The history of dynamics and stellar feedback revealed by the HI filamentary structure in the Galactic plane
Juan Soler
Wednesday December 2nd, 15:30
We present a study of the filamentary structure in the emission from the neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) at 21 cm across velocity channels. We use the data resulting from the combination of the single-dish and interferometric observations in The HI/OH/recombination-line (THOR) survey of the inner Milky Way, which is the highest dynamical range HI survey of the Galactic plane made to this date. Using the Hessian matrix method, circular statistics, and numerical simulations, we show that the orientation of the filamentary structure the result of large-scale Galactic dynamics and, in some cases, may arise from the combined effect of supernova (SN) feedback and strong magnetic fields. These results indicate that a systematic characterization of the emission morphology toward the Galactic plane provides an unexplored link between the observations and the dynamical behavior of the interstellar medium, from the effect of large-scale Galactic dynamics to the Galactic fountains driven by SNe.