TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Macros | Enumerations | Functions
libdspau.h File Reference
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#define min(a, b)
#define max(a, b)
#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846
#define DLL_EXPORT   extern


enum  dspau_conversiontype {
  magnitude = 0, magnitude_dbv = 1, magnitude_rooted = 2, magnitude_squared = 3,
  phase_degrees = 4, phase_radians = 5


DLL_EXPORT int dspau_spectrum (double *in, double *out, int dims, int *sizes, int conversion)
 Create a spectrum from a double array of values. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_squarelawfilter (double *in, double *out, int len)
 A square law filter. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_lowpassfilter (double *in, double *out, int len, double samplingfrequency, double frequency, double q)
 A low pass filter. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_highpassfilter (double *in, double *out, int len, double samplingfrequency, double frequency, double q)
 A high pass filter. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_bandpassfilter (double *in, double *out, int len, double samplingfrequency, double frequency, double q)
 A band pass filter. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_bandrejectfilter (double *in, double *out, int len, double samplingfrequency, double frequency, double q)
 A band reject filter. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_autocorrelate (double *in, double *out, int *len)
 An auto-correlator. More...
double dspau_crosscorrelate (double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int len1, int len2, int *len)
 A cross-correlator. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_bandpasscorrelate (double *in, double *out, int *len, int skip, double Q)
 A band-pass auto-correlator (Warning: high memory usage!) More...
double dspau_minmidmax (double *in, int len, double *min, double *max)
 Gets minimum, mid, and maximum values of the input stream. More...
double dspau_mean (double *in, int len)
 A mean calculator. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_removemean (double *in, double *out, int len)
 Subtract mean from stream. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_stretch (double *in, double *out, int len, double min, double max)
 Stretch minimum and maximum values of the input stream. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_normalize (double *in, double *out, int len, double min, double max)
 Normalize the input stream to the minimum and maximum values. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sub (double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int len)
 Subtract elements of one stream from another's. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sum (double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int len)
 Sum elements of one stream to another's. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_div (double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int len)
 Divide elements of one stream to another's. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_mul (double *in1, double *in2, double *out, int len)
 Multiply elements of one stream to another's. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sub1 (double *in, double *out, int len, double val)
 Subtract a value from elements of the input stream. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sum1 (double *in, double *out, int len, double val)
 Sum elements of the input stream to a value. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_div1 (double *in, double *out, int len, double val)
 Divide elements of the input stream to a value. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_mul1 (double *in, double *out, int len, double val)
 Multiply elements of the input stream to a value. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_median (double *in, double *out, int len, int size, int median)
 Median elements of the inut stream. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u8todouble (unsigned char *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert an 8bit unsigned array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u16todouble (unsigned short int *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert a 16bit unsigned array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u32todouble (unsigned int *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert a 32bit unsigned array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u64todouble (unsigned long int *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert a 64bit unsigned array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s8todouble (signed char *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert an 8bit signed array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s16todouble (signed short int *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert a 16bit signed array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s32todouble (signed int *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert a 32bit signed array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s64todouble (signed long int *in, double *out, int len)
 Convert a 64bit signed array into a double array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou8 (double *in, unsigned char *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 8bit unsigned array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou16 (double *in, unsigned short int *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 16bit unsigned array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou32 (double *in, unsigned int *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 32bit unsigned array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou64 (double *in, unsigned long int *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 64bit unsigned array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos8 (double *in, signed char *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into an 8bit signed array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos16 (double *in, signed short int *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 16bit signed array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos32 (double *in, signed int *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 32bit signed array. More...
DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos64 (double *in, signed long int *out, int len)
 Convert a double array into a 64bit signed array. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DLL_EXPORT   extern

◆ M_PI

#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846

◆ max

#define max (   a,
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a > _b ? _a : _b; })
Definition: base.hpp:36
list a
Definition: lmdemo.m:75

◆ min

#define min (   a,
({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
__typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
_a < _b ? _a : _b; })
Definition: base.hpp:36
list a
Definition: lmdemo.m:75

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dspau_conversiontype


Function Documentation

◆ dspau_autocorrelate()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_autocorrelate ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int *  len 

An auto-correlator.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream (input/output).
skipskip n values at beginning (resulting len will be reduced).
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_bandpasscorrelate()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_bandpasscorrelate ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int *  len,
int  skip,
double  Q 

A band-pass auto-correlator (Warning: high memory usage!)

