TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
stdsoap2.h File Reference
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
Include dependency graph for stdsoap2.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  soap_double_nan
struct  Namespace
struct  soap_nlist
struct  soap_blist
struct  soap_array
struct  soap_plist
struct  soap_pblk
struct  soap_clist
struct  soap_attribute
struct  soap_cookie
struct  soap_dime
struct  soap_mime
struct  soap_multipart
struct  soap_xlist
struct  soap_dom_attribute
struct  soap_dom_element
struct  soap
struct  soap_code_map
struct  soap_flist
struct  soap_ilist
struct  soap_plugin


#define _THREAD_SAFE
#define _REENTRANT
#define SOAP_FMAC1
#define SOAP_FMAC2
#define SOAP_FMAC3
#define SOAP_FMAC4
#define SOAP_FMAC5
#define SOAP_FMAC6
#define SOAP_CMAC
#define SOAP_NMAC
#define SOAP_SOURCE_STAMP(str)
#define WITH_FAST
#define STDSOAP_H
#define HAVE_FTIME
#define HAVE_RAND_R
#define SOAP_STRCMP   strcmp /* case sensitive XML element/attribute names */
#define SOAP_SOCKLEN_T   size_t
#define SOAP_SOCKET   int
#define soap_closesocket(n)   close(n)
#define SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET   (-1)
#define soap_valid_socket(n)   ((n) != SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)
#define FD_SETSIZE   (1024)
#define LONG64   long long
#define ULONG64   unsigned LONG64
#define SOAP_LONG_FORMAT   "%lld" /* printf format for 64 bit ints */
#define SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT   "%llu" /* printf format for unsigned 64 bit ints */
#define soap_int32   int32_t
#define soap_errno   errno
#define soap_socket_errno(s)   errno
#define soap_reset_errno   (errno = 0)
#define SOAP_BUFLEN   (65536) /* buffer length for socket packets, also used by gethostbyname_r so don't make this too small */
#define SOAP_LABLEN   (256) /* initial look-aside buffer length */
#define SOAP_PTRBLK   (32) /* block allocation for pointer hash table chains */
#define SOAP_PTRHASH   (1024) /* size of pointer analysis hash table (must be power of 2) */
#define SOAP_IDHASH   (1999) /* prime size of hash table for parsed id/ref */
#define SOAP_BLKLEN   (256) /* size of blocks to collect long strings and XML attributes */
#define SOAP_TAGLEN   (1024) /* maximum length of XML element tag/attribute name or host/path name + 1 */
#define SOAP_HDRLEN   (8192) /* maximum length of HTTP header line (must be >4096 to read cookies) */
#define SOAP_MAXDIMS   (16) /* maximum array dimensions (array nestings) must be less than 64 to protect soap->tmpbuf */
#define SOAP_MAXLOGS   (3) /* max number of debug logs per struct soap environment */
#define SOAP_INDEX_RECV   (0)
#define SOAP_INDEX_SENT   (1)
#define SOAP_INDEX_TEST   (2)
#define SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE   (100) /* max iterations to keep server connection alive */
#define SOAP_MAXARRAYSIZE   (100000) /* "trusted" max size of inbound SOAP array for compound array allocation */
#define FLT_NAN   (*(float*)(void*)&soap_double_nan)
#define FLT_PINFTY   (3.40282347e+38F)
#define DBL_NAN   (*(double*)(void*)&soap_double_nan)
#define DBL_PINFTY   (1.7976931348623157e+308)
#define soap_isnan(n)   (0)
#define soap_ispinfd(n)   ((n) >= DBL_PINFTY)
#define soap_ispinff(n)   ((n) >= FLT_PINFTY)
#define soap_isninfd(n)   ((n) <= DBL_NINFTY)
#define soap_isninff(n)   ((n) <= FLT_NINFTY)
#define SOAP_EOF   EOF
#define SOAP_ERR   EOF
#define SOAP_OK   0
#define SOAP_CLI_FAULT   1
#define SOAP_SVR_FAULT   2
#define SOAP_TYPE   4
#define SOAP_NO_TAG   6
#define SOAP_IOB   7
#define SOAP_NAMESPACE   9
#define SOAP_USER_ERROR   10
#define SOAP_FATAL_ERROR   11
#define SOAP_FAULT   12
#define SOAP_NO_METHOD   13
#define SOAP_NO_DATA   14
#define SOAP_GET_METHOD   15
#define SOAP_EOM   16
#define SOAP_MOE   17
#define SOAP_NULL   18
#define SOAP_DUPLICATE_ID   19
#define SOAP_MISSING_ID   20
#define SOAP_HREF   21
#define SOAP_UDP_ERROR   22
#define SOAP_TCP_ERROR   23
#define SOAP_HTTP_ERROR   24
#define SOAP_SSL_ERROR   25
#define SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR   26
#define SOAP_DIME_ERROR   27
#define SOAP_DIME_HREF   28
#define SOAP_DIME_END   30
#define SOAP_MIME_ERROR   31
#define SOAP_MIME_HREF   32
#define SOAP_MIME_END   33
#define SOAP_PLUGIN_ERROR   35
#define SOAP_REQUIRED   37
#define SOAP_PROHIBITED   38
#define SOAP_OCCURS   39
#define SOAP_LENGTH   40
#define SOAP_FD_EXCEEDED   41
#define soap_xml_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || (e) == SOAP_TAG_END || (e) == SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR || (e) == SOAP_NAMESPACE || (e) == SOAP_DUPLICATE_ID || (e) == SOAP_MISSING_ID || (e) == SOAP_REQUIRED || (e) == SOAP_PROHIBITED || (e) == SOAP_OCCURS || (e) == SOAP_LENGTH || (e) == SOAP_NULL || (e) == SOAP_HREF)
#define soap_soap_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_CLI_FAULT || (e) == SOAP_SVR_FAULT || (e) == SOAP_VERSIONMISMATCH || (e) == SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND || (e) == SOAP_FAULT || (e) == SOAP_NO_METHOD)
#define soap_tcp_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_EOF || (e) == SOAP_TCP_ERROR)
#define soap_ssl_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_SSL_ERROR)
#define soap_zlib_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR)
#define soap_http_error_check(e)   ((e) == SOAP_HTTP_ERROR || (e) == SOAP_GET_METHOD || (e) == SOAP_NO_DATA || ((e) >= 100 && (e) < 600))
#define SOAP_STOP   1000 /* No HTTP response */
#define SOAP_FORM   1001 /* Form request/response */
#define SOAP_HTML   1002 /* Custom HTML response */
#define SOAP_FILE   1003 /* Custom file-based response */
#define SOAP_POST   2000
#define SOAP_GET   2001
#define SOAP_DIME_CF   0x01
#define SOAP_DIME_ME   0x02
#define SOAP_DIME_MB   0x04
#define SOAP_DIME_VERSION   0x08 /* DIME version 1 */
#define SOAP_DIME_MEDIA   0x10
#define SOAP_DIME_ABSURI   0x20
#define SOAP_ZLIB_NONE   0x00
#define SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE   0x01
#define SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE   0x02
#define SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP   0x02
#define SOAP_IO   0x00000003 /* IO mask */
#define SOAP_IO_FLUSH   0x00000000 /* flush output immediately, no buffering */
#define SOAP_IO_BUFFER   0x00000001 /* buffer output in packets of size SOAP_BUFLEN */
#define SOAP_IO_STORE   0x00000002 /* store entire output to determine length for transport */
#define SOAP_IO_CHUNK   0x00000003 /* use HTTP chunked transfer AND buffer packets */
#define SOAP_IO_UDP   0x00000004 /* TCP or UDP */
#define SOAP_IO_LENGTH   0x00000008 /* calc message length (internal) */
#define SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE   0x00000010 /* keep connection alive */
#define SOAP_ENC_LATIN   0x00000020 /* accept iso-8859-1 encoding */
#define SOAP_ENC_XML   0x00000040 /* plain XML encoding, no HTTP header */
#define SOAP_ENC_DIME   0x00000080
#define SOAP_ENC_MIME   0x00000100
#define SOAP_ENC_MTOM   0x00000200
#define SOAP_ENC_ZLIB   0x00000400
#define SOAP_ENC_SSL   0x00000800
#define SOAP_ENC   0x00000FFF /* IO and ENC mask */
#define SOAP_XML_STRICT   0x00001000 /* apply strict validation */
#define SOAP_XML_INDENT   0x00002000 /* emit indented XML */
#define SOAP_XML_CANONICAL   0x00004000 /* EXC C14N canonical XML */
#define SOAP_XML_TREE   0x00008000 /* emit XML tree (no id/ref) */
#define SOAP_XML_GRAPH   0x00010000
#define SOAP_XML_NIL   0x00020000
#define SOAP_XML_DOM   0x00040000
#define SOAP_XML_SEC   0x00080000 /* reserved for WS security */
#define SOAP_C_NOIOB   0x00100000 /* don't fault on array index out of bounds (just ignore) */
#define SOAP_C_UTFSTRING   0x00200000 /* (de)serialize strings with UTF8 content */
#define SOAP_C_MBSTRING   0x00400000 /* (de)serialize strings with multi-byte content */
#define SOAP_C_NILSTRING   0x00800000 /* serialize empty strings as nil (omitted) */
#define SOAP_DOM_TREE   0x01000000
#define SOAP_DOM_NODE   0x02000000
#define SOAP_DOM_ASIS   0x04000000
#define SOAP_MIME_POSTCHECK   0x10000000 /* MIME flag (internal) */
#define SOAP_SSL_NO_AUTHENTICATION   0x00 /* for testing purposes */
#define SOAP_SSL_REQUIRE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION   0x01 /* client requires server to authenticate */
#define SOAP_SSL_REQUIRE_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION   0x02 /* server requires client to authenticate */
#define SOAP_SSL_SKIP_HOST_CHECK   0x04 /* client does not check the common name of the host in certificate */
#define SOAP_SSL_RSA   0x08 /* use RSA */
#define SOAP_SSLv3_TLSv1   0x00 /* SSL v3 and TLS v1 support by default */
#define SOAP_SSLv3   0x10 /* SSL v3 only */
#define SOAP_TLSv1   0x20 /* TLS v1 only */
#define SOAP_INIT   1
#define SOAP_COPY   2
#define soap_check_state(soap)   (!(soap) || ((soap)->state != SOAP_INIT && (soap)->state != SOAP_COPY))
#define SOAP_BEGIN   0
#define SOAP_IN_ENVELOPE   2
#define SOAP_IN_HEADER   3
#define SOAP_END_HEADER   4
#define SOAP_NO_BODY   5
#define SOAP_IN_BODY   6
#define SOAP_END_BODY   7
#define SOAP_END   9
#define SOAP_IN_SECURITY   11
#define SOAP_END_SECURITY   12
#define SOAP_MALLOC(soap, size)   malloc(size)
#define SOAP_FREE(soap, ptr)   free(ptr)
#define DBGFUN2(FNAME, FMT1, ARG1, FMT2, ARG2)
#define DBGFUN3(FNAME, FMT1, ARG1, FMT2, ARG2, FMT3, ARG3)
#define SOAP_STD_API
#define soap_get0(soap)   (((soap)->bufidx>=(soap)->buflen && soap_recv(soap)) ? EOF : (unsigned char)(soap)->buf[(soap)->bufidx])
#define soap_get1(soap)   (((soap)->bufidx>=(soap)->buflen && soap_recv(soap)) ? EOF : (unsigned char)(soap)->buf[(soap)->bufidx++])
#define soap_revget1(soap)   ((soap)->bufidx--)
#define soap_unget(soap, c)   ((soap)->ahead = c)
#define soap_register_plugin(soap, plugin)   soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, plugin, NULL)
#define soap_imode(soap, n)   ((soap)->mode = (soap)->imode = (n))
#define soap_set_imode(soap, n)   ((soap)->imode |= (n))
#define soap_clr_imode(soap, n)   ((soap)->imode &= ~(n))
#define soap_omode(soap, n)   ((soap)->mode = (soap)->omode = (n))
#define soap_set_omode(soap, n)   ((soap)->omode |= (n))
#define soap_clr_omode(soap, n)   ((soap)->omode &= ~(n))
#define soap_set_mode(soap, n)   ((soap)->imode |= (n), (soap)->omode |= (n))
#define soap_clr_mode(soap, n)   ((soap)->imode &= ~(n), (soap)->omode &= ~(n))
#define soap_destroy(soap)   soap_delete((soap), NULL)
#define soap_strrchr(s, t)   strrchr(s, t)
#define soap_strtol(s, t, b)   strtol(s, t, b)
#define soap_strtoul(s, t, b)   strtoul(s, t, b)
#define soap_random   rand()


