TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
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QHYBASE Class Reference

the QHYBASE class description More...

#include <qhybase.h>

Inheritance diagram for QHYBASE:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QHYBASE:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

virtual ~QHYBASE ()
virtual void InitCmos (qhyccd_handle *h)
virtual uint32_t BeginSingleExposure (qhyccd_handle *h)
virtual uint32_t CancelExposing (qhyccd_handle *handle)
virtual uint32_t CancelExposingAndReadout (qhyccd_handle *h)
virtual uint32_t BeginLiveExposure (qhyccd_handle *h)
virtual uint32_t StopLiveExposure (qhyccd_handle *h)
virtual uint32_t GetSingleFrame (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t *pW, uint32_t *pH, uint32_t *pBpp, uint32_t *pChannels, uint8_t *ImgData)
virtual uint32_t GetLiveFrame (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t *pW, uint32_t *pH, uint32_t *pBpp, uint32_t *pChannels, uint8_t *ImgData)
virtual void SetFlagQuit (bool val)
virtual bool IsFlagQuit ()
virtual void SetExposureThreadRunFlag (bool val)
virtual bool IsExposureThreadRunning ()
virtual void SetDdrnum (uint32_t val)
virtual uint32_t GetDdrnum ()
virtual void SetTotalDataLength (uint32_t val)
virtual void TotalDataLengthAdd (uint32_t val)
virtual uint32_t GetTotalDataLength ()
virtual uint32_t ConnectCamera (qhyccd_device *d, qhyccd_handle **h)
connect camera,get the control handle More...
virtual uint32_t DisConnectCamera (qhyccd_handle *h)
disconnect camera More...
virtual uint32_t InitChipRegs (qhyccd_handle *h)
Init the registers and some other things More...
virtual uint32_t ReSetParams2cam (qhyccd_handle *h)
re set the params to camera,because some behavior will cause camera reset More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipOffset (qhyccd_handle *h, double offset)
set the camera offset More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipExposeTime (qhyccd_handle *h, double i)
set the expose time to camera More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipGain (qhyccd_handle *h, double gain)
set the gain to camera More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipWBRed (qhyccd_handle *h, double red)
set the red gain value of white balance More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipWBGreen (qhyccd_handle *h, double green)
set the red gain value of white balance More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipWBBlue (qhyccd_handle *h, double blue)
set the red gain value of white balance More...
virtual double GetChipWBRed ()
get the red gain value of white balance More...
virtual double GetChipWBBlue ()
get the blue gain value of white balance More...
virtual double GetChipWBGreen ()
get the green gain value of white balance More...
virtual double GetChipExposeTime ()
get the current exposetime More...
virtual double GetChipGain ()
get the current gain More...
virtual double GetChipOffset ()
get the current offset More...
virtual double GetChipSpeed ()
get the current transfer speed More...
virtual double GetChipUSBTraffic ()
get the hblank value More...
virtual double GetChipBitsMode ()
get the current camera depth bits More...
virtual double GetChipChannels ()
get the current camera image channels More...
virtual double GetChipCoolTemp (qhyccd_handle *h)
get the current ccd/cmos chip temprature More...
virtual double GetChipCoolPWM ()
get the current ccd/cmos temprature More...
virtual double GetChipCoolTargetTemp ()
get the current ccd/cmos target temperature More...
virtual uint32_t GetControlMinMaxStepValue (CONTROL_ID controlId, double *min, double *max, double *step)
get the min,max and step value for function More...
virtual uint32_t CorrectWH (uint32_t *w, uint32_t *h)
correct width and height if the setting width or height is not correct More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipResolution (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize)
set camera ouput resolution More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipUSBTraffic (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t i)
set hblank More...
virtual uint32_t DeChipRowNoise (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t value)
enable the function to reduce the row noise More...
virtual uint32_t GetChipMemoryLength ()
get the image cost memory length More...
virtual bool IsSupportHighSpeed ()
check the camera support high speed transfer or not More...
virtual uint32_t IsChipHasFunction (CONTROL_ID id)
check the camera has the function or not More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipCoolPWM (qhyccd_handle *h, double PWM)
set cool power More...
virtual uint32_t AutoTempControl (qhyccd_handle *h, double ttemp)
auto temprature control More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipSpeed (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t i)
set the transfer speed to camera More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipBitsMode (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t bits)
set the camera depth bits More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipChannels (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t channels)
