TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Telescope Class Reference

Class to provide general functionality of a telescope device. More...

#include <inditelescope.h>

Collaboration diagram for Telescope:
Collaboration graph

Detailed Description

Class to provide general functionality of a telescope device.

Developers need to subclass Telescope to implement any driver for telescopes within INDI.

Implementing a basic telescope driver involves the child class performing the following steps:

TrackState is used to monitor changes in Tracking state. There are three main tracking properties:

Ideally, the child class should avoid changing property states directly within a function call from the base class as such state changes take place in the base class after checking the return values of such functions.

Jasem Mutlaq, Gerry Rozema
See also
TelescopeSimulator and SynScan drivers for examples of implementations of Telescope.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: