For new students

  • You are a new student at the MPIA?
  • You have trouble orienting yourself at the institute?
  • You do not know who you have to talk to?

This page should answer many of these questions.

Why is it good to be a student at MPIA?

We are in a very good scientific environment. Not only your supervisor, but every scientist in this building is open for questions. Do not hesitate to ask them if you are stuck with a problem! Also the directors are always open to talk to students! There are many social activities offered at the institute. Just to name some:

  • Student coffee: Every day in office 133 from 13:00 to 14:00 - please bring a cup!
  • Merendella (Happy Hour): Every Friday there is an informal get-together drinks (paid by donations from the students).
  • In addition, if you would like to plan an event, contact the student representatives with your idea.
  • If you ever need technical or IT-support, you can contact the "Technischer Dienst" (office 014, telephone: 250) and/or the IT-service
  • Questions on IMPRS and HGSFP can always be answered by Christian Fendt.
  • At the MPIA we have a PhD Advisory Committee which meets with every student once a year to help them to have a successful PhD thesis. For more details see the PAC homepage.

Who will help me with my questions?

  • For general questions you can ask your Student Representatives.
  • For questions about the Patzer fund see the Patzer page.
  • You can address all students by sending an E-Mail to the student mailing list.

Where can I find things?

Have a look on the internal web pages of the MPIA. You can find different forms (travel form etc.) Forms and Information webpage, information on the Computing Environment, Room Occupation Plans, and much more on these pages. Be aware that they only work from within the institute or if you are connected via VPN to the institute.