TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces
Exception.h File Reference

This file keeps the motor controller exception of the MPIA motor controller electronic. More...

#include <Nice/Util/Exception.h>
#include <core/Exception.h>
#include <Basda/Mocca/Exception.h>
Include dependency graph for Exception.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  Basda::MoConException
 Exception: MoCon core exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoConFunctionException
 Exception: MoCon default function error exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoConProfileException
 Exception: MoCon external profile exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::CheckSumException
 Exception: Checksum error. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::CmdForStepperException
 Exception: Command is reserved for stepper. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::CmdForServoException
 Exception: Command is reserved for servo. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::RevolutionNotDefinedException
 Exception: Counts / steps per revolution not defined. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorInMotionException
 Exception: Motor in Motion. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::ParamMissingException
 Exception: Some parameter are missing for the requested profile. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::AADException
 Exception: Communication error between Auto Amplifier Detection (AAD) and EEPROM. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::NoAmpplifierException
 Exception: No Amplifier and no amplifier settings detected. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::AmpIncompatibleException
 Exception: Amplifier is not compatible with motor chipset. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MicrostepResolutionException
 Exception: Amplifier does not support the defined microstep resolution. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorNotInitializedException
 Exception: Motor is not initialized. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorInPosLimitException
 Exception: Motor is in positive limit. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorInNegLimitException
 Exception: Motor is in negative limit. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorSettingsIncompleteException
 Exception: Motor settings incomplete. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorSettingsAccessException
 Exception: Motor settings access exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::IEncNotInitializedException
 Exception: Incremental encoder not initialized. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::InitTraceSetException
 Exception: Initialization Trace set exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::NotEnoughMemoryException
 Exception: Not enough memory for the given number of samples. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::ExternalRAMException
 Exception: external RAM exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::BufferOverrunException
 Exception: Buffer overrun exception. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::NoTraceBufferDefinedException
 Exception: No buffer defined for trace mode. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::BufferAlreadyReservedException
 Exception: Buffer already reserved. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::NoBufferDefinedException
 Exception: No buffer defined for external profile. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::BothLimitsActiveException
 Exception: Both limits are active. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::InvalidFaultToleranceException
 Exception: The maximum deviation of the fitted trajectory can't be zero. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::SegmentLengthUnderrunException
 Exception: The segment length of the external profile will be smaller than the allowed minimum segment length to decrease the maximal error deviation. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::InvalidProfileException
 Exception: The profile is invalid. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::ProfileTransitionException
 Exception: The transition length is to short. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::ProfileTransitionStartToEarlyException
 Exception: The transition starts to early. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::LimitSwitchException
 Exception: Limit switch settings are wrong. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::CmdForAEncException
 Exception: The Command is only for absolute encoder. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::CmdForIEncException
 Exception: The Command is only for incremental encoder. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::VectorRangeCheckException
 Exception: This command is used to throw an exception whenever the index of a std::vector is bigger than the std::vector size. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotionErrorException
 Exception: This command is used to throw an exception whenever a motion error event is received. More...
struct  Basda::MoCon::AmplifierPowerSupplyException
struct  Basda::MoCon::AmplifierFuseException
struct  Basda::MoCon::AmplifierThermalException
struct  Basda::MoCon::AmplifierShortCurrentException
struct  Basda::MoCon::MotorOffException
struct  Basda::MoCon::DumpStatusInformationException
struct  Basda::MoCon::OutOfRangeException
struct  Basda::MoCon::DockingDistanceException
struct  Basda::MoCon::TraveRangeException


 These are contants that are used by the services internally.
 This is the namespace for the MoCon exception.

Detailed Description

This file keeps the motor controller exception of the MPIA motor controller electronic.

The MPIA inhouse electronic sends an error number which will be converted in a Basda exception via the Basda::MPIACoreProtocol. These error numbers are related to the Basda motor controller devices.

Frank Kittmann