set the image channels,it means the image is color one More...
virtual uint32_t SetChipBinMode (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t wbin, uint32_t hbin)
set the camera image bin mode More...
virtual void ConvertDataBIN11 (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t PixShift)
move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need More...
virtual void ConvertDataBIN22 (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t TopSkipPix)
move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need More...
virtual void ConvertDataBIN33 (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t TopSkipPix)
move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need More...
virtual void ConvertDataBIN44 (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint16_t TopSkipPix)
move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need More...
virtual uint32_t Send2GuiderPort (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t Direction, uint16_t PulseTime)
send the command to camera's guide port More...
virtual uint32_t SetFocusSetting (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t focusCenterX, uint32_t focusCenterY)
 Set the camera on focus mode. More...
virtual uint32_t ExposureRemaining (qhyccd_handle *h)
 Get remaining ccd/cmos expose time. More...
virtual uint32_t SetStreamMode (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t mode)
Set the camera's mode to chose the way reading data from camera More...
virtual uint32_t SetInterCamSerialParam (qhyccd_handle *h, uint32_t opt)
 Set InterCam serial2 params. More...
virtual uint32_t InterCamSerialTX (qhyccd_handle *h, char *buf, uint32_t length)
 Send data to InterCam serial2. More...
virtual uint32_t InterCamSerialRX (qhyccd_handle *h, char *buf)
 Get data from InterCam serial2. More...
virtual uint32_t Send2OledFast (qhyccd_handle *h, uint8_t *buffer)
 send data to show on InterCam's OLED More...
virtual uint32_t InterCamOledOnOff (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t onoff)
 turn off or turn on the InterCam's Oled More...
virtual uint32_t SetInterCamOledBrightness (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t brightness)
 send data to show on InterCam's OLED More...
virtual uint32_t SendFourLine2InterCamOled (qhyccd_handle *handle, char *messagetemp, char *messageinfo, char *messagetime, char *messagemode)
virtual uint32_t SendTwoLine2InterCamOled (qhyccd_handle *handle, char *messageTop, char *messageBottom)
 spilit the message to two line,send to camera More...
virtual uint32_t SendOneLine2InterCamOled (qhyccd_handle *handle, char *messageTop)
 spilit the message to two line,send to camera More...
virtual uint32_t GetCameraStatus (qhyccd_handle *h, uint8_t *buf)
 Get camera status. More...
virtual uint32_t SendOrder2CFW (qhyccd_handle *handle, char *order, uint32_t length)
control color filter wheel More...
virtual uint32_t GetCFWStatus (qhyccd_handle *handle, char *status)
get the color filter wheel status More...
virtual uint32_t GetCFWSlotsNum (qhyccd_handle *handle)
get the hole number of color filter wheel More...
virtual uint32_t IsCFWPlugged (qhyccd_handle *handle)
if CFW plugged in to the port or not. More...
virtual uint32_t ControlShutter (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t status)
control camera's shutter More...
virtual uint32_t GetShutterStatus (qhyccd_handle *handle)
get the camera's shutter status More...
virtual uint32_t GetHumidity (qhyccd_handle *handle, double *hd)
virtual uint32_t SetTrigerFunction (qhyccd_handle *handle, bool value)
virtual uint32_t I2C_Write (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t req, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
virtual uint32_t I2C_Read (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t req, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
virtual uint32_t SetFineTone (qhyccd_handle *h, uint8_t setshporshd, uint8_t shdloc, uint8_t shploc, uint8_t shwidth)
virtual uint32_t ReservedFunction (uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t bpp, uint32_t channels, uint8_t *ImgData)
virtual uint32_t IsExposing ()
virtual void UpdateParameters (qhyccd_handle *h)
virtual uint32_t GetFWVersion (qhyccd_handle *h, uint8_t *buf)
Get the QHYCCD's firmware version More...
virtual uint32_t SetGuideModeOnOff (qhyccd_handle *h, double mode)
virtual uint32_t GeDDRBufferThreshold ()
void ControlCamTemp (qhyccd_handle *h, double MAXPWM)
control the ccd/cmos temprature More...
void Bit16To8_Stretch (uint8_t *InputData16, uint8_t *OutputData8, uint32_t imageX, uint32_t imageY, uint16_t B, uint16_t W)
turn 16bits data into 8bits More...
void HistInfo (uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint8_t *InBuf, uint8_t *OutBuf)
make the hist info More...
void calibration_difference (uint8_t *inbuf, uint8_t *outbuf, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t areax1, uint32_t areay1, uint32_t areasizex1, uint32_t areasizey1, uint32_t areax2, uint32_t areay2, uint32_t areasizex2, uint32_t areasizey2)
void CalibrateOverScan (uint8_t *inbuf, uint8_t *outbuf, uint32_t ImgW, uint32_t ImgH, uint32_t OSStartX, uint32_t OSStartY, uint32_t OSSizeX, uint32_t OSSizeY)