typedef soap_int32 soap_mode
typedef soap_int32 soap_wchar


enum  soap_mime_encoding {


SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_dom_element *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dom_next_element (struct soap_dom_element *elt)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_dom_attribute *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dom_next_attribute (struct soap_dom_attribute *att)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_fault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultcode (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultsubcode (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultstring (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultdetail (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serializeheader (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putheader (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getheader (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serializefault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putfault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getfault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_init (void)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_poll (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_connect_command (struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_connect (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_bind (struct soap *, const char *, int, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_accept (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_accept (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_error (struct soap *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_server_context (struct soap *, unsigned short, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_client_context (struct soap *, unsigned short, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_puthttphdr (struct soap *, int status, size_t count)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get_header_attribute (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_decode_key (char *, size_t, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_decode_val (char *, size_t, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_hash (const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_endpoint (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_flush_raw (struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_flush (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getchar (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_tag_cmp (const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_fault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_sender_fault (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_sender_fault_subcode (struct soap *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_receiver_fault (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_receiver_fault_subcode (struct soap *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_sender_error (struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_receiver_error (struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_raw (struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_raw (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send2 (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send3 (struct soap *, const char *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pututf8 (struct soap *, unsigned long)
SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getutf8 (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putbase64 (struct soap *, const unsigned char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getbase64 (struct soap *, int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_puthex (struct soap *, const unsigned char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_gethex (struct soap *, int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_xop_forward (struct soap *, unsigned char **, int *, char **, char **, char **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dime_forward (struct soap *, unsigned char **, int *, char **, char **, char **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_lookup_id (struct soap *, void *p, int t, struct soap_plist **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_lookup (struct soap *, const void *p, int t, struct soap_plist **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_enter (struct soap *, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, int t, struct soap_plist **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_pointer_lookup (struct soap *, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, int t, struct soap_plist **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embed (struct soap *soap, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, const char *tag, int type)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_ilist *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_ilist *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_enter (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_resolve (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embedded (struct soap *, const void *p, int t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_reference (struct soap *, const void *p, int t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_reference (struct soap *, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int n, int t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embedded_id (struct soap *, int id, const void *p, int t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_is_embedded (struct soap *, struct soap_plist *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_is_single (struct soap *, struct soap_plist *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_embedded (struct soap *, struct soap_plist *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_count (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_count (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_send (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_send (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const struct soap_code_map *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code (const struct soap_code_map *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_int (const struct soap_code_map *, const char *, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_str (const struct soap_code_map *, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_bits (const struct soap_code_map *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_list (struct soap *, const struct soap_code_map *, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getline (struct soap *, char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_recv (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_recv (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_malloc (struct soap *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dealloc (struct soap *, void *)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_clist *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_link (struct soap *, void *, int, int, int(*fdelete)(struct soap_clist *))
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unlink (struct soap *, const void *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_free_temp (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_del (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_track_malloc (struct soap *, const char *, int, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_track_free (struct soap *, const char *, int, void *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_type (struct soap *, const char *id)
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_lookup (struct soap *, const char *id, void **p, int t, size_t n, unsigned int k)
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_forward (struct soap *, const char *id, void *p, size_t len, int st, int tt, size_t n, unsigned int k, void(*fcopy)(struct soap *, int, int, void *, size_t, const void *, size_t))
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_enter (struct soap *, const char *id, void *p, int t, size_t n, unsigned int k, const char *type, const char *arrayType, void *(*finstantiate)(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *))
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_fcopy (struct soap *soap, int st, int tt, void *p, size_t, const void *q, size_t n)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_size (const int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getoffsets (const char *, const int *, int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getsize (const char *, const char *, int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getsizes (const char *, int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getposition (const char *, int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsize (struct soap *, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsizesoffsets (struct soap *, const char *, const int *, const int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsizes (struct soap *, const char *, const int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putoffset (struct soap *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putoffsets (struct soap *, const int *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_closesock (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new (void)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new1 (soap_mode)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new2 (soap_mode, soap_mode)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_free (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy_context (struct soap *, struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy_stream (struct soap *, struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init1 (struct soap *, soap_mode)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init2 (struct soap *, soap_mode, soap_mode)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_done (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_cleanup (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_delete (struct soap *, void *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_value (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_tag (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_array (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element (struct soap *, const char *, int, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_begin_out (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *type)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_begin_out (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *type, const char *offset)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_ref (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, int href)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_href (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *ref, const char *val)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_null (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *type)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_id (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const void *p, const struct soap_array *a, int d, const char *type, int n)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_result (struct soap *, const char *tag)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_check_result (struct soap *, const char *tag)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_end_out (struct soap *, const char *tag)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_start_end_out (struct soap *, const char *tag)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attribute (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_begin_in (struct soap *, const char *tag, int nillable, const char *type)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_end_in (struct soap *, const char *tag)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_peek_element (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_retry (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_revert (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strdup (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strsearch (const char *big, const char *little)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_string_out (struct soap *, const char *s, int flag)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_string_in (struct soap *, int, long, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wstring_out (struct soap *, const wchar_t *s, int flag)
SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wstring_in (struct soap *, int, long, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_namespace (struct soap *, const char *, const char *, int n1, int n2)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_namespaces (struct soap *, const struct Namespace *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_local_namespaces (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pop_namespace (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_push_namespace (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_current_namespace (struct soap *soap, const char *tag)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_nlist *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_ns (struct soap *soap, const char *tag, size_t n)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_store_lab (struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_append_lab (struct soap *, const char *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new_block (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_push_block (struct soap *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pop_block (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_size_block (struct soap *, size_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_first_block (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_next_block (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_block_size (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_save_block (struct soap *, char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_block (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_begin_out (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int soap_envelope_end_out (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_begin_in (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_end_in (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_begin_out (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_end_out (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_begin_in (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_end_in (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_header (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_response (struct soap *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_empty_response (struct soap *, int status)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_empty_response (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_fault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_fault (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_print_fault (struct soap *, FILE *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_print_fault_location (struct soap *, FILE *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2byte (struct soap *, const char *, char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2short (struct soap *, const char *, short *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2int (struct soap *, const char *, int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2long (struct soap *, const char *, long *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2LONG64 (struct soap *, const char *, LONG64 *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2float (struct soap *, const char *, float *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2double (struct soap *, const char *, double *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedByte (struct soap *, const char *, unsigned char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedShort (struct soap *, const char *, unsigned short *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedInt (struct soap *, const char *, unsigned int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedLong (struct soap *, const char *, unsigned long *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2ULONG64 (struct soap *, const char *, ULONG64 *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2string (struct soap *, const char *, char **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2QName (struct soap *, const char *, char **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2wchar (struct soap *, const char *, wchar_t **)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2dateTime (struct soap *, const char *, time_t *)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2base64 (struct soap *, const unsigned char *, char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2hex (struct soap *, const unsigned char *, char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_byte2s (struct soap *, char)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_short2s (struct soap *, short)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_int2s (struct soap *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_long2s (struct soap *, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_LONG642s (struct soap *, LONG64)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_float2s (struct soap *, float)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_double2s (struct soap *, double)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedByte2s (struct soap *, unsigned char)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedShort2s (struct soap *, unsigned short)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedInt2s (struct soap *, unsigned int)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedLong2s (struct soap *, unsigned long)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ULONG642s (struct soap *, ULONG64)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_QName2s (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wchar2s (struct soap *, const wchar_t *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dateTime2s (struct soap *, time_t)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_base642s (struct soap *, const char *, char *, size_t, int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_hex2s (struct soap *, const char *, char *, size_t, int *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inint (struct soap *, const char *tag, int *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inbyte (struct soap *, const char *tag, char *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 long *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inlong (struct soap *, const char *tag, long *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 LONG64 *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inLONG64 (struct soap *, const char *tag, LONG64 *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 short *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inshort (struct soap *, const char *tag, short *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 float *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_infloat (struct soap *, const char *tag, float *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 double *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_indouble (struct soap *, const char *tag, double *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedByte (struct soap *, const char *tag, unsigned char *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned short *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedShort (struct soap *, const char *tag, unsigned short *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned int *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedInt (struct soap *, const char *tag, unsigned int *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned long *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedLong (struct soap *, const char *tag, unsigned long *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 ULONG64 *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inULONG64 (struct soap *, const char *tag, ULONG64 *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 char **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instring (struct soap *, const char *tag, char **p, const char *, int, int, long, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 char **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inliteral (struct soap *, const char *tag, char **p)
SOAP_FMAC1 time_t *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_indateTime (struct soap *, const char *tag, time_t *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inwstring (struct soap *, const char *tag, wchar_t **p, const char *, int, long, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t **SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inwliteral (struct soap *, const char *tag, wchar_t **p)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outbyte (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const char *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outshort (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const short *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outint (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const int *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outlong (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const long *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outLONG64 (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const LONG64 *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outfloat (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const float *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outdouble (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const double *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedByte (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned char *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedShort (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned short *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedInt (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned int *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedLong (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const unsigned long *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outULONG64 (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const ULONG64 *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outstring (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, char *const *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outliteral (struct soap *, const char *tag, char *const *p, const char *type)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outdateTime (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, const time_t *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outwstring (struct soap *, const char *tag, int id, wchar_t *const *p, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outwliteral (struct soap *, const char *tag, wchar_t *const *p, const char *type)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attachment (struct soap *, const char *, int, const void *, const struct soap_array *, const char *, const char *, const char *, int, const char *, int)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_move (struct soap *, long)
SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_tell (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dime_option (struct soap *, unsigned short, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getdimehdr (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getdime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putdimehdr (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putdime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getmimehdr (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getmime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putmimehdr (struct soap *, struct soap_multipart *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putmime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_dime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_mime (struct soap *, const char *boundary, const char *start)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_dime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_mime (struct soap *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_dime_attachment (struct soap *, char *ptr, size_t size, const char *type, const char *id, unsigned short optype, const char *option)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_mime_attachment (struct soap *, char *ptr, size_t size, enum soap_mime_encoding encoding, const char *type, const char *id, const char *location, const char *description)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_post_check_mime_attachments (struct soap *soap)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_check_mime_attachments (struct soap *soap)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_multipart *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get_mime_attachment (struct soap *soap, void *handle)
SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_multipart *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_next_multipart (struct soap_multipart *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_cid (struct soap *, const char *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_register_plugin_arg (struct soap *, int(*fcreate)(struct soap *, struct soap_plugin *, void *), void *)
SOAP_FMAC1 void *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_plugin (struct soap *, const char *)
SOAP_FMAC1 const char *SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attr_value (struct soap *soap, const char *name, int flag)
SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_attr (struct soap *soap, const char *name, const char *value)
SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_attr (struct soap *soap)


