Synthetic nebular emission with Warpfield

Daniel Rahner

Thursday December 5th, 18:20

The new one-dimensional code Warpfield simulates the effect of stellar feedback of young star clusters on their parent molecular cloud. It allows the user to scan a large range of physical parameters (e.g. gas density, star formation efficiency, metallicity) and to estimate their effect on escape fractions of ionizing radiation, the minimum star formation efficiency required to destroy a molecular cloud, and recollapse time scales for clouds that are not dissolved by feedback. Coupled to the plasma code Cloudy and the radiative transfer code Polaris, we are now able to predict more than 100 emission lines from young star forming regions and to compare to observational surveys. We can address how individual objects evolve in various diagnostic plots (e.g. BPT-diagrams) and statistically analyze thousands of HII regions, or investigate the evolution of whole galaxies with synthetic observations.

Background image: Robert Hurt, IPAC