TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
XML Functions: Functions to parse, process, and search XML.


LilXMLnewLilXML ()
 Create a new lilxml parser. More...
void delLilXML (LilXML *lp)
 Delete a lilxml parser. More...
void delXMLEle (XMLEle *e)
 Delete an XML element. More...
XMLEle ** parseXMLChunk (LilXML *lp, char *buf, int size, char errmsg[])
 Process an XML chunk. More...
XMLElereadXMLEle (LilXML *lp, int c, char errmsg[])
 Process an XML one char at a time. More...
XMLAttfindXMLAtt (XMLEle *e, const char *name)
 Find an XML attribute within an XML element. More...
XMLElefindXMLEle (XMLEle *e, const char *tag)
 Find an XML element within an XML element. More...
XMLElenextXMLEle (XMLEle *ep, int first)
 Iterate an XML element for a list of nesetd XML elements. More...
XMLAttnextXMLAtt (XMLEle *ep, int first)
 Iterate an XML element for a list of XML attributes. More...
XMLEleparentXMLEle (XMLEle *ep)
 Return the parent of an XML element. More...
XMLEleparentXMLAtt (XMLAtt *ap)
 Return the parent of an XML attribute. More...
char * tagXMLEle (XMLEle *ep)
 Return the tag of an XML element. More...
char * pcdataXMLEle (XMLEle *ep)
 Return the pcdata of an XML element. More...
char * nameXMLAtt (XMLAtt *ap)
 Return the name of an XML attribute. More...
char * valuXMLAtt (XMLAtt *ap)
 Return the value of an XML attribute. More...
int pcdatalenXMLEle (XMLEle *ep)
 Return the number of characters in pcdata in an XML element. More...
int nXMLEle (XMLEle *ep)
 Return the number of nested XML elements in a parent XML element. More...
int nXMLAtt (XMLEle *ep)
 Return the number of XML attributes in a parent XML element. More...
XMLEleaddXMLEle (XMLEle *parent, const char *tag)
 add an element with the given tag to the given element. More...
void editXMLEle (XMLEle *ep, const char *pcdata)
 set the pcdata of the given element More...
XMLAttaddXMLAtt (XMLEle *ep, const char *name, const char *value)
 Add an XML attribute to an existing XML element. More...
void rmXMLAtt (XMLEle *ep, const char *name)
 Remove an XML attribute from an XML element. More...
void editXMLAtt (XMLAtt *ap, const char *str)
 change the value of an attribute to str. More...
char * entityXML (char *str)
 return a string with all xml-sensitive characters within the passed string replaced with their entity sequence equivalents. More...
const char * findXMLAttValu (XMLEle *ep, const char *name)
 Find an XML element's attribute value. More...
XMLElereadXMLFile (FILE *fp, LilXML *lp, char errmsg[])
 Handy wrapper to read one xml file. More...
void prXMLEle (FILE *fp, XMLEle *e, int level)
 Print an XML element. More...
int sprXMLEle (char *s, XMLEle *ep, int level)
 sample print ep to string s. More...
int sprlXMLEle (XMLEle *ep, int level)
 return number of bytes in a string guaranteed able to hold result of sprXLMEle(ep) (sans trailing \0@). More...
void indi_xmlMalloc (void *(*newmalloc)(size_t size), void *(*newrealloc)(void *ptr, size_t size), void(*newfree)(void *ptr))

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ addXMLAtt()

XMLAtt * addXMLAtt ( XMLEle ep,
const char *  name,
const char *  value 

Add an XML attribute to an existing XML element.

eppointer to an XML element
namethe name of the XML attribute to add.
valuethe value of the XML attribute to add.

◆ addXMLEle()

XMLEle * addXMLEle ( XMLEle parent,
const char *  tag 

add an element with the given tag to the given element.

parent can be NULL to make a new root.

if parent is NULL, a new root is returned, otherwise, parent is returned.

◆ delLilXML()

void delLilXML ( LilXML lp)

Delete a lilxml parser.

lpa pointer to a lilxml parser to be deleted.

◆ delXMLEle()

void delXMLEle ( XMLEle e)

Delete an XML element.

a pointer to the XML Element to be deleted.

◆ editXMLAtt()

void editXMLAtt ( XMLAtt ap,
const char *  str 

change the value of an attribute to str.

appointer to XML attribute
strnew attribute value

◆ editXMLEle()

void editXMLEle ( XMLEle ep,
const char *  pcdata 

set the pcdata of the given element

eppointer to an XML element.
pcdatapcdata to set.

◆ entityXML()

char * entityXML ( char *  str)

return a string with all xml-sensitive characters within the passed string replaced with their entity sequence equivalents.

N.B. caller must use the returned string before calling us again.

◆ findXMLAtt()

XMLAtt * findXMLAtt ( XMLEle e,
const char *  name 

Find an XML attribute within an XML element.

ea pointer to the XML element to search.
namethe attribute name to search for.
A pointer to the XML attribute if found or NULL on failure.

◆ findXMLAttValu()

const char * findXMLAttValu ( XMLEle ep,
const char *  name 

Find an XML element's attribute value.

epa pointer to an XML element.
namethe name of the XML attribute to retrieve its value.
the value string of an XML element on success. NULL on failure.