calibrate the image with its overscan arean More...
uint32_t IgnoreOverscanArea (qhyccd_handle *h, bool value)
set camera to ignore overscan area More...
uint32_t GetOverScanArea (uint32_t *startX, uint32_t *startY, uint32_t *sizeX, uint32_t *sizeY)
 get the ccd overscan area More...
uint32_t GetEffectiveArea (uint32_t *startX, uint32_t *startY, uint32_t *sizeX, uint32_t *sizeY)
 get the ccd effective area More...
uint32_t GetChipInfo (double *chipw, double *chiph, uint32_t *imagew, uint32_t *imageh, double *pixelw, double *pixelh, uint32_t *bpp)
 get the camera's ccd/cmos chip info More...
virtual double GetReadingProgress (qhyccd_handle *handle)
get reading data from camera progress More...
uint32_t SetGPSOn (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t mode)
uint32_t GetGPSSOnOff ()
uint32_t SetPIDParas (qhyccd_handle *handle, double p, double i, double d)
uint32_t PixelsDataSoftBin (uint8_t *srcdata, uint8_t *bindata, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, uint32_t camxbin, uint32_t camybin)
uint32_t SetDebayerOnOff (bool onoff)
uint32_t RoiTwoChannels2OneImage (uint32_t imgX, uint32_t imgY, uint32_t depth, uint32_t uselessStartX, uint32_t uselessStartY, uint32_t uselessSizeX, uint32_t uselessSizeY, uint8_t *data)
uint32_t VendRequestWrite (qhyccd_handle *h, uint8_t req, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, uint32_t length, uint8_t *data)
uint32_t VendRequestRead (qhyccd_handle *h, uint8_t req, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, uint32_t length, uint8_t *data)
uint32_t QHYCCDImageROI (void *src, uint32_t chipoutputsizex, uint32_t chipoutputsizey, uint32_t cambits, void *dist, uint32_t roixstart, uint32_t roiystart, uint32_t roixsize, uint32_t roiysize)
uint32_t QHYCCDFlip (void *src, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize, uint32_t cambits, int channels, void *dist, int flip_mode)
uint32_t QHYCCDFlip (void *src, uint32_t xsize, uint32_t ysize, uint32_t cambits, int channels, int flip_mode)
uint32_t SetAutoWhiteBalance (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetAutoExposure (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetAutoFocus (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetBrightness (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetContrast (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetGamma (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetAMPV (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetLPMode (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetCamViewMode (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetVcamOnoff (qhyccd_handle *h, double mode)
uint32_t SetScreenStretchB (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
uint32_t SetScreenStretchW (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
virtual uint32_t SetDDR (qhyccd_handle *h, double value)
double GetBrightness ()
double GetContrast ()
double GetGamma ()
double GetAMPV ()
double GetDDR ()
double GetLPMode ()
double GetCamViewModeStatus ()
double GetVcamOnoff ()
double GetScreenStretchB ()
double GetScreenStretchW ()
double Getqhy5iiGuidePortOnoff ()
void QHYCCDDemosaic (void *dataIn, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t bpp, void *dataOut, uint8_t mode)
void BuildlLut_Contrast_Brightness_Gamma (uint32_t bpp, double brightness_percent, double contrast_percent, double fPrecompensation)
void ImgProcess_Contrast_Brightness_Gamma (uint8_t *array, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t bpp)
uint32_t GetTempAndPwm (qhyccd_handle *h, double &temp, double &pwm)
uint32_t QHYImgResize (void *src, uint32_t bpp, uint32_t ch, uint32_t src_width, uint32_t src_height, void *dst, uint32_t dst_width, uint32_t dst_height)
uint32_t QHYBadLineProc (void *src, uint32_t imgw, uint32_t imgh, uint32_t bpp, uint32_t startx, uint32_t starty, uint32_t linew, uint32_t endy, bool method)
uint32_t GeDDRBufferCap (qhyccd_handle *h)
uint32_t QHYConvertToSoftBIN22 (void *src, uint32_t bpp, uint32_t src_width, uint32_t src_height, void *dst)
uint32_t QHYConvertToSoftBIN33 (void *src, uint32_t bpp, uint32_t src_width, uint32_t src_height, void *dst)
uint32_t QHYConvertToSoftBIN44 (void *src, uint32_t bpp, uint32_t src_width, uint32_t src_height, void *dst)
qhyccd_handleGetHandle ()
void SetHandle (qhyccd_handle *pHandle)
void SetMaxImageReadTrials (int value)
int GetMaxImageReadTrials ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QHYCAM
virtual ~QHYCAM ()
uint32_t openCamera (qhyccd_device *d, qhyccd_handle **h)
open the camera,open the device handle More...
void closeCamera (qhyccd_handle *h)
close the camera,close the deivce handle More...
uint32_t sendForceStop (qhyccd_handle *h)
force stop exposure More...
uint32_t sendInterrupt (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data)
send a package to deivce using the interrupt endpoint More...
uint32_t vendTXD (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t req, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
send a package to deivce using the vendor request More...
uint32_t vendRXD (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t req, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
