,
int  devn,
int  samplesz,
uint32  CLSize,
uint32 cl,
uint8 data 

◆ Force208Stop()

int Force208Stop ( int  hd,
int  devn 