The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2018 Download
Shu-ichiro Inutsuka Molecular Clouds: Formation and Evolution During Early Star Formation (5.2 MB)
Henrik Beuther Magnetic Fields at the Onset of High-Mass Star Formation (0.7 MB)
Sylvie Cabrit SVS13A as Archetype for the Role of Multiplicity in Accretion Bursts and Jets (7.5 MB)
Rolf Kuiper First Hydrodynamics Simulations of Radiation Forces and Photoionization Feedback in Massive Star Formation (6.8 MB)
Yoko Oya Three Cases of Chemical Differentiation in Disk-Forming Regions of Low-Mass Protostellar Sources (11 MB)
Asmita Bhandare P05 First Core Lifetime from Low- to High-Mass Star Formation (2.8 MB)
Hope Chen P08 Droplets: Pressure-Confined Sub-0.1 pc Coherent Structures (9.2 MB)
Sami Dib P10 A non-universal IMF in the Milky Stellar Clusters (3.7 MB)
Josefa Grossschedl P13 Star Formation Rate and Efficiency in the Orion A Giant Molecular Cloud (5.8 MB)
Troels Haugboelle P14 The Stellar IMF from Isothermal MHD Turbulence (3 MB)
Alexander Howard P17 Differential Column Density in Super-Resolution in Taurus (3 MB)
Diederik Kruijssen P22 The Critical Role of Galactic Dynamics in Regulating the Spatial Structure, Kinematics, and Star Formation Activity of Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone (4.4 MB)
Hendrik Linz P24 Far-Infrared Heterodyne Interferometry: What Can It Give Us? Can It Be Done? (4.3 MB)
Jan Orkisz P28 Outstanding Radio-Imaging of OrioN-B: Characterizing the Different Environments of a GMC (2.9 MB)
Daniel Seifried P33 Linking Molecular Cloud Simulations to Observations (2.5 MB)
Mehrnoosh Tahani P34 Helical Magnetic Fields in Molecular Clouds? A New Method to Determine the Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Structure in Molecular Clouds (13 MB)
Gwen Williams P35 Gravity Drives the Evolution of Infrared Dark Hubs (18.5 MB)
Focus Group Contributions
Sami Dib var_cmf: Variations of the CMF and IMF: evidence and origins (2.1 MB)
Troels Haugboelle var_cmf: Variations of the IMF in the context of turbulent fragmentation (3 MB)
Diederik Kruijssen turb_mc: The Critical Role of Galactic Dynamics in Regulating the Spatial Structure, Kinematics, and Star Formation Activity of Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone (6 MB)
Paolo Padoan var_cmf: Extreme differences between CMF and IMF for massive stars (1 MB)
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.