get a package from deivce using the vendor request More...
uint32_t iTXD (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t *data, int32_t length)
send a package to deivce using the bulk endpoint More...
uint32_t iTXD_Ex (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t *data, int32_t length, uint8_t ep)
send a package to deivce using the bulk endpoint More...
uint32_t iRXD (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t *data, int32_t length)
get a package from deivce using the bulk endpoint More...
uint32_t iRXD_Ex (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t length, uint8_t ep)
get a package from deivce using the bulk endpoint More...
uint32_t vendTXD_Ex (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t req, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
send a package to deivce using the vendor request,extend the index and value interface More...
uint32_t vendRXD_Ex (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t req, uint16_t value, uint16_t index, uint8_t *data, uint16_t length)
get a package from deivce using the vendor request,extend the index and value interface More...
uint32_t QHY5IIIreadUSB2B (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t p_num, uint32_t timeout)
uint32_t readUSB2B (qhyccd_handle *dev_handle, uint8_t *data, uint32_t p_size, uint32_t p_num, uint32_t *pos, uint32_t timeout)
get image packages from deivce using bulk endpoint More...
uint32_t beginVideo (qhyccd_handle *handle)
send begin exposure signal to deivce More...
uint32_t sendRegisterQHYCCDOld (qhyccd_handle *handle, CCDREG reg, uint32_t P_Size, uint32_t *Total_P, uint32_t *PatchNumber)
send register params to deivce and some other info More...
uint32_t sendRegisterQHYCCDNew (qhyccd_handle *handle, CCDREG reg, uint32_t P_Size, uint32_t *Total_P, uint32_t *PatchNumber)
New interface!!! send register params to deivce and some other info More...
uint32_t sendRegisterBioCCD (qhyccd_handle *handle, BIOREG reg)
api like sendRegisterQHYCCDOld,just a different version for some kinds of cameras More...
uint32_t setDisableGuider_INT (qhyccd_handle *handle)
turn off the ST4 port(guide port) More...
uint32_t setBioCCDDigitalGain_INT (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t gain)
set bioccd digitalgain More...
uint32_t setBioCCDGain_INT (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint16_t gain)
set bioccd analog gain More...
uint32_t getExpSetting (double T, uint32_t *ExpTime, int32_t *LiveExpTime, double A, double B, double V, double LinePeriod)
calc the exposure time More...
uint32_t setBioCCDExp_INT (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint32_t ExpTime)
set bioccd exposure time More...
uint32_t setBioCCDLiveExp_INT (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint16_t VideoExpTime)
set bioccd live exposure time More...
uint32_t setDC201FromInterrupt (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t PWM, uint8_t FAN)
control the DC201 using the interrupt endpoint More...
int16_t getDC201FromInterrupt (qhyccd_handle *handle)
get the temprature value from DC201 using the interrupt endpoint More...
uint8_t getFromInterrupt (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint8_t length, uint8_t *data)
get some special information from deivce,using interrupt endpoint More...
double GetCCDTemp (qhyccd_handle *handle)
get ccd/cmos chip temperature More...
double RToDegree (double R)
calc,transfer R to degree More...
double mVToDegree (double V)
calc,transfer mV to degree More...
double DegreeTomV (double degree)
calc,transfer degree to mv More...
double DegreeToR (double degree)
calc,transfer degree to R More...
uint32_t I2CTwoWrite (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint16_t addr, uint16_t value)
set param by I2C More...
uint16_t I2CTwoRead (qhyccd_handle *handle, uint16_t addr)
get param by I2C More...
uint8_t MSB (uint16_t i)
apart the 16 bits value to 8bits(high 8bits) More...
uint8_t LSB (uint16_t i)
apart the 16 bits value to 8bits(low 8bits) More...
uint8_t MSB3 (uint32_t i)
uint8_t MSB2 (uint32_t i)
uint8_t MSB1 (uint32_t i)
uint8_t MSB0 (uint32_t i)
void SWIFT_MSBLSB12BITS (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
void SWIFT_MSBLSB16BITS (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
void SWIFT_MSBLSB14BITS (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
void QHY5II_SWIFT_MSBLSB12BITS (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
void QHY5II_SWIFT_MSBLSB14BITS (uint8_t *Data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
void QHY5II_SWIFT_8BitsTo16Bits (uint8_t *Dst, uint8_t *Src, uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
void QHY5II_DeNoise (uint8_t *data, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, double curgain)
const char *STDCALL GetTimeStamp ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void QSleep (uint32_t mstime)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QHYCAM
static void * pollHandleEvents (void *arg)
static void findCompleteFrame (uint8_t *rawarray, uint32_t length)
static void asyImageDataCallBack (struct libusb_transfer *transfer)

