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Ringberg Castle Workshop

The formation of the solar system

The formation of the solar system still poses a mystery, because many different constraints need to be matched by theories and simulations. While different studies focus on different aspects of the solar system, no study so far was able to explain all the different aspects of the solar system. This workshop provides an opportunity to discuss different observations and models to explain the formation of the solar system. As the workshop is limited to 32 participants (due to covid-19), we expect strong interactions between the participants.

The following topics are anticipated and will be covered:

- planetary growth and migration during and after the gas disc phase

- chemical composition and interior structures of planets

- the structure of the asteroid and Kuiper belt

- the cosmochemical constraints from the terrestrial planets and minor body population

- link between the solar system and exoplanet composition

As we have participants from different backgrounds we will start the conference on Monday with 4 review talks related to (1) Planetesimal formation and solid accretion, (2) Dynamical constraints of the solar system, (3) Chemical constraints of rocky objects and (4) Constraints from gas giants. These review talks will be given by Anders Johansen (1), Alessandro Morbidelli (2), Martin Bizzaro (3) and Ravit Helled (4). All participants will get the opportunity to present their work in a talk during the connference.

The workshop location is the Ringberg Castle in the Bavarian Alps in southern Germany. Ringberg meetings are small workshops of about 40 people and well known for providing a special environment for lively scientific interaction. Both the restricted number of participants as well as the gorgeous castle location are ideally suited for meeting old friends as well as new colleagues and for learning from each other in formal and informal meetings. We very much hope you can join us for a lively and fun exchange of ideas.

The current developments of the covid-19 situation in Germany and Europe seems optimistic that this workshop will take place at Castle Ringberg. Of course, if the situation worsens, we might relate back to a virtual workshop. For the current covid-19 regulations at Castle Ringberg, click here. Most importantly it implies that the rooms at the castle will only be in single occupancy and that masks need to be worn in all rooms.

The SOC: Bertram Bitsch and Thomas Henning