Posters will be presented and discussed via a dedicated slack channel.The poster session will open on November 30th and run until after the conference. It will be conducted entirely over Slack channels, allowing attendees to view the posters at any point throughout the conference. Presenters will be able to answer any questions they receive in these Slack channels, which will also serve as a record reference after the conference. Given the many features of Slack, this is a great outlet to make your presentation as interactive as possible! Feel free to include a PDF of the poster, links to interactive figures or datasets, movies, etc. We also welcome the inclusion of a few slides to expand on the poster if you would like, but we ask that additional files be kept to a minimum in order to keep the Slack channels neat and orderly. In the meantime, please join the HHSF Slack environment using this SLACK-LINK and your email address.
In the #general channel of the SLACK-LINK you find some brief instructions along with some helpful links. The main list of posters is in the #poster-directory channel, and each of you now has another channel made specifically to present your poster (#poster-last_name). Attendees will be able to join these channels to “visit” the posters that interest them. In the #poster-directory channel, your name and poster title (if provided) are next to your channel hashtag. The poster title links to a specific page on a Google doc with your abstract.
Please join the channel that corresponds to your poster and send your poster file and any corresponding material as messages in that channel. It is recommended to pin those messages so that you can quickly get to them for viewing or reference. All discussions about the poster can be held in your channel.
If you are brand new to Slack, Mike has created a few slides that feature some brief instructions. The full document of all the abstracts is provided at this google-link.
If you do not yet see your poster title or abstract listed, please send that information as soon as to "michael.foley at". Alternatively, if you do not plan to present a poster anymore, let us know and we can remove your name from the list. We would like to formally “open” the poster session on November 30th, but it will continue throughout the conference and persist for some time after as reference.