Public Attributes

uint32_t camx
 current camera width More...
uint32_t camy
 current camera height More...
uint32_t camxbin
 current camera width bin More...
uint32_t camybin
 current camera height bin More...
uint32_t cambits
 current camera bits mode More...
uint32_t camchannels
 current camera channels More...
uint32_t usbtraffic
 current usbtraffic More...
uint32_t usbspeed
 current usb speed mode More...
double camtime
 current cam expose time More...
double camgain
 current cam gain More...
double camoffset
 current cam offset More...
double camred2green
 current white blance red value More...
double camblue2green
 current white blance blue value More...
double camgreen
 current white blance green More...
 raw buffer pointer for usb transfer More...
 roi image buffer More...
uint32_t roixstart
 roi image xstart position More...
uint32_t roiystart
 roi image ystart position More...
uint32_t roixsize
 roi image xsize More...
uint32_t roiysize
 roi image ysize More...
uint32_t unbinningx
uint32_t unbinningy
uint32_t unbinningxsize
uint32_t unbinningysize
uint32_t overScanStartX
 overscan area x position More...
uint32_t overScanStartY
 overscan area y position More...
uint32_t overScanSizeX
 overscan area x size More...
uint32_t overScanSizeY
 overscan area y size More...
uint32_t onlyStartX
 effective area x position More...
uint32_t onlyStartY
 effective area y position More...
uint32_t onlySizeX
 effective area x size More...
uint32_t onlySizeY
 effective area y size More...
double ccdchipw
 ccd chip width More...
double ccdchiph
 ccd chip height More...
uint32_t ccdimagew
 ccd image width More...
uint32_t ccdimageh
 ccd image height More...
double ccdpixelw
 ccd pixel width More...
double ccdpixelh
 ccd pixel height More...
uint32_t lastx
uint32_t lasty
uint32_t lastxsize
uint32_t lastysize
uint32_t lastcambits
uint32_t lastcamxbin
uint32_t lastcamybin
uint32_t chipoutputx
uint32_t chipoutputy
uint32_t chipoutputsizex
uint32_t chipoutputsizey
uint32_t chipoutputbits
double m_TargetTemp
 target ccd/cmos temprature More...
double m_CurrentTemp
 current ccd/cmos tempratue More...
double m_CurrentPwm
 current cool power More...
double nowVoltage
 reserved More...
double NowError
 the step k difference More...
double PrevError
 the step k - 2 difference More...
double LastError
 the step k - 1 difference More...
double Proportion
 scale factor value More...
double Integral
 integralcoefficients More...
double Derivative
 differential coefficient More...
double readprogress
 get the reading data from camera progress status More...
double humidityvalue
double imgbrightness
double imgcontrast
double imggamma
double camampv
double defaultgain
double defaultoffset
double outputdataactualbits
double outputdataalignment
double camviewmode
uint8_t isbadframe
uint8_t isexposureupdate
uint8_t isgainupdate
uint8_t iscolorgainupdate
uint8_t isoffsetupdate
uint8_t isdepthupdate
uint8_t isspeedupdate
uint8_t isresolutionupdate
uint8_t isusbtrafficupdate
uint8_t is_superspeed
uint8_t isReadoutTemp
uint8_t islive
uint8_t camtype
uint8_t streammode
uint8_t badframenum
uint8_t gpsarray [5000 *11 *2]
uint8_t is_3a_autoexposure_on
uint8_t is_3a_autowhitebalance_on
uint8_t is_3a_autofocus_on
uint8_t autoexposure_messuremethod
uint8_t autoexposure_controlmode
uint8_t autowhitebalanceloops
uint8_t camLPMode
uint8_t singlestatus
uint8_t gpson
uint8_t qhy5iiGuidePortOnOff
bool isReadoutData
 sign whether it is reading out the image data More...
bool flag_timer
 timer flag More...
bool flag_timer_2
 timer flag 2 More...
bool flagtempauto
 temperature to read flag More...
bool debayeronoff
bool isOverscanRemoved
 sign whether removed the overscan area for image. More...
bool isFocusmode
 hold the camera work mode, false: capture mode, true: focus mdoe More...
bool vcamonoff
bool isFX3
bool delRowRoise
uint32_t ddrnum
uint32_t debayerformat
uint32_t initdone
uint32_t connected
uint32_t resolutionmode
uint32_t uselessstartx
uint32_t uselessstarty
uint32_t uselesssizex
uint32_t uselesssizey
uint32_t retrynum
int32_t imgprocesslut [65536]
int32_t frameflag
uint16_t camddr
uint16_t screenstretchb
uint16_t screenstretchw
int8_t filterpos
- Public Attributes inherited from QHYCAM
uint32_t camstatus
uint32_t ep1num
uint32_t usbintrep
uint32_t psize
uint32_t totalp
uint32_t patchnumber
uint32_t readp
int32_t m_UsbTransferred
uint8_t m_disableTempReadout
uint8_t usbep
uint8_t usbintwep
uint8_t intepflag
uint8_t usbtype
uint8_t m_UsbPacket [LIBUSB_PACKET_LENGTH]
CCDREG ccdreg
BIOREG imgreg
char timeStampStr [128]
pthread_mutex_t mutex

Protected Attributes

bool m_flagQuit
bool m_exposureThreadRunFlag
uint32_t m_totalDataLength
int m_max_image_read_trials

Private Attributes

pthread_mutex_t m_flagQuitMutex
pthread_mutex_t m_ddrNumMutex
pthread_mutex_t m_exposureThreadRunFlagMutex
pthread_mutex_t m_totalDataLengthMutex

Detailed Description

the QHYBASE class description

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




virtual QHYBASE::~QHYBASE ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AutoTempControl()

uint32_t QHYBASE::AutoTempControl ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  ttemp 

auto temprature control

hcamera control handle
ttemptarget temprature(degree Celsius)
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ BeginLiveExposure()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::BeginLiveExposure ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ BeginSingleExposure()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::BeginSingleExposure ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ Bit16To8_Stretch()

void QHYBASE::Bit16To8_Stretch ( uint8_t InputData16,
uint8_t OutputData8,
uint32_t  imageX,
uint32_t  imageY,
uint16_t  B,
uint16_t  W 

turn 16bits data into 8bits

InputData16for 16bits data memory
OutputData8for 8bits data memory
imageXimage width
imageYimage height
Bfor stretch balck
Wfor stretch white

◆ BuildlLut_Contrast_Brightness_Gamma()

void QHYBASE::BuildlLut_Contrast_Brightness_Gamma ( uint32_t  bpp,
double  brightness_percent,
double  contrast_percent,
double  fPrecompensation 

