TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Laos::Xinetics Namespace Reference


struct  activateException
 Exception: cannot switch to run state. More...
struct  brokenLinkException
 Exception: RFM. More...
struct  cfgActFitsKeywordException
 Exception: FITS File does not have the right keyword. More...
struct  cfgActFitsVectorLengthException
 Exception: The size of the vector does not correspond to the number of actuators. More...
struct  cfgNeighborActThresholdException
 Exception: Neighbor Thresholds not valid. More...
struct  cfgRFMNodeIDException
 Exception: RFM Node ID not valid. More...
struct  cfgTemporalDistanceThresholdException
 Exception: Temporal Distance value exceeds critical value. More...
struct  closeDeviceException
 Exception: Device is not open. More...
struct  commandVectorException
 Exception: Command vector not valid. More...
struct  deactivateException
 Exception: cannot switch to off state. More...
struct  deviceNotFoundException
 Exception: No RFM2g device found. More...
struct  dmaException
 Exception: Direct Memory Access failed. More...
struct  dspBootException
 Exception: DSP boot. More...
struct  dspErrorException
struct  dspException
 Exception: DSP Error. More...
struct  eventInUseException
 Exception: Event is already being waited on. More...
struct  eventNotInUseException
 Exception: No wait is pending for the event. More...
struct  Exception
 Exception: Deformable Mirror exception. More...
struct  fitsFileOpenException
 Exception: Cannot open file. More...
struct  fitsInvalidNAXISException
 Exception: Invalid NAXIS keyword. More...
struct  fitsNotVectorException
 Exception: Not a (1D) vector. More...
struct  fitsNullHandleException
 Exception: FITS file not opened. More...
struct  fitsReadException
 Exception: Unable to read from FITS file. More...
struct  FitsVectorException
 Exception: FitsVector exception. More...
struct  internalDriverException
 Exception: Internal driver error. More...
struct  invalidDevicePathException
 Exception: DevicePath is NULL or invalid. More...
struct  invalideToNodeException
 Exception: Invalid ToNode. More...
struct  invalidEventInfoException
 Exception: EventInfo is NULL or EventInfo event has invalid event type. More...
struct  invalidEventTypeException
 Exception: EventType is invalid'. More...
struct  lowMemoryException
 Exception: A memory allocation failed. More...
struct  lSeekException
 Exception: Failure of lseek command. More...
struct  nodeIdSelfException
 Exception: Cannot send event to self. More...
struct  notImplementedException
 Exception: API function is not implemented in the driver. More...
struct  nullDataException
 Exception: Data buffer is NULL. More...
struct  nullHandleException
 Exception: desrciptor is NULL. More...
struct  nullHandlePointerException
 Exception: Cannot initialize a non-NULL handle pointer. More...
struct  osException
 Exception: Operating system returned an error. More...
struct  outOfRangeException
 Exception: Offset and Length is beyond the end of memory on RFM2G device. More...
struct  readDataException
 Exception: Read operation failed. More...
struct  RfmException
 generic Reflective Memory exception. More...
struct  ServiceException
struct  stateMismatchException
 Exception: DSP State does not correspond to service state. More...
struct  unalignedAddressException
 Exception: Data buffer is not aligned to data width. More...
struct  unalignedLengthException
 Exception: Length is not aligned to data width. More...
struct  unalignedOffsetException
 Exception: Offset not aligned with data size. More...
struct  waitEventCanceledException
 Exception: cancelWaitForEvent() called for this event. More...
struct  waitEventTimeOutException
 Exception: Timed out waiting for event. More...
struct  writeDataException
 Exception: Write operation failed. More...