const struct soap_double_nan soap_double_nan
SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces []

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _REENTRANT


#define _THREAD_SAFE


#define DBGFUN (   FNAME)


#define DBGFUN1 (   FNAME,


#define DBGFUN2 (   FNAME,


#define DBGFUN3 (   FNAME,


#define DBGHEX (   DBGFILE,


#define DBGLOG (   DBGFILE,


#define DBGMSG (   DBGFILE,


#define DBL_NAN   (*(double*)(void*)&soap_double_nan)




#define DBL_PINFTY   (1.7976931348623157e+308)


#define FD_SETSIZE   (1024)


#define FLT_NAN   (*(float*)(void*)&soap_double_nan)




#define FLT_PINFTY   (3.40282347e+38F)


#define HAVE_FTIME










#define HAVE_RAND_R















◆ LONG64

#define LONG64   long long


#define SOAP_BEGIN   0




#define SOAP_BLKLEN   (256) /* size of blocks to collect long strings and XML attributes */


#define SOAP_BUFLEN   (65536) /* buffer length for socket packets, also used by gethostbyname_r so don't make this too small */


#define SOAP_C_MBSTRING   0x00400000 /* (de)serialize strings with multi-byte content */


#define SOAP_C_NILSTRING   0x00800000 /* serialize empty strings as nil (omitted) */


#define SOAP_C_NOIOB   0x00100000 /* don't fault on array index out of bounds (just ignore) */


#define SOAP_C_UTFSTRING   0x00200000 /* (de)serialize strings with UTF8 content */

◆ soap_check_state

#define soap_check_state (   soap)    (!(soap) || ((soap)->state != SOAP_INIT && (soap)->state != SOAP_COPY))


#define SOAP_CLI_FAULT   1

◆ soap_closesocket

#define soap_closesocket (   n)    close(n)

◆ soap_clr_imode

#define soap_clr_imode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->imode &= ~(n))

◆ soap_clr_mode

#define soap_clr_mode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->imode &= ~(n), (soap)->omode &= ~(n))

◆ soap_clr_omode

#define soap_clr_omode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->omode &= ~(n))


#define SOAP_CMAC


#define SOAP_COPY   2



◆ soap_destroy

#define soap_destroy (   soap)    soap_delete((soap), NULL)


#define SOAP_DIME_ABSURI   0x20


#define SOAP_DIME_CF   0x01


#define SOAP_DIME_END   30


#define SOAP_DIME_ERROR   27


#define SOAP_DIME_HREF   28


#define SOAP_DIME_MB   0x04


#define SOAP_DIME_ME   0x02


#define SOAP_DIME_MEDIA   0x10




#define SOAP_DIME_VERSION   0x08 /* DIME version 1 */


#define SOAP_DOM_ASIS   0x04000000


#define SOAP_DOM_NODE   0x02000000


#define SOAP_DOM_TREE   0x01000000


#define SOAP_DUPLICATE_ID   19










#define SOAP_ENC   0x00000FFF /* IO and ENC mask */


#define SOAP_ENC_DIME   0x00000080


#define SOAP_ENC_LATIN   0x00000020 /* accept iso-8859-1 encoding */


#define SOAP_ENC_MIME   0x00000100


#define SOAP_ENC_MTOM   0x00000200


#define SOAP_ENC_SSL   0x00000800


#define SOAP_ENC_XML   0x00000040 /* plain XML encoding, no HTTP header */


#define SOAP_ENC_ZLIB   0x00000400


#define SOAP_END   9


#define SOAP_END_BODY   7




#define SOAP_END_HEADER   4


#define SOAP_END_SECURITY   12


#define SOAP_EOF   EOF


#define SOAP_EOM   16




#define SOAP_ERR   EOF

◆ soap_errno

#define soap_errno   errno




#define SOAP_FATAL_ERROR   11


#define SOAP_FAULT   12


#define SOAP_FD_EXCEEDED   41


#define SOAP_FILE   1003 /* Custom file-based response */


#define SOAP_FMAC1


#define SOAP_FMAC2


#define SOAP_FMAC3




#define SOAP_FMAC4




#define SOAP_FMAC5


#define SOAP_FMAC6


#define SOAP_FORM   1001 /* Form request/response */


#define SOAP_FREE (   soap,
)    free(ptr)


#define SOAP_GET   2001

◆ soap_get0

#define soap_get0 (   soap)    (((soap)->bufidx>=(soap)->buflen && soap_recv(soap)) ? EOF : (unsigned char)(soap)->buf[(soap)->bufidx])

◆ soap_get1

#define soap_get1 (   soap)    (((soap)->bufidx>=(soap)->buflen && soap_recv(soap)) ? EOF : (unsigned char)(soap)->buf[(soap)->bufidx++])


#define SOAP_GET_METHOD   15


#define SOAP_HDRLEN   (8192) /* maximum length of HTTP header line (must be >4096 to read cookies) */