◆ CalibrateOverScan()

void QHYBASE::CalibrateOverScan ( uint8_t inbuf,
uint8_t outbuf,
uint32_t  ImgW,
uint32_t  ImgH,
uint32_t  OSStartX,
uint32_t  OSStartY,
uint32_t  OSSizeX,
uint32_t  OSSizeY 

calibrate the image with its overscan arean

ximage width
yimage height
OSStartXthe start X for overscan arean
OSStartYthe start Y for overscan arean
OSSizeXthe X size for overscan arean
OSSizeYthe Y size for overscan arean
InBuffor the raw image data
OutBuffor the image data after calibrated

◆ calibration_difference()

void QHYBASE::calibration_difference ( uint8_t inbuf,
uint8_t outbuf,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  depth,
uint32_t  areax1,
uint32_t  areay1,
uint32_t  areasizex1,
uint32_t  areasizey1,
uint32_t  areax2,
uint32_t  areay2,
uint32_t  areasizex2,
uint32_t  areasizey2 

◆ CancelExposing()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::CancelExposing ( qhyccd_handle handle)

◆ CancelExposingAndReadout()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::CancelExposingAndReadout ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ ConnectCamera()

uint32_t QHYBASE::ConnectCamera ( qhyccd_device d,
qhyccd_handle **  h 

connect camera,get the control handle

hcamera control handle pointer
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ ControlCamTemp()

void QHYBASE::ControlCamTemp ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  MAXPWM 

control the ccd/cmos temprature

hcamera control handle
MAXPWMthe max power of cool

◆ ControlShutter()

uint32_t QHYBASE::ControlShutter ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  status 

control camera's shutter

handlecamera control handle
statusthe shutter status
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ ConvertDataBIN11()

void QHYBASE::ConvertDataBIN11 ( uint8_t Data,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint16_t  PixShift 

move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need

Dataraw image data
ximage width
yimage height
PixShiftthis is a way to fix the bad pixel data by the usb transfer

◆ ConvertDataBIN22()

void QHYBASE::ConvertDataBIN22 ( uint8_t Data,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint16_t  PixShift 

move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need

Dataraw image data
ximage width
yimage height
PixShiftthis is a way to fix the bad pixel data by the usb transfer

◆ ConvertDataBIN33()

void QHYBASE::ConvertDataBIN33 ( uint8_t Data,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint16_t  PixShift 

move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need

Dataraw image data
ximage width
yimage height
PixShiftthis is a way to fix the bad pixel data by the usb transfer

◆ ConvertDataBIN44()

void QHYBASE::ConvertDataBIN44 ( uint8_t Data,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint16_t  PixShift 

move the pixel raw data to correction position,and bin if need

Dataraw image data
ximage width
yimage height
PixShiftthis is a way to fix the bad pixel data by the usb transfer

◆ CorrectWH()

uint32_t QHYBASE::CorrectWH ( uint32_t w,
uint32_t h 

correct width and height if the setting width or height is not correct

wset width
hset height
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ DeChipRowNoise()

uint32_t QHYBASE::DeChipRowNoise ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  value 

enable the function to reduce the row noise

hcamera control handle
valueenable or disable
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ DisConnectCamera()

uint32_t QHYBASE::DisConnectCamera ( qhyccd_handle h)

disconnect camera

hcamera control handle
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ ExposureRemaining()

uint32_t QHYBASE::ExposureRemaining ( qhyccd_handle h)

Get remaining ccd/cmos expose time.

hcamera control handle
100 or less 100,it means exposoure is over
another is remaining time

◆ GeDDRBufferCap()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GeDDRBufferCap ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ GeDDRBufferThreshold()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::GeDDRBufferThreshold ( )

◆ GetAMPV()

double QHYBASE::GetAMPV ( )

◆ GetBrightness()

double QHYBASE::GetBrightness ( )

◆ GetCameraStatus()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetCameraStatus ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint8_t buf 

Get camera status.

hcamera control handle
bufcamera's status save space
on success,return the camera statu
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetCamViewModeStatus()

double QHYBASE::GetCamViewModeStatus ( )

◆ GetCFWSlotsNum()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetCFWSlotsNum ( qhyccd_handle handle)

get the hole number of color filter wheel

on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetCFWStatus()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetCFWStatus ( qhyccd_handle handle,
char *  status 

get the color filter wheel status

handlecamera control handle
statusthe color filter wheel position status
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipBitsMode()

double QHYBASE::GetChipBitsMode ( )

get the current camera depth bits

success return the current camera depth bits
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipChannels()

double QHYBASE::GetChipChannels ( )

get the current camera image channels

success return the current camera image channels
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipCoolPWM()

double QHYBASE::GetChipCoolPWM ( )

get the current ccd/cmos temprature

success return the current cool temprature
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipCoolTargetTemp()

double QHYBASE::GetChipCoolTargetTemp ( )

get the current ccd/cmos target temperature

success return the current cool target temprature
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipCoolTemp()

double QHYBASE::GetChipCoolTemp ( qhyccd_handle h)

get the current ccd/cmos chip temprature

success return the current chip temprature
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipExposeTime()

double QHYBASE::GetChipExposeTime ( )

get the current exposetime

success return the current expose time (unit:us)
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipGain()

double QHYBASE::GetChipGain ( )

get the current gain

success return the current expose gain
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipInfo()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetChipInfo ( double *  chipw,
double *  chiph,
uint32_t imagew,
uint32_t imageh,
double *  pixelw,
double *  pixelh,
uint32_t bpp 

get the camera's ccd/cmos chip info

hcamera control handle
chipwchip size width
chiphchip size height
imagewchip output image width
imagehchip output image height
pixelwchip pixel size width
pixelhchip pixel size height
bppchip pixel depth

