high redshift: ASPECS | LESS, ALESS | High-z Quasars | LADUMA low redshift: THINGS | HERACLES | KINGFISH | SINGS | MONGHOOSE
high redshift: ASPECS | LESS, ALESS | High-z Quasars | LADUMA low redshift: THINGS | HERACLES | KINGFISH | SINGS | MONGHOOSE
I am the Project Scientist for the DSA-2000, and have served on Time Allocation Committees for IRAM, MeerKAT, EVLA, GBT, LBT, Calar Alto, MPG 2.2m, and OVRO. I have also served on various bodies (e.g., Users Committee, Scientific Advisory Committee) for a number of facilities (including IRAM, NRAO, ngVLA, DSA-2000, JWST-MIRI, Pan-STARRS1).
Click here for a short CV — a more detailed version is available upon request.
H-index: >120, citations >58.000
Current members of the group — and where they came from.
Former members of the group - and where they are now.