#define SOAP_HREF   21


#define SOAP_HTML   1002 /* Custom HTML response */


#define SOAP_HTTP_ERROR   24

◆ soap_http_error_check

#define soap_http_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_HTTP_ERROR || (e) == SOAP_GET_METHOD || (e) == SOAP_NO_DATA || ((e) >= 100 && (e) < 600))


#define SOAP_IDHASH   (1999) /* prime size of hash table for parsed id/ref */

◆ soap_imode

#define soap_imode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->mode = (soap)->imode = (n))


#define SOAP_IN_BODY   6


#define SOAP_IN_ENVELOPE   2


#define SOAP_IN_HEADER   3


#define SOAP_IN_SECURITY   11


#define SOAP_INDEX_RECV   (0)


#define SOAP_INDEX_SENT   (1)


#define SOAP_INDEX_TEST   (2)


#define SOAP_INIT   1

◆ soap_int32

#define soap_int32   int32_t


#define SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET   (-1)


#define SOAP_IO   0x00000003 /* IO mask */


#define SOAP_IO_BUFFER   0x00000001 /* buffer output in packets of size SOAP_BUFLEN */


#define SOAP_IO_CHUNK   0x00000003 /* use HTTP chunked transfer AND buffer packets */




#define SOAP_IO_FLUSH   0x00000000 /* flush output immediately, no buffering */


#define SOAP_IO_KEEPALIVE   0x00000010 /* keep connection alive */


#define SOAP_IO_LENGTH   0x00000008 /* calc message length (internal) */


#define SOAP_IO_STORE   0x00000002 /* store entire output to determine length for transport */


#define SOAP_IO_UDP   0x00000004 /* TCP or UDP */


#define SOAP_IOB   7

◆ soap_isnan

#define soap_isnan (   n)    (0)

◆ soap_isninfd

#define soap_isninfd (   n)    ((n) <= DBL_NINFTY)

◆ soap_isninff

#define soap_isninff (   n)    ((n) <= FLT_NINFTY)

◆ soap_ispinfd

#define soap_ispinfd (   n)    ((n) >= DBL_PINFTY)

◆ soap_ispinff

#define soap_ispinff (   n)    ((n) >= FLT_PINFTY)


#define SOAP_LABLEN   (256) /* initial look-aside buffer length */


#define SOAP_LENGTH   40


#define SOAP_LONG_FORMAT   "%lld" /* printf format for 64 bit ints */


#define SOAP_MALLOC (   soap,
)    malloc(size)


#define SOAP_MAXARRAYSIZE   (100000) /* "trusted" max size of inbound SOAP array for compound array allocation */


#define SOAP_MAXDIMS   (16) /* maximum array dimensions (array nestings) must be less than 64 to protect soap->tmpbuf */


#define SOAP_MAXKEEPALIVE   (100) /* max iterations to keep server connection alive */


#define SOAP_MAXLOGS   (3) /* max number of debug logs per struct soap environment */


#define SOAP_MIME_END   33


#define SOAP_MIME_ERROR   31


#define SOAP_MIME_HREF   32


#define SOAP_MIME_POSTCHECK   0x10000000 /* MIME flag (internal) */


#define SOAP_MISSING_ID   20


#define SOAP_MOE   17




#define SOAP_NAMESPACE   9


#define SOAP_NMAC


#define SOAP_NO_BODY   5


#define SOAP_NO_DATA   14


#define SOAP_NO_METHOD   13


#define SOAP_NO_TAG   6


#define SOAP_NULL   18


#define SOAP_OCCURS   39


#define SOAP_OK   0

◆ soap_omode

#define soap_omode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->mode = (soap)->omode = (n))


#define SOAP_PLUGIN_ERROR   35


#define SOAP_POST   2000


#define SOAP_PROHIBITED   38


#define SOAP_PTRBLK   (32) /* block allocation for pointer hash table chains */


#define SOAP_PTRHASH   (1024) /* size of pointer analysis hash table (must be power of 2) */

◆ soap_random

#define soap_random   rand()

◆ soap_register_plugin

#define soap_register_plugin (   soap,
)    soap_register_plugin_arg(soap, plugin, NULL)


#define SOAP_REQUIRED   37

◆ soap_reset_errno

#define soap_reset_errno   (errno = 0)

◆ soap_revget1

#define soap_revget1 (   soap)    ((soap)->bufidx--)

◆ soap_set_imode

#define soap_set_imode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->imode |= (n))

◆ soap_set_mode

#define soap_set_mode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->imode |= (n), (soap)->omode |= (n))

◆ soap_set_omode

#define soap_set_omode (   soap,
)    ((soap)->omode |= (n))

◆ soap_soap_error_check

#define soap_soap_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_CLI_FAULT || (e) == SOAP_SVR_FAULT || (e) == SOAP_VERSIONMISMATCH || (e) == SOAP_MUSTUNDERSTAND || (e) == SOAP_FAULT || (e) == SOAP_NO_METHOD)


#define SOAP_SOCKET   int

◆ soap_socket_errno

#define soap_socket_errno (   s)    errno


#define SOAP_SOCKLEN_T   size_t


#define SOAP_SOURCE_STAMP (   str)




#define SOAP_SSL_ERROR   25

◆ soap_ssl_error_check

#define soap_ssl_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_SSL_ERROR)


#define SOAP_SSL_NO_AUTHENTICATION   0x00 /* for testing purposes */


#define SOAP_SSL_REQUIRE_CLIENT_AUTHENTICATION   0x02 /* server requires client to authenticate */


#define SOAP_SSL_REQUIRE_SERVER_AUTHENTICATION   0x01 /* client requires server to authenticate */


#define SOAP_SSL_RSA   0x08 /* use RSA */


#define SOAP_SSL_SKIP_HOST_CHECK   0x04 /* client does not check the common name of the host in certificate */


#define SOAP_SSLv3   0x10 /* SSL v3 only */


#define SOAP_SSLv3_TLSv1   0x00 /* SSL v3 and TLS v1 support by default */


#define SOAP_STD_API


#define SOAP_STOP   1000 /* No HTTP response */


#define SOAP_STRCMP   strcmp /* case sensitive XML element/attribute names */

◆ soap_strrchr

#define soap_strrchr (   s,
)    strrchr(s, t)

◆ soap_strtol

#define soap_strtol (   s,
)    strtol(s, t, b)

◆ soap_strtoul

#define soap_strtoul (   s,
)    strtoul(s, t, b)


#define SOAP_SVR_FAULT   2






#define SOAP_TAGLEN   (1024) /* maximum length of XML element tag/attribute name or host/path name + 1 */


#define SOAP_TCP_ERROR   23

◆ soap_tcp_error_check

#define soap_tcp_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_EOF || (e) == SOAP_TCP_ERROR)


#define SOAP_TLSv1   0x20 /* TLS v1 only */


#define SOAP_TYPE   4


#define SOAP_UDP_ERROR   22


#define SOAP_ULONG_FORMAT   "%llu" /* printf format for unsigned 64 bit ints */

◆ soap_unget

#define soap_unget (   soap,
)    ((soap)->ahead = c)


