TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces | Typedefs | Enumerations | Variables
XineticsCoreDevice.h File Reference
#include <Basda/Device.h>
#include "FitsVector.h"
#include <Nice/Property/DynamicBitset.h>
#include <Nice/Property/Factory.h>
#include <Nice/Map/Point.h>
#include <boost/assign/std/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
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class  Laos::XineticsCoreDevice
 The core of the Xinetics Deformable Mirror Device. More...




typedef IceUtil::Handle< Laos::XineticsCoreDeviceLaos::XineticsCoreDevicePtr


enum  Laos::dspState_t {
  Laos::off, Laos::local, Laos::run_free, Laos::run_locked,
  Laos::unknown, Laos::off, Laos::local, Laos::run_free,
  Laos::run_locked, Laos::unknown, Laos::off, Laos::local,
  Laos::run_free, Laos::run_locked, Laos::unknown


const unsigned short Laos::numberOfXineticsActuators = 349
const Nice::Point Laos::limitsOfXineticsActuators = Nice::Point(0,65535)
const std::vector< Nice::DynamicBitsetLaos::actuatorMask
const unsigned short Laos::spareActuatorIndices [3] = {31,191,351}
 The input array at the DM electronics contains spare adresses, to which no actuator is connected. More...
const unsigned short Laos::actVoltageArraySize = 384
 The area in the RFM used for actator voltages. More...
const unsigned short Laos::criticalNeighborActThreshold = 0x8000
 The maximum inter-actuator stroke (in actuator voltages) allowed. More...
const unsigned int Laos::criticalTemporalDistanceThreshold = 228720*8
 Temporal distance threshold for Xinetics (= max difference between the integrated actuator voltages of adjacent frames.) More...
const unsigned int Laos::minActVoltage = 0x0
const unsigned int Laos::maxActVoltage = 0xFFFF
const unsigned int Laos::actVoltageOffset = 0x8000