const int Basda::Cmd::COCON_GET_COLLISION = 201 |
User defined CoCon command.
Returns which motors collide.
const int Basda::Cmd::COCON_INIT_COCON = 200 |
const int Basda::Cmd::COCON_RST_COLLISION = 202 |
User defined CoCon command.
Reset the Collision Controller.
The Collision Controller has to be reseted after a detected collision. The detected collision will be deleted and the Controller is able to detect the next collision. Without a reset, the Controller is not able to detect the next collision. If the collision still exist, the Collision Controller will recognize the collision again until the collision is solved.
const int Basda::Cmd::COCON_SIMULATE_COLLISION = 203 |
User defined CoCon command.
Simulate Collision.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_ABRUPT_STOP = 121 |
MoCon specific command.
Motor stops immediately without deceleration. Steps can be lost.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_CLEAR_TRACE_BUFFER = 207 |
MoCon specific command.
Clear the trace buffer.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_EVENT_TRACE_START = 212 |
MoCon specific command.
Start the event tracing.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_EXPROFILE_BUF_CLEAR = 226 |
MoCon specific command.
Free the allocated memory.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_EXPROFILE_INFO = 225 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the current index of the external profile.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_EXPROFILE_START = 222 |
MoCon specific command.
Start the external profile.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_EXPROFILE_TIME_START = 223 |
MoCon specific command.
Start the external profile at a given time.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_ACTIVITY_STATUS = 164 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the activity status.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_AENC_ACTUAL_POSITION = 171 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the current position of the selected motor, which is stored in the actual encoder.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_AMP_CARD_INFO = 160 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the amplifier card information.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_AMPLIFIER_INFO = 161 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the amplifier information.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_BASIC_SETTINGS = 150 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the basic settings of the selected motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_CURRENT_POSITION = 166 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the current position.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_CURRENT_VELOCITY = 168 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the velocity of the selected motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_DIGITAL_IN_BIT = 194 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns a bit from the digital input register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_DIGITAL_IN_BYTE = 195 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns a byte from the digital input register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_DIGITAL_IN_LONG = 197 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns a long from the digital input register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_DIGITAL_IN_WORD = 196 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns a word from the digital input register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_ENCODER_SETTINGS = 154 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the encoder settings of the selected motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_FIRMWARE_SETTINGS = 155 |
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_IENC_ACTUAL_POSITION = 167 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the current position of the selected motor, which is stored in the incremental encoder.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_IENC_ACTUAL_VELOCITY = 169 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the current velocity of the selected motor, which is stored in the incremental encoder.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_IN_MOTION_FLAG = 162 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns whether the motor is still in motion.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_LIMIT_SWITCH_FLAG = 163 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns whether the motor is at the positive or negative limit.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_MC_ERROR = 172 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the motor controller function error number.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_MC_TIME = 173 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the motor controller time.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_MC_VERSION = 159 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the motor controller version with stepper/servo indicator and number of axis.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_MOTOR_SETTINGS = 151 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the motor settings of the selected motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_SERVO_LOOP_SETTINGS = 153 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the servo loop settings of the selected motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_SIGNAL_STATUS = 165 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the signal status.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_START_HOME_DISTANCE = 170 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the distance of the start position and the reference position.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_STEPPER_SETTINGS = 152 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns the stepper settings of the selected motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_GET_TRACE_INFO = 208 |
MoCon specific command.
Returns information of the current trace.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_LOAD_MOTOR_SETTINGS = 181 |
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_MOTOR_INITIALIZE = 120 |
MoCon specific command.
Check whether the settings are all correct and initialize the motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_MOVE_ADAPTION_POS_TO_ENC = 126 |
MoCon specific command.
Lost steps can be corrected.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_MOVE_FIND_HOME = 125 |
MoCon specific command.
Motor is looking for the home position.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_MOVE_MULTIUPDATE = 127 |
MoCon specific command.
The previously grouped motors can be can be started or stopped.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_MOVE_N_ABS_STEPS_COUNTS = 124 |
MoCon specific command.
Motor moves to the relative position.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_MOVE_N_STEPS_COUNTS = 123 |
MoCon specific command.
Motor moves to the absolute position.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SAVE_MOTOR_SETTINGS = 180 |
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_ACTIVEDRIVE_POWER = 251 |
MoCon specific command.
The active drive power can be switched on or off.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_AMPLIFIER_SETTINGS = 116 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the amplifier settings.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_BASIC_SETTINGS = 110 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the basic setting for the chosen motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_DIGITAL_OUT_BIT = 190 |
MoCon specific command.
Set a bit from the digital output register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_DIGITAL_OUT_BYTE = 191 |
MoCon specific command.
Set a byte from the digital output register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_DIGITAL_OUT_LONG = 193 |
MoCon specific command.
Set a long from the digital output register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_DIGITAL_OUT_WORD = 192 |
MoCon specific command.
Set a word from the digital output register.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_ENCODER_SETTINGS = 114 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the encoder settings for the chosen motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_EVENT_TRACE_SAMPLE = 211 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the event tracing sample rate.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_EVENT_TRACE_VAR = 210 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the event tracing mode.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_EXPROFILE_BUF_LEN = 220 |
MoCon specific command.
Allocate the memory for the external profile.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_EXPROFILE_DATA = 221 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the external profile data.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_FIRMWARE_SETTINGS = 115 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the firmware settings.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_MOTOR_SETTINGS = 111 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the motor setting for the chosen motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_MULTIUPDATE_SETTINGS = 119 |
MoCon specific command.
Group the selected motors to start or stop the movement.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_PROFILE_POSITION = 230 |
MoCon specific command.