#define SOAP_USER_ERROR   10

◆ soap_valid_socket

#define soap_valid_socket (   n)    ((n) != SOAP_INVALID_SOCKET)




#define SOAP_XML_CANONICAL   0x00004000 /* EXC C14N canonical XML */


#define SOAP_XML_DOM   0x00040000

◆ soap_xml_error_check

#define soap_xml_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_TAG_MISMATCH || (e) == SOAP_TAG_END || (e) == SOAP_SYNTAX_ERROR || (e) == SOAP_NAMESPACE || (e) == SOAP_DUPLICATE_ID || (e) == SOAP_MISSING_ID || (e) == SOAP_REQUIRED || (e) == SOAP_PROHIBITED || (e) == SOAP_OCCURS || (e) == SOAP_LENGTH || (e) == SOAP_NULL || (e) == SOAP_HREF)


#define SOAP_XML_GRAPH   0x00010000


#define SOAP_XML_INDENT   0x00002000 /* emit indented XML */


#define SOAP_XML_NIL   0x00020000


#define SOAP_XML_SEC   0x00080000 /* reserved for WS security */


#define SOAP_XML_STRICT   0x00001000 /* apply strict validation */


#define SOAP_XML_TREE   0x00008000 /* emit XML tree (no id/ref) */


#define SOAP_ZLIB_DEFLATE   0x01


#define SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR   26

◆ soap_zlib_error_check

#define soap_zlib_error_check (   e)    ((e) == SOAP_ZLIB_ERROR)


#define SOAP_ZLIB_GZIP   0x02


#define SOAP_ZLIB_INFLATE   0x02


#define SOAP_ZLIB_NONE   0x00


#define STDSOAP_H


#define ULONG64   unsigned LONG64


#define WITH_FAST

Typedef Documentation

◆ soap_mode

◆ soap_wchar

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ soap_mime_encoding


Function Documentation

◆ soap_accept()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_accept ( struct soap )

◆ soap_append_lab()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_append_lab ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_array_begin_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_begin_out ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const char *  type,
const char *  offset 

◆ soap_array_pointer_lookup()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_pointer_lookup ( struct soap ,
const void *  p,
const struct soap_array a,
int  n,
int  t,
struct soap_plist **   

◆ soap_array_reference()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_array_reference ( struct soap ,
const void *  p,
const struct soap_array a,
int  n,
int  t 

◆ soap_attachment()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attachment ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const void *  ,
const struct soap_array ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_attr_value()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attr_value ( struct soap soap,
const char *  name,
int  flag 

◆ soap_attribute()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_attribute ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_base642s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_base642s ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
char *  ,
size_t  ,
int *   

◆ soap_begin()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin ( struct soap )

◆ soap_begin_count()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_count ( struct soap )

◆ soap_begin_recv()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_recv ( struct soap )

◆ soap_begin_send()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_begin_send ( struct soap )

◆ soap_bind()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_bind ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
int  ,

◆ soap_block_size()

SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_block_size ( struct soap )

◆ soap_body_begin_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_begin_in ( struct soap )

◆ soap_body_begin_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_begin_out ( struct soap )

◆ soap_body_end_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_end_in ( struct soap )

◆ soap_body_end_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_body_end_out ( struct soap )

◆ soap_byte2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_byte2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_check_mime_attachments()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_check_mime_attachments ( struct soap soap)

◆ soap_check_result()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_check_result ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag 

◆ soap_cleanup()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_cleanup ( struct soap )

◆ soap_closesock()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_closesock ( struct soap )

◆ soap_clr_attr()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_attr ( struct soap soap)

◆ soap_clr_dime()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_dime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_clr_mime()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_clr_mime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_code()

SOAP_FMAC1 const struct soap_code_map* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code ( const struct soap_code_map ,
const char *   

◆ soap_code_bits()

SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_bits ( const struct soap_code_map ,
const char *   

◆ soap_code_int()

SOAP_FMAC1 long SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_int ( const struct soap_code_map ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_code_list()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_list ( struct soap ,
const struct soap_code_map ,

◆ soap_code_str()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_code_str ( const struct soap_code_map ,

◆ soap_connect()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_connect ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_connect_command()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_connect_command ( struct soap ,
int  ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_copy()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy ( struct soap )

◆ soap_copy_context()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy_context ( struct soap ,
struct soap  

◆ soap_copy_stream()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_copy_stream ( struct soap ,
struct soap  

◆ soap_current_namespace()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_current_namespace ( struct soap soap,
const char *  tag 

◆ soap_dateTime2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dateTime2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_dealloc()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dealloc ( struct soap ,
void *   

◆ soap_decode_key()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_decode_key ( char *  ,
size_t  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_decode_val()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_decode_val ( char *  ,
size_t  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_del()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_del ( struct soap )

◆ soap_delete()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_delete ( struct soap ,
void *   

◆ soap_dime_forward()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dime_forward ( struct soap ,
unsigned char **  ,
int *  ,
char **  ,
char **  ,
char **   

◆ soap_dime_option()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dime_option ( struct soap ,
unsigned  short,
const char *   

◆ soap_dom_next_attribute()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_dom_attribute* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dom_next_attribute ( struct soap_dom_attribute att)

◆ soap_dom_next_element()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_dom_element* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_dom_next_element ( struct soap_dom_element elt)

◆ soap_done()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_done ( struct soap )

◆ soap_double2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_double2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_element()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
int  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_element_begin_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_begin_in ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  nillable,
const char *  type 

◆ soap_element_begin_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_begin_out ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const char *  type 

◆ soap_element_end_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_end_in ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag 

◆ soap_element_end_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_end_out ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag 

◆ soap_element_href()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_href ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const char *  ref,
const char *  val 

◆ soap_element_id()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_id ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const void *  p,
const struct soap_array a,
int  d,
const char *  type,
int  n 

◆ soap_element_null()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_null ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const char *  type 

◆ soap_element_ref()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_ref ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
int  href 

◆ soap_element_result()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_result ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag 

◆ soap_element_start_end_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_element_start_end_out ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag 

◆ soap_embed()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embed ( struct soap soap,
const void *  p,
const struct soap_array a,
int  n,
const char *  tag,
int  type 

◆ soap_embedded()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embedded ( struct soap ,
const void *  p,
int  t 

◆ soap_embedded_id()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_embedded_id ( struct soap ,
int  id,
const void *  p,
int  t 

◆ soap_end()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end ( struct soap )

◆ soap_end_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_block ( struct soap )

◆ soap_end_count()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_count ( struct soap )

◆ soap_end_recv()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_recv ( struct soap )

◆ soap_end_send()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_end_send ( struct soap )

◆ soap_enter()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_ilist* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_enter ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_envelope_begin_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_begin_in ( struct soap )

◆ soap_envelope_begin_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_begin_out ( struct soap )

◆ soap_envelope_end_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_envelope_end_in ( struct soap )

◆ soap_envelope_end_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int soap_envelope_end_out ( struct soap )

◆ soap_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_fault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_faultcode()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultcode ( struct soap )

◆ soap_faultdetail()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultdetail ( struct soap )

◆ soap_faultstring()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultstring ( struct soap )