◆ findXMLEle()

XMLEle * findXMLEle ( XMLEle e,
const char *  tag 

Find an XML element within an XML element.

ea pointer to the XML element to search.
tagthe element tag to search for.
A pointer to the XML element if found or NULL on failure.

◆ indi_xmlMalloc()

void indi_xmlMalloc ( void *(*)(size_t size)  newmalloc,
void *(*)(void *ptr, size_t size)  newrealloc,
void(*)(void *ptr)  newfree 

◆ nameXMLAtt()

char * nameXMLAtt ( XMLAtt ap)

Return the name of an XML attribute.

apa pointer to an XML attribute.
the name string of the attribute.

◆ newLilXML()

LilXML * newLilXML ( )

Create a new lilxml parser.

a pointer to the lilxml parser on success. NULL on failure.

◆ nextXMLAtt()

XMLAtt * nextXMLAtt ( XMLEle ep,
int  first 

Iterate an XML element for a list of XML attributes.

epa pointer to the XML element to iterate.
firstthe index of the starting XML attribute. Pass 1 to start iteration from the beginning of the XML element. Pass 0 to get the next attribute thereater.
On success, a pointer to the next XML attribute is returned. NULL when there are no more attributes.

◆ nextXMLEle()

XMLEle * nextXMLEle ( XMLEle ep,
int  first 

Iterate an XML element for a list of nesetd XML elements.

epa pointer to the XML element to iterate.
firstthe index of the starting XML element. Pass 1 to start iteration from the beginning of the XML element. Pass 0 to get the next element thereater.
On success, a pointer to the next XML element is returned. NULL when there are no more elements.

◆ nXMLAtt()

int nXMLAtt ( XMLEle ep)

Return the number of XML attributes in a parent XML element.

epa pointer to an XML element.
the number of XML attributes within the XML element.

◆ nXMLEle()

int nXMLEle ( XMLEle ep)

Return the number of nested XML elements in a parent XML element.

epa pointer to an XML element.
the number of nested XML elements.

◆ parentXMLAtt()

XMLEle * parentXMLAtt ( XMLAtt ap)

Return the parent of an XML attribute.

a pointer to the XML element parent.

◆ parentXMLEle()

XMLEle * parentXMLEle ( XMLEle ep)

Return the parent of an XML element.

a pointer to the XML element parent.

◆ parseXMLChunk()

XMLEle ** parseXMLChunk ( LilXML lp,
char *  buf,
int  size,
char  errmsg[] 

Process an XML chunk.

lpa pointer to a lilxml parser.
bufbuffer to process.
sizesize of buf
errmsga buffer to store error messages if an error in parsing is encountered.
return a pointer to a NULL terminated array of parsed XML elements. An array of size 1 with on a NULL element means there is nothing to parse or a parsing is still in progress. A NULL pointer may be returned if a parsing error occurs. Check errmsg for errors if NULL is returned.

◆ pcdatalenXMLEle()

int pcdatalenXMLEle ( XMLEle ep)

Return the number of characters in pcdata in an XML element.

epa pointer to an XML element.
the length of the pcdata string.

◆ pcdataXMLEle()

char * pcdataXMLEle ( XMLEle ep)

Return the pcdata of an XML element.

epa pointer to an XML element.
the pcdata string on success.

◆ prXMLEle()

void prXMLEle ( FILE *  fp,
XMLEle e,
int  level 

Print an XML element.

fpa pointer to FILE where the print output is directed.
ethe XML element to print.
levelthe printing level, set to 0 to print the whole element.

◆ readXMLEle()

XMLEle * readXMLEle ( LilXML lp,
int  c,
char  errmsg[] 

Process an XML one char at a time.

lpa pointer to a lilxml parser.
cone character to process.
errmsga buffer to store error messages if an error in parsing is encounterd.
When the function parses a complete valid XML element, it will return a pointer to the XML element. A NULL is returned when parsing the element is still in progress, or if a parsing error occurs. Check errmsg for errors if NULL is returned.

◆ readXMLFile()

XMLEle * readXMLFile ( FILE *  fp,
LilXML lp,
char  errmsg[] 

Handy wrapper to read one xml file.

fppointer to FILE to read.
lppointer to lilxml parser.
errmsga buffer to store error messages on failure.
root element else NULL with report in errmsg[].

◆ rmXMLAtt()

void rmXMLAtt ( XMLEle ep,
const char *  name 

Remove an XML attribute from an XML element.

eppointer to an XML element.
namethe name of the XML attribute to remove

◆ sprlXMLEle()

int sprlXMLEle ( XMLEle ep,
int  level 

return number of bytes in a string guaranteed able to hold result of sprXLMEle(ep) (sans trailing \0@).

N.B. set level = 0 on first call.

◆ sprXMLEle()

int sprXMLEle ( char *  s,
XMLEle ep,
int  level 

sample print ep to string s.

N.B. s must be at least as large as that reported by sprlXMLEle()+1. N.B. set level = 0 on first call.

return length of resulting string (sans trailing \0@)

◆ tagXMLEle()

char * tagXMLEle ( XMLEle ep)

Return the tag of an XML element.

epa pointer to an XML element.
the tag string.

◆ valuXMLAtt()

char * valuXMLAtt ( XMLAtt ap)

Return the value of an XML attribute.

apa pointer to an XML attribute.
the value string of the attribute.