The CMZoom Catalog of Clumps in the Central Molecular Zone
H Perry Hatchfield
Poster -- Star-forming regions
The inner kpc of the Milky Way galaxy, the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), despite containing vast reservoirs of dense molecular gas, appears to be under-producing stars. The CMZoom survey uses the Submillimeter Array to survey all regions with column density above 10^23 cm^-2 within the CMZ, at sub-parsec resolution. From the survey's 1.3mm dust continuum, we have developed a self-consistent and complete catalog of clumps using a modified implementation of the dendrogram algorithm. We have also performed simulated observations to probe the source recovery completeness of our catalog algorithm. We show how this new catalog of dense molecular clumps provides a new resource for constraining our understanding of the anomalous massive star formation in the CMZ.