◆ soap_faultsubcode()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_faultsubcode ( struct soap )

◆ soap_fcopy()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_fcopy ( struct soap soap,
int  st,
int  tt,
void *  p,
size_t  ,
const void *  q,
size_t  n 

◆ soap_first_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_first_block ( struct soap )

◆ soap_float2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_float2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_flush()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_flush ( struct soap )

◆ soap_flush_raw()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_flush_raw ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_free()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_free ( struct soap )

◆ soap_free_temp()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_free_temp ( struct soap )

◆ soap_get()

SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get ( struct soap )

◆ soap_get_header_attribute()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get_header_attribute ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_get_mime_attachment()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_multipart* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_get_mime_attachment ( struct soap soap,
void *  handle 

◆ soap_getbase64()

SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getbase64 ( struct soap ,
int *  ,

◆ soap_getchar()

SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getchar ( struct soap )

◆ soap_getdime()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getdime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_getdimehdr()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getdimehdr ( struct soap )

◆ soap_getfault()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getfault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_getheader()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getheader ( struct soap )

◆ soap_gethex()

SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_gethex ( struct soap ,
int *   

◆ soap_getline()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getline ( struct soap ,
char *  ,

◆ soap_getmime()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getmime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_getmimehdr()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getmimehdr ( struct soap )

◆ soap_getoffsets()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getoffsets ( const char *  ,
const int *  ,
int *  ,

◆ soap_getposition()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getposition ( const char *  ,
int *   

◆ soap_getsize()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getsize ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
int *   

◆ soap_getsizes()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getsizes ( const char *  ,
int *  ,

◆ soap_getutf8()

SOAP_FMAC1 soap_wchar SOAP_FMAC2 soap_getutf8 ( struct soap )

◆ soap_hash()

SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_hash ( const char *  )

◆ soap_hex2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_hex2s ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
char *  ,
size_t  ,
int *   

◆ soap_id_enter()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_enter ( struct soap ,
const char *  id,
void *  p,
int  t,
size_t  n,
unsigned int  k,
const char *  type,
const char *  arrayType,
void *(*)(struct soap *, int, const char *, const char *, size_t *)  finstantiate 

◆ soap_id_forward()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_forward ( struct soap ,
const char *  id,
void *  p,
size_t  len,
int  st,
int  tt,
size_t  n,
unsigned int  k,
void(*)(struct soap *, int, int, void *, size_t, const void *, size_t)  fcopy 

◆ soap_id_lookup()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_id_lookup ( struct soap ,
const char *  id,
void **  p,
int  t,
size_t  n,
unsigned int  k 

◆ soap_inbyte()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inbyte ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
char *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_indateTime()

SOAP_FMAC1 time_t* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_indateTime ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
time_t *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_indouble()

SOAP_FMAC1 double* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_indouble ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
double *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_infloat()

SOAP_FMAC1 float* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_infloat ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
float *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inint()

SOAP_FMAC1 int* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inint ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_init()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init ( struct soap )

◆ soap_init1()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init1 ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_init2()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_init2 ( struct soap ,
soap_mode  ,

◆ soap_inliteral()

SOAP_FMAC1 char** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inliteral ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
char **  p 

◆ soap_inlong()

SOAP_FMAC1 long* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inlong ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
long p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inLONG64()

SOAP_FMAC1 LONG64* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inLONG64 ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
LONG64 p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inshort()

SOAP_FMAC1 short* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inshort ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
short *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_instring()

SOAP_FMAC1 char** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_instring ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
char **  p,
const char *  ,
int  ,
int  ,
long  ,

◆ soap_int2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_int2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_inULONG64()

SOAP_FMAC1 ULONG64* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inULONG64 ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
ULONG64 p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inunsignedByte()

SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedByte ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
unsigned char *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inunsignedInt()

SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned int* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedInt ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
unsigned int *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inunsignedLong()

SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned long* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedLong ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
unsigned long p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inunsignedShort()

SOAP_FMAC1 unsigned short* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inunsignedShort ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
unsigned short *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_inwliteral()

SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inwliteral ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
wchar_t **  p 

◆ soap_inwstring()

SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t** SOAP_FMAC2 soap_inwstring ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
wchar_t **  p,
const char *  ,
int  ,
long  ,

◆ soap_is_embedded()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_is_embedded ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plist  

◆ soap_is_single()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_is_single ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plist  

◆ soap_link()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_clist* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_link ( struct soap ,
void *  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int(*)(struct soap_clist *)  fdelete 

◆ soap_long2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_long2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_LONG642s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_LONG642s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_lookup()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_ilist* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_lookup_ns()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_nlist* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_ns ( struct soap soap,
const char *  tag,
size_t  n 

◆ soap_lookup_plugin()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_plugin ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_lookup_type()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_lookup_type ( struct soap ,
const char *  id 

◆ soap_malloc()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_malloc ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_match_array()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_array ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_match_cid()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_cid ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_match_namespace()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_namespace ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
int  n1,
int  n2 

◆ soap_match_tag()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_match_tag ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_move()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_move ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_new()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new ( void  )

◆ soap_new1()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new1 ( soap_mode  )

◆ soap_new2()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new2 ( soap_mode  ,

◆ soap_new_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_new_block ( struct soap )

◆ soap_next_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_next_block ( struct soap )

◆ soap_next_multipart()

SOAP_FMAC1 struct soap_multipart* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_next_multipart ( struct soap_multipart )

◆ soap_outbyte()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outbyte ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const char *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outdateTime()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outdateTime ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const time_t *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outdouble()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outdouble ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const double *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outfloat()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outfloat ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const float *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outint()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outint ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const int *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outliteral()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outliteral ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
char *const p,
const char *  type 

◆ soap_outlong()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outlong ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const long p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outLONG64()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outLONG64 ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const LONG64 p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outshort()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outshort ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const short *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outstring()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outstring ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
char *const p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outULONG64()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outULONG64 ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const ULONG64 p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outunsignedByte()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedByte ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const unsigned char *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outunsignedInt()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedInt ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const unsigned int *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outunsignedLong()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedLong ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const unsigned long p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outunsignedShort()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outunsignedShort ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
const unsigned short *  p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_outwliteral()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outwliteral ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
wchar_t *const p,
const char *  type 

◆ soap_outwstring()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_outwstring ( struct soap ,
const char *  tag,
int  id,
wchar_t *const p,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_peek_element()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_peek_element ( struct soap )

◆ soap_pointer_enter()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_enter ( struct soap ,
const void *  p,
const struct soap_array a,
int  n,
int  t,
struct soap_plist **   

◆ soap_pointer_lookup()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_lookup ( struct soap ,
const void *  p,
int  t,
struct soap_plist **   

◆ soap_pointer_lookup_id()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pointer_lookup_id ( struct soap ,
void *  p,
int  t,
struct soap_plist **   

◆ soap_poll()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_poll ( struct soap )

◆ soap_pop_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pop_block ( struct soap )

◆ soap_pop_namespace()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pop_namespace ( struct soap )

◆ soap_post_check_mime_attachments()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_post_check_mime_attachments ( struct soap soap)

◆ soap_print_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_print_fault ( struct soap ,
FILE *   