◆ GetChipMemoryLength()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetChipMemoryLength ( )

get the image cost memory length

success return memory length
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipOffset()

double QHYBASE::GetChipOffset ( )

get the current offset

success return the current camera offset
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipSpeed()

double QHYBASE::GetChipSpeed ( )

get the current transfer speed

success return the current speed level
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipUSBTraffic()

double QHYBASE::GetChipUSBTraffic ( )

get the hblank value

success return the hblank value
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipWBBlue()

double QHYBASE::GetChipWBBlue ( )

get the blue gain value of white balance

success return blue gain value
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipWBGreen()

double QHYBASE::GetChipWBGreen ( )

get the green gain value of white balance

success return green gain value
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetChipWBRed()

double QHYBASE::GetChipWBRed ( )

get the red gain value of white balance

success return red gain value
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetContrast()

double QHYBASE::GetContrast ( )

◆ GetControlMinMaxStepValue()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetControlMinMaxStepValue ( CONTROL_ID  controlId,
double *  min,
double *  max,
double *  step 

get the min,max and step value for function

controlIdthe control id
minthe min value for function
maxthe max value for function
stepsingle step value for function
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetDDR()

double QHYBASE::GetDDR ( )

◆ GetDdrnum()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::GetDdrnum ( )

◆ GetEffectiveArea()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetEffectiveArea ( uint32_t startX,
uint32_t startY,
uint32_t sizeX,
uint32_t sizeY 

get the ccd effective area

startXthe Effective area x position
startYthe Effective area y position
sizeXthe Effective area x size
sizeYthe Effective area y size
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetFWVersion()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetFWVersion ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint8_t buf 

Get the QHYCCD's firmware version

hcamera control handle
bufbuffer for version info
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetGamma()

double QHYBASE::GetGamma ( )

◆ GetGPSSOnOff()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetGPSSOnOff ( )

◆ GetHandle()

qhyccd_handle* QHYBASE::GetHandle ( )

◆ GetHumidity()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::GetHumidity ( qhyccd_handle handle,
double *  hd 

◆ GetLiveFrame()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::GetLiveFrame ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t pW,
uint32_t pH,
uint32_t pBpp,
uint32_t pChannels,
uint8_t ImgData 

◆ GetLPMode()

double QHYBASE::GetLPMode ( )

◆ GetMaxImageReadTrials()

int QHYBASE::GetMaxImageReadTrials ( )

◆ GetOverScanArea()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetOverScanArea ( uint32_t startX,
uint32_t startY,
uint32_t sizeX,
uint32_t sizeY 

get the ccd overscan area

startXthe OverScan area x position
startYthe OverScan area y position
sizeXthe OverScan area x size
sizeYthe OverScan area y size
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ Getqhy5iiGuidePortOnoff()

double QHYBASE::Getqhy5iiGuidePortOnoff ( )

◆ GetReadingProgress()

double QHYBASE::GetReadingProgress ( qhyccd_handle handle)

get reading data from camera progress

handlecamera control handle
current progress

◆ GetScreenStretchB()

double QHYBASE::GetScreenStretchB ( )

◆ GetScreenStretchW()

double QHYBASE::GetScreenStretchW ( )

◆ GetShutterStatus()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetShutterStatus ( qhyccd_handle handle)

get the camera's shutter status

handlecamera control handle
on success,return status
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ GetSingleFrame()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::GetSingleFrame ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t pW,
uint32_t pH,
uint32_t pBpp,
uint32_t pChannels,
uint8_t ImgData 

◆ GetTempAndPwm()

uint32_t QHYBASE::GetTempAndPwm ( qhyccd_handle h,
double &  temp,
double &  pwm 

◆ GetTotalDataLength()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::GetTotalDataLength ( )

◆ GetVcamOnoff()

double QHYBASE::GetVcamOnoff ( )

◆ HistInfo()

void QHYBASE::HistInfo ( uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint8_t InBuf,
uint8_t OutBuf 

make the hist info

ximage width
yimage height
InBuffor the raw image data
OutBuffor 192x130 8bits 3 channels image

◆ I2C_Read()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::I2C_Read ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  req,
uint16_t  value,
uint16_t  index,
uint8_t data,
uint16_t  length 

◆ I2C_Write()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::I2C_Write ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  req,
uint16_t  value,
uint16_t  index,
uint8_t data,
uint16_t  length 

◆ IgnoreOverscanArea()

void QHYBASE::IgnoreOverscanArea ( qhyccd_handle h,
bool  value 

set camera to ignore overscan area

hcamera control handle
valueignore overscan area or not

◆ ImgProcess_Contrast_Brightness_Gamma()

void QHYBASE::ImgProcess_Contrast_Brightness_Gamma ( uint8_t array,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  bpp 

