
In accordance with the purpose of the Foundation, its annual financial output is spent for the Ernst Patzer Awards for best refereed publications financial support to students and young scientists at MPIA with the goal to help their scientific careers, including scientific books, thesis binding, thesis proofreading and membership in scientific society (AAS, DPG...).

Financial Support

A limited amount of money (few thousand Euros, changing each year) is available each year for financial support of students and young researchers to help their present studies and future carrier. At the moment, financial support is provided for binding the thesis, buying a scientific book and for the annual student workshop. In principal, the students at MPIA can define themselves which expenses should be funded and who is eligible for getting these funds. However, each proposal has to comply with the general aim and policy of the Ernst Patzer Foundation.

How to Apply?

  • Buy and pay the book or bind your thesis. Keep the receipt!
  • Download the form and fill it
  • Bring the filled form and the receipt to Henrik Beuther (Room 228) for approval by the Patzer foundation

The Ph.D. thesis represents the final stage of every Ph.D. student carrier. The University of Heidelberg requires quite a big number of copies of the thesis and all of them must be properly bind. The thesis itself is also the "key tool" in applying for postdoc positions or jobs. For this reason, the Foundation has decided to fund students for the binding of their thesis. Also, the binding of Master and Bachelor thesis are eligible to funding. Your expenses will be covered for up to 10 copies or up to a maximum 200 € (please make use of the various discounts available - for more information just contact the student representatives!).

Open Board

Aware of the fact that students themselves know what they need for their successful carrier, we encourage you to propose brilliant ideas for how the students can be supported best (i.e., such that the money really helps and that it is distributed in a fair way).
Suggestions are collected at any time by the Patzer student representative Those suggestions have to reflect the leading idea of the constitution. They have to help students in getting good opportunities for their present studies and future carrier.

To help coordinate the spending of the Patzer money, we ask you to submit requests as early as possible in the year.