The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle
EPoS 2018 Focus Groups
The Immediate Circumstellar Environment of High-Mass YSOs:
Disc Properties and Morphologies

(Chair: Henrik Beuther)
11:25-11:38 13 John Ilee Overview and introduction (see also P18)
11:38-11:45 7 Aida Ahmadi Disks in high-mass star formation (see also P2)
11:45-11:52 7 Josep Miquel Girart Resolving the polarized dust emission of the disk around the massive star powering the HH 80-81 radio jet (see also P12)
11:52-11:59 7 Gwen Williams G19.01-0.03: an isolated, high-mass, circumstellar disk candidate
11:59-12:35 36 Discussion

The True Density Distribution of Star Forming Clouds:
Implications for Star Formation Rates and H2 Formation

(Chair: Doug Johnstone)
11:35-11:45 10 Hope Chen Anatomy of the Column Density PDF
11:45-11:55 10 Blakesley Burkhart Dynamic Star Formation In the Gravoturbulent Medium (see also P7)
11:45-11:52 7 Aina Palau Fragmentation of massive dense cores: from 0.1 to 0.01 pc
11:52-11:59 7 Melanie Chevance A Dominant Reservoir of CO-Dark Molecular Gas in 30 Doradus - the Local Archetype of Extreme High-Mass Star-Forming Regions
11:59-12:35 36 Discussion

How turbulent is molecular cloud turbulence?
Simulations and observations revisited

(Chair: Juergen Steinacker)
11:25-11:37 12 Daniel Seifried Overview and introduction (see also P33)
11:37-11:44 7 Javier Ballesteros-Paredes Why gravity runs (molecular cloud) turbulence?
11:44-11:51 7 Satoshi Ohashi Detection of a turbulent gas component associated with a quiescent starless core (see also P27)
11:51-11:58 7 Diederik Kruijssen The Critical Role of Galactic Dynamics in Regulating the Spatial Structure, Kinematics, and Star Formation Activity of Clouds in the Central Molecular Zone
11:58-12:35 37 Discussion

What can we learn from binaries in Orion A?

(Chair: Rolf Kuiper)
17:20-17:35 15 Rainer Koehler Observations of Binary Stars
17:35-17:50 15 Christine Ackerl Multiplicity Among 3500 Young Stellar Objects in Orion A
17:50-18:30 40 Discussion

Variations of the CMF and IMF:
clues to different modes of star formation?

(Chair: Juergen Steinacker)
17:20-17:31 11 Sami Dib Variations of the CMF and IMF: evidence and origins (see also P10)
17:31-17:37 6 Thomas Nony Challenging the Relation between Cores masses and Stellar Masses: a top-heavy CMF in W43-MM1
17:37-17:43 6 Troels Haugboelle Variations of the IMF in the context of turbulent fragmentation (see P14)
17:43-17:49 6 Paolo Padoan Extreme differences between CMF and IMF for massive stars (see P30)
17:49-17:55 6 Volker Ossenkopf-Okada Quantifying filamentary collapse modes in molecular clouds
17:55-18:30 35 Discussion


Unconference discussions

Convenors: Jan Forbrich, Hendrik Linz
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.