◆ InitChipRegs()

uint32_t QHYBASE::InitChipRegs ( qhyccd_handle h)

Init the registers and some other things

hcamera control handle
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ InitCmos()

virtual void QHYBASE::InitCmos ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ InterCamOledOnOff()

uint32_t QHYBASE::InterCamOledOnOff ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  onoff 

turn off or turn on the InterCam's Oled

hcamera control handle
onoffon or off the oled
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ InterCamSerialRX()

uint32_t QHYBASE::InterCamSerialRX ( qhyccd_handle h,
char *  buf 

Get data from InterCam serial2.

hcamera control handle
bufbuffer for data
on success,return the data number
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ InterCamSerialTX()

uint32_t QHYBASE::InterCamSerialTX ( qhyccd_handle h,
char *  buf,
uint32_t  length 

Send data to InterCam serial2.

hcamera control handle
bufbuffer for data
lengththe length to send
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ IsCFWPlugged()

uint32_t QHYBASE::IsCFWPlugged ( qhyccd_handle handle)

if CFW plugged in to the port or not.

handlecamera control handle
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ IsChipHasFunction()

uint32_t QHYBASE::IsChipHasFunction ( CONTROL_ID  id)

check the camera has the function or not

idfunction id

◆ IsExposing()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::IsExposing ( )

◆ IsExposureThreadRunning()

virtual bool QHYBASE::IsExposureThreadRunning ( )

◆ IsFlagQuit()

virtual bool QHYBASE::IsFlagQuit ( )

◆ IsSupportHighSpeed()

bool QHYBASE::IsSupportHighSpeed ( )

check the camera support high speed transfer or not

support return true
not support return false

◆ PixelsDataSoftBin()

uint32_t QHYBASE::PixelsDataSoftBin ( uint8_t srcdata,
uint8_t bindata,
uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  depth,
uint32_t  camxbin,
uint32_t  camybin 

◆ QHYBadLineProc()

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYBadLineProc ( void *  src,
uint32_t  imgw,
uint32_t  imgh,
uint32_t  bpp,
uint32_t  startx,
uint32_t  starty,
uint32_t  linew,
uint32_t  endy,
bool  method 

◆ QHYCCDDemosaic()

void QHYBASE::QHYCCDDemosaic ( void *  dataIn,
uint32_t  w,
uint32_t  h,
uint32_t  bpp,
void *  dataOut,
uint8_t  mode 

◆ QHYCCDFlip() [1/2]

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYCCDFlip ( void *  src,
uint32_t  xsize,
uint32_t  ysize,
uint32_t  cambits,
int  channels,
void *  dist,
int  flip_mode 

◆ QHYCCDFlip() [2/2]

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYCCDFlip ( void *  src,
uint32_t  xsize,
uint32_t  ysize,
uint32_t  cambits,
int  channels,
int  flip_mode 


uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYCCDImageROI ( void *  src,
uint32_t  chipoutputsizex,
uint32_t  chipoutputsizey,
uint32_t  cambits,
void *  dist,
uint32_t  roixstart,
uint32_t  roiystart,
uint32_t  roixsize,
uint32_t  roiysize 

◆ QHYConvertToSoftBIN22()

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYConvertToSoftBIN22 ( void *  src,
uint32_t  bpp,
uint32_t  src_width,
uint32_t  src_height,
void *  dst 

◆ QHYConvertToSoftBIN33()

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYConvertToSoftBIN33 ( void *  src,
uint32_t  bpp,
uint32_t  src_width,
uint32_t  src_height,
void *  dst 

◆ QHYConvertToSoftBIN44()

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYConvertToSoftBIN44 ( void *  src,
uint32_t  bpp,
uint32_t  src_width,
uint32_t  src_height,
void *  dst 

◆ QHYImgResize()

uint32_t QHYBASE::QHYImgResize ( void *  src,
uint32_t  bpp,
uint32_t  ch,
uint32_t  src_width,
uint32_t  src_height,
void *  dst,
uint32_t  dst_width,
uint32_t  dst_height 

◆ QSleep()

static void QHYBASE::QSleep ( uint32_t  mstime)

◆ ReservedFunction()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::ReservedFunction ( uint32_t  width,
uint32_t  height,
uint32_t  bpp,
uint32_t  channels,
uint8_t ImgData 

◆ ReSetParams2cam()

uint32_t QHYBASE::ReSetParams2cam ( qhyccd_handle h)

re set the params to camera,because some behavior will cause camera reset

hcamera control handle
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ RoiTwoChannels2OneImage()

uint32_t QHYBASE::RoiTwoChannels2OneImage ( uint32_t  imgX,
uint32_t  imgY,
uint32_t  depth,
uint32_t  uselessStartX,
uint32_t  uselessStartY,
uint32_t  uselessSizeX,
uint32_t  uselessSizeY,
uint8_t data 

◆ Send2GuiderPort()

uint32_t QHYBASE::Send2GuiderPort ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  Direction,
uint16_t  PulseTime 

send the command to camera's guide port

hcamera control handle
DirectionRA DEC
PulseTimethe time last for command
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ Send2OledFast()

uint32_t QHYBASE::Send2OledFast