Effects of Massive Stars on Galactic Center Orbital Stream Kinematics

Natalie Butterfield

Thursday December 5th, 10:20

Molecular gas in the central 200 parsec of the Milky Way galaxy exhibits more extreme physical characteristics (e.g., higher density, warmer gas) than gas in the Galactic disk. Recent detailed surveys of this Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) have revealed a large-scale morphology that indicates that molecular clouds are likely to be organized in an orbital structure around the dynamical center of the galaxy, Sgr A. However, modeling the locations and velocities of molecular clouds in the CMZ is challenging because the velocity structure of the interstellar medium is complex. Spectral line profiles of molecular clouds in the CMZ region frequently show multiple peaked structure, indicating multiple components along the same line-of-sight. To better connect observations to the proposed orbital models, I have made observations of several regions in the CMZ where the interstellar and kinematic environment is particularly complex. In my talk I will explore feedback effects of a massive stellar cluster on an adjacent molecular cloud. Using VLA observations of the molecular and ionized gas in this region, I will discuss how massive star clusters can drive the complex kinematics in this region. As part of the discussion, I will utilize a variety of interstellar tracers to provide localized consistency checks and additional information for future orbital models.

Background image: Robert Hurt, IPAC