◆ soap_print_fault_location()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_print_fault_location ( struct soap ,
FILE *   

◆ soap_push_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_push_block ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_push_namespace()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_push_namespace ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_putbase64()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putbase64 ( struct soap ,
const unsigned char *  ,

◆ soap_putdime()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putdime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_putdimehdr()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putdimehdr ( struct soap )

◆ soap_putfault()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putfault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_putheader()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putheader ( struct soap )

◆ soap_puthex()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_puthex ( struct soap ,
const unsigned char *  ,

◆ soap_puthttphdr()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_puthttphdr ( struct soap ,
int  status,
size_t  count 

◆ soap_putmime()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putmime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_putmimehdr()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putmimehdr ( struct soap ,
struct soap_multipart  

◆ soap_putoffset()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putoffset ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_putoffsets()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putoffsets ( struct soap ,
const int *  ,

◆ soap_putsize()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsize ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_putsizes()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsizes ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const int *  ,

◆ soap_putsizesoffsets()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_putsizesoffsets ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const int *  ,
const int *  ,

◆ soap_pututf8()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_pututf8 ( struct soap ,
unsigned  long 

◆ soap_QName2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_QName2s ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_receiver_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_receiver_fault ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_receiver_fault_subcode()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_receiver_fault_subcode ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_recv()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv ( struct soap )

◆ soap_recv_empty_response()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_empty_response ( struct soap )

◆ soap_recv_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_fault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_recv_header()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_header ( struct soap )

◆ soap_recv_raw()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_recv_raw ( struct soap )

◆ soap_reference()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_reference ( struct soap ,
const void *  p,
int  t 

◆ soap_register_plugin_arg()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_register_plugin_arg ( struct soap ,
int(*)(struct soap *, struct soap_plugin *, void *)  fcreate,
void *   

◆ soap_resolve()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_resolve ( struct soap )

◆ soap_response()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_response ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_retry()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_retry ( struct soap )

◆ soap_revert()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_revert ( struct soap )

◆ soap_s2base64()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2base64 ( struct soap ,
const unsigned char *  ,
char *  ,

◆ soap_s2byte()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2byte ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
char *   

◆ soap_s2dateTime()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2dateTime ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
time_t *   

◆ soap_s2double()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2double ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
double *   

◆ soap_s2float()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2float ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
float *   

◆ soap_s2hex()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2hex ( struct soap ,
const unsigned char *  ,
char *  ,

◆ soap_s2int()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2int ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
int *   

◆ soap_s2long()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2long ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_s2LONG64()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2LONG64 ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_s2QName()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2QName ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
char **   

◆ soap_s2short()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2short ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
short *   

◆ soap_s2string()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2string ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
char **   

◆ soap_s2ULONG64()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2ULONG64 ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_s2unsignedByte()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedByte ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
unsigned char *   

◆ soap_s2unsignedInt()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedInt ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
unsigned int *   

◆ soap_s2unsignedLong()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedLong ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
unsigned long  

◆ soap_s2unsignedShort()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2unsignedShort ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
unsigned short *   

◆ soap_s2wchar()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_s2wchar ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
wchar_t **   

◆ soap_save_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_save_block ( struct soap ,
char *  ,

◆ soap_send()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_send2()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send2 ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_send3()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send3 ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_send_empty_response()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_empty_response ( struct soap ,
int  status 

◆ soap_send_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_fault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_send_raw()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_send_raw ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_sender_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_sender_fault ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_sender_fault_subcode()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_sender_fault_subcode ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_serializefault()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serializefault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_serializeheader()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_serializeheader ( struct soap )

◆ soap_set_attr()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_attr ( struct soap soap,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

◆ soap_set_dime()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_dime ( struct soap )

◆ soap_set_dime_attachment()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_dime_attachment ( struct soap ,
char *  ptr,
size_t  size,
const char *  type,
const char *  id,
unsigned short  optype,
const char *  option 

◆ soap_set_embedded()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_embedded ( struct soap ,
struct soap_plist  

◆ soap_set_endpoint()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_endpoint ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_set_fault()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_fault ( struct soap )

◆ soap_set_local_namespaces()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_local_namespaces ( struct soap )

◆ soap_set_mime()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_mime ( struct soap ,
const char *  boundary,
const char *  start 

◆ soap_set_mime_attachment()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_mime_attachment ( struct soap ,
char *  ptr,
size_t  size,
enum soap_mime_encoding  encoding,
const char *  type,
const char *  id,
const char *  location,
const char *  description 

◆ soap_set_namespaces()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_namespaces ( struct soap ,
const struct Namespace  

◆ soap_set_receiver_error()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_receiver_error ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_set_sender_error()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_set_sender_error ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_short2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_short2s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_size()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_size ( const int *  ,

◆ soap_size_block()

SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_size_block ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_ssl_accept()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_accept ( struct soap )

◆ soap_ssl_client_context()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_client_context ( struct soap ,
unsigned  short,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_ssl_error()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_error ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_ssl_init()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_init ( void  )

◆ soap_ssl_server_context()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ssl_server_context ( struct soap ,
unsigned  short,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_store_lab()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_store_lab ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,

◆ soap_strdup()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strdup ( struct soap ,
const char *   

◆ soap_string_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_string_in ( struct soap ,
int  ,
long  ,

◆ soap_string_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_string_out ( struct soap ,
const char *  s,
int  flag 

◆ soap_strsearch()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_strsearch ( const char *  big,
const char *  little 

◆ soap_tag_cmp()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_tag_cmp ( const char *  ,
const char *   

◆ soap_tell()

SOAP_FMAC1 size_t SOAP_FMAC2 soap_tell ( struct soap )

◆ soap_track_free()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_track_free ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
int  ,
void *   

◆ soap_track_malloc()

SOAP_FMAC1 void* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_track_malloc ( struct soap ,
const char *  ,
int  ,

◆ soap_ULONG642s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_ULONG642s ( struct soap ,

◆ soap_unlink()

SOAP_FMAC1 void SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unlink ( struct soap ,
const void *   

◆ soap_unsignedByte2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedByte2s ( struct soap ,
unsigned  char 

◆ soap_unsignedInt2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedInt2s ( struct soap ,
unsigned  int 

◆ soap_unsignedLong2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedLong2s ( struct soap ,
unsigned  long 

◆ soap_unsignedShort2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_unsignedShort2s ( struct soap ,
unsigned  short 

◆ soap_value()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_value ( struct soap )

◆ soap_wchar2s()

SOAP_FMAC1 const char* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wchar2s ( struct soap ,
const wchar_t *   

◆ soap_wstring_in()

SOAP_FMAC1 wchar_t* SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wstring_in ( struct soap ,
int  ,
long  ,

◆ soap_wstring_out()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_wstring_out ( struct soap ,
const wchar_t *  s,
int  flag 

◆ soap_xop_forward()

SOAP_FMAC1 int SOAP_FMAC2 soap_xop_forward ( struct soap ,
unsigned char **  ,
int *  ,
char **  ,
char **  ,
char **   

Variable Documentation

◆ namespaces

SOAP_NMAC struct Namespace namespaces[]

◆ soap_double_nan