A absolute position point can be changed or the null point can be reset.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_SERVO_LOOP_SETTINGS = 113 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the servo loop setting for the chosen motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_STEPPER_SETTINGS = 112 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the stepper setting for the chosen motor.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_TRACE_MODE = 203 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the sample mode.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_TRACE_SAMPLE = 201 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the trace sample rate.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_TRACE_SAMPLE_NR = 202 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the number of samples.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SET_TRACE_VAR = 200 |
MoCon specific command.
Set the tracing mode.
const int Basda::Cmd::MOCON_SMOOTH_STOP = 122 |
MoCon specific command.
Motor stops with deceleration.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_EXIT_TELNET = 29 |
Basic command.
Close the TCP connection.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_FREE_MOD = 24 |
Basic command.
Free a reserved module.
This basic command is available for all card types. A module reservation for a serial connection is not necessary.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_CAN_RATE = 16 |
Basic command.
Returns the current CAN rate.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_ERROR_CODE = 9 |
Basic command.
Returns the error code.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_EVENT_FLAG = 18 |
Basic command.
Returns the event modus flag.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_GATE_ADDRESS = 33 |
Basic command.
Returns the gate address of the module.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_INFO_FLAG = 20 |
Basic command.
Returns the info modus flag.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_IP_ADDRESS = 31 |
Basic command.
Returns the IP address of the module.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_LINK_TIMEOUT = 37 |
Basic command.
Returns the connection timeout.
This basic command is available for all card types. The connection will be closed by the MoCon when no command request is done within this timeout.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_MASK_ADDRESS = 35 |
Basic command.
Returns the mask address of the module.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_REGISTRATION = 7 |
Basic command.
Returns the card ID, which are registered at the master card.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_SERIEL_RATE = 14 |
Basic command.
Returns the current serial rate.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_GET_XON_XOFF = 12 |
Basic command.
Returns the status of the XOn/XOff protocol.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_HELLO_WORLD = 6 |
Basic command.
Returns the first version string after connection.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_HUGE_DATA_FREE = 27 |
Basic command.
Free the allocated memory for huge data.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_HUGE_DATA_RES = 26 |
Basic command.
Allocate memory for a huge data.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_PLOT_RES_MOD = 25 |
Basic command.
Returns the reserved modules.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_RESERVE_MOD = 23 |
Basic command.
Reserve a module for Ethernet use.
This basic command is available for all card types. A module reservation for a serial connection is not necessary.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_RST_ERROR = 10 |
Basic command.
RST error.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_CAN_RATE = 15 |
Basic command.
Set the CAN rate.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_EVENT_FLAG = 17 |
Basic command.
Enables/Disables the event modus
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_GATE_ADDRESS = 32 |
Basic command.
Set the gate address of the module.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_INFO_FLAG = 19 |
Basic command.
Enables/Disables the info modus
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_IP_ADDRESS = 30 |
Basic command.
Set the IP address of the module.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_LINK_TIMEOUT = 36 |
Basic command.
Set the connection timeout.
This basic command is available for all card types. The connection will be closed by the MoCon when no command request is done within this timeout.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_MASK_ADDRESS = 34 |
Basic command.
Set the mask address of the module.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SET_SERIEL_RATE = 13 |
Basic command.
Set the serial rate.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_SW_RESET = 8 |
Basic command.
Resets the controller.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_TELNET_LOGIN = 21 |
Basic command.
Sets the user name for Ethernet login.
This basic command is available for all card types. A login for a serial connection is not necessary.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_TELNET_PWD = 22 |
Basic command.
Sets the password for Ethernet login.
This basic command is available for all card types. A login for a serial connection is not necessary.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_VERSION = 1 |
Basic command.
Returns the current controller version.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::MPIA_XON_XOFF = 11 |
Basic command.
Enables/Disables the XOn/XOff protocol.
This basic command is available for all card types.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_SHOW_MODULES = 400 |
UniMod specific command.
Returns the module ID, the module name and the serial number.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_CURRENT_SOURCE_INIT = 381 |
TH8MOD specific command.
It sets the current to one of the predefined values.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_END_COMMAND = 380 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Stops the measurement at the given channel.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_GET_LAST_RESULT = 379 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Returns the last measured value (min, max, average) at the given channel.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_READ_HUM_MULTIPLE = 374 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Read multiple the humidity at the given channel and returns the values as an event.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_READ_HUM_SAVE = 376 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Multiple measurement of the humidity at the given channel and save the last one. The last value will not be returned. Use UNIMOD_TH8MOD_GET_LAST_RESULT to receive the last measurement. An event signalizes the end of the measurement.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_READ_HUM_SINGLE = 373 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Read once the humidity at the given channel and returns the value.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_READ_TEMP_MULTIPLE = 372 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Read multiple the temperature at the given channel and returns the values as an event.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_READ_TEMP_SAVE = 375 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Multiple measurement of the temperature at the given channel and save the last one. The last value will not be returned. Use UNIMOD_TH8MOD_GET_LAST_RESULT to receive the last measurement. An event signalizes the end of the measurement.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_READ_TEMP_SINGLE = 371 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Read once the temperature at the given channel and returns the value.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_SENSOR_INIT = 370 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Assigns the given channel to a connected sensor and initialize the sensor.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_SET_CURRENT = 382 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Adjust the current to the given hex value.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_SET_CURRENT_PERCENT = 383 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Adjust the current to the given percent value.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_WATCH_HUM = 378 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Multiple measurements of the humidity at the given channel. An event signalizes the limit is exceeded and returns the measured value. An event signalizes the end of the measurement.
const int Basda::Cmd::UNIMOD_TH8MOD_WATCH_TEMP = 377 |
TH8MOD specific command.
Multiple measurements of the temperature at the given channel. An event signalizes the limit is exceeded and returns the measured value. An event signalizes the end of the measurement.