TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Macros | Functions
misc.h File Reference
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#define LM_LAPACK_SUFFIX   _
#define LM_BLAS_SUFFIX   _
#define LCAT_(a, b)   #a b
#define LCAT(a, b)   LCAT_(a, b)
#define RCAT_(a, b)   a #b
#define RCAT(a, b)   RCAT_(a, b)
#define __BLOCKSZ__
#define __BLOCKSZ__SQ   (__BLOCKSZ__)*(__BLOCKSZ__)
#define LM_CAT__(a, b)   a ## b
#define LM_CAT_(a, b)   LM_CAT__(a, b)
#define LM_ADD_PREFIX(s)   LM_CAT_(LM_PREFIX, s)
#define FABS(x)   (((x)>=0.0)? (x) : -(x))


void slevmar_trans_mat_mat_mult (float *a, float *b, int n, int m)
void dlevmar_trans_mat_mat_mult (double *a, double *b, int n, int m)
void slevmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx (void(*func)(float *p, float *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), float *p, float *hx, float *hxx, float delta, float *jac, int m, int n, void *adata)
void dlevmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx (void(*func)(double *p, double *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), double *p, double *hx, double *hxx, double delta, double *jac, int m, int n, void *adata)
void slevmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx (void(*func)(float *p, float *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), float *p, float *hxm, float *hxp, float delta, float *jac, int m, int n, void *adata)
void dlevmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx (void(*func)(double *p, double *hx, int m, int n, void *adata), double *p, double *hxm, double *hxp, double delta, double *jac, int m, int n, void *adata)
float slevmar_L2nrmxmy (float *e, float *x, float *y, int n)
double dlevmar_L2nrmxmy (double *e, double *x, double *y, int n)
int slevmar_covar (float *JtJ, float *C, float sumsq, int m, int n)
int dlevmar_covar (double *JtJ, double *C, double sumsq, int m, int n)
int slevmar_box_check (float *lb, float *ub, int m)
int dlevmar_box_check (double *lb, double *ub, int m)
int slevmar_chol (float *C, float *W, int m)
int dlevmar_chol (double *C, double *W, int m)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __BLOCKSZ__
32 /* block size for cache-friendly matrix-matrix multiply. It should be
* such that __BLOCKSZ__^2*sizeof(LM_REAL) is smaller than the CPU (L1)
* data cache size. Notice that a value of 32 when LM_REAL=double assumes
* an 8Kb L1 data cache (32*32*8=8K). This is a concervative choice since
* newer Pentium 4s have a L1 data cache of size 16K, capable of holding
* up to 45x45 double blocks.


#define __BLOCKSZ__SQ   (__BLOCKSZ__)*(__BLOCKSZ__)


#define FABS (   x)    (((x)>=0.0)? (x) : -(x))


#define LCAT (   a,
)    LCAT_(a, b)


#define LCAT_ (   a,
)    #a b


#define LM_ADD_PREFIX (   s)    LM_CAT_(LM_PREFIX, s)


#define LM_BLAS_SUFFIX   _


#define LM_CAT_ (   a,
)    LM_CAT__(a, b)

◆ LM_CAT__

#define LM_CAT__ (   a,
)    a ## b


#define LM_LAPACK_SUFFIX   _






#define RCAT (   a,
)    RCAT_(a, b)


#define RCAT_ (   a,
)    a #b

Function Documentation

◆ dlevmar_box_check()

int dlevmar_box_check ( double *  lb,
double *  ub,
int  m 

◆ dlevmar_chol()

int dlevmar_chol ( double *  C,
double *  W,
int  m 

◆ dlevmar_covar()

int dlevmar_covar ( double *  JtJ,
double *  C,
double  sumsq,
int  m,
int  n 

◆ dlevmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx()

void dlevmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx ( void(*)(double *p, double *hx, int m, int n, void *adata func,
double *  p,
double *  hxm,
double *  hxp,
double  delta,
double *  jac,
int  m,
int  n,
void *  adata 

◆ dlevmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx()

void dlevmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx ( void(*)(double *p, double *hx, int m, int n, void *adata func,
double *  p,
double *  hx,
double *  hxx,
double  delta,
double *  jac,
int  m,
int  n,
void *  adata 

◆ dlevmar_L2nrmxmy()

double dlevmar_L2nrmxmy ( double *  e,
double *  x,
double *  y,
int  n 

◆ dlevmar_trans_mat_mat_mult()

void dlevmar_trans_mat_mat_mult ( double *  a,
double *  b,
int  n,
int  m 

◆ slevmar_box_check()

int slevmar_box_check ( float *  lb,
float *  ub,
int  m 

◆ slevmar_chol()

int slevmar_chol ( float *  C,
float *  W,
int  m 

◆ slevmar_covar()

int slevmar_covar ( float *  JtJ,
float *  C,
float  sumsq,
int  m,
int  n 

◆ slevmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx()

void slevmar_fdif_cent_jac_approx ( void(*)(float *p, float *hx, int m, int n, void *adata func,
float *  p,
float *  hxm,
float *  hxp,
float  delta,
float *  jac,
int  m,
int  n,
void *  adata 

◆ slevmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx()

void slevmar_fdif_forw_jac_approx ( void(*)(float *p, float *hx, int m, int n, void *adata func,
float *  p,
float *  hx,
float *  hxx,
float  delta,
float *  jac,
int  m,
int  n,
void *  adata 

◆ slevmar_L2nrmxmy()

float slevmar_L2nrmxmy ( float *  e,
float *  x,
float *  y,
int  n 

◆ slevmar_trans_mat_mat_mult()

void slevmar_trans_mat_mat_mult ( float *  a,
float *  b,
int  n,
int  m 