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream. (input/output)
skipskip n values at beginning (resulting len will be reduced).
Qthe slope of the band-pass filters.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_bandpassfilter()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_bandpassfilter ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  samplingfrequency,
double  frequency,
double  q 

A band pass filter.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
samplingfrequencythe sampling frequency of the input stream.
frequencythe center frequency of the filter.
qthe cutoff slope.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_bandrejectfilter()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_bandrejectfilter ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  samplingfrequency,
double  frequency,
double  q 

A band reject filter.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
samplingfrequencythe sampling frequency of the input stream.
frequencythe center frequency of the filter.
qthe cutoff slope.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_crosscorrelate()

double dspau_crosscorrelate ( double *  in1,
double *  in2,
double *  out,
int  len1,
int  len2,
int *  len 

A cross-correlator.

in1the first input stream. (input)
in2the second input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
len1the length of the first input stream. (input)
len2the length of the second input stream. (input)
lenthe length of the output stream. (output)
the resulting correlation degree.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_div()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_div ( double *  in1,
double *  in2,
double *  out,
int  len 

Divide elements of one stream to another's.

in1the Numerators input stream. (input)
in2the Denominators input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_div1()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_div1 ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  val 

Divide elements of the input stream to a value.

inthe Numerators input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
valthe denominator.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletos16()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos16 ( double *  in,
signed short int *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 16bit signed array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletos32()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos32 ( double *  in,
signed int *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 32bit signed array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletos64()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos64 ( double *  in,
signed long int *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 64bit signed array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletos8()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletos8 ( double *  in,
signed char *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into an 8bit signed array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletou16()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou16 ( double *  in,
unsigned short int *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 16bit unsigned array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletou32()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou32 ( double *  in,
unsigned int *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 32bit unsigned array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletou64()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou64 ( double *  in,
unsigned long int *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 64bit unsigned array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_doubletou8()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_doubletou8 ( double *  in,
unsigned char *  out,
int  len 

Convert a double array into a 8bit unsigned array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_highpassfilter()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_highpassfilter ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  samplingfrequency,
double  frequency,
double  q 

A high pass filter.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
samplingfrequencythe sampling frequency of the input stream.
frequencythe cutoff frequency of the filter.
qthe cutoff slope.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_lowpassfilter()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_lowpassfilter ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  samplingfrequency,
double  frequency,
double  q 

A low pass filter.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
samplingfrequencythe sampling frequency of the input stream.
frequencythe cutoff frequency of the filter.
qthe cutoff slope.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_mean()

double dspau_mean ( double *  in,
int  len 

A mean calculator.

inthe input stream. (input)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the mean value of the stream. Return mean if success.

◆ dspau_median()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_median ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
int  size,
int  median 

Median elements of the inut stream.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
sizethe length of the median.
medianthe location of the median value.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_minmidmax()

double dspau_minmidmax ( double *  in,
int  len,
double *  min,
double *  max 

Gets minimum, mid, and maximum values of the input stream.

inthe input stream. (input)
lenthe length of the input stream.
minthe minimum value (output).
maxthe maximum value (output).
the mid value (max - min) / 2 + min. Return mid if success.

◆ dspau_mul()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_mul ( double *  in1,
double *  in2,
double *  out,
int  len 

Multiply elements of one stream to another's.

in1the first input stream. (input)
in2the second input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_mul1()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_mul1 ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  val 

Multiply elements of the input stream to a value.

inthe first input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
valthe value used for this operation.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_normalize()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_normalize ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  min,
double  max 

Normalize the input stream to the minimum and maximum values.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
minthe clamping minimum value.
maxthe clamping maximum value.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered.

Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_removemean()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_removemean ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Subtract mean from stream.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_s16todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s16todouble ( signed short int *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert a 16bit signed array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_s32todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s32todouble ( signed int *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert a 32bit signed array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_s64todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s64todouble ( signed long int *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert a 64bit signed array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_s8todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_s8todouble ( signed char *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert an 8bit signed array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_spectrum()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_spectrum ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  dims,
int *  sizes,
int  conversion 

Create a spectrum from a double array of values.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
dimsthe number of dimensions of the input stream (input).
sizesarray with the lengths of each dimension of the input stream (input).
conversionthe output magnitude dspau_conversiontype type.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_squarelawfilter()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_squarelawfilter ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

A square law filter.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_stretch()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_stretch ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  min,
double  max 

Stretch minimum and maximum values of the input stream.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
minthe desired minimum value.
maxthe desired maximum value.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_sub()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sub ( double *  in1,
double *  in2,
double *  out,
int  len 

Subtract elements of one stream from another's.

in1the input stream to be subtracted. (input)
in2the input stream with subtraction values. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_sub1()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sub1 ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  val 

Subtract a value from elements of the input stream.

inthe Numerators input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
valthe value to be subtracted.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_sum()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sum ( double *  in1,
double *  in2,
double *  out,
int  len 

Sum elements of one stream to another's.

in1the first input stream. (input)
in2the second input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_sum1()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_sum1 ( double *  in,
double *  out,
int  len,
double  val 

Sum elements of the input stream to a value.

inthe first input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
valthe value used for this operation.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_u16todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u16todouble ( unsigned short int *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert a 16bit unsigned array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_u32todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u32todouble ( unsigned int *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert a 32bit unsigned array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_u64todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u64todouble ( unsigned long int *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert a 64bit unsigned array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.

◆ dspau_u8todouble()

DLL_EXPORT int dspau_u8todouble ( unsigned char *  in,
double *  out,
int  len 

Convert an 8bit unsigned array into a double array.

inthe input stream. (input)
outthe output stream. (output)
lenthe length of the input stream.
the output stream if successfull elaboration. NULL if an error is encountered. Return 0 if success. Return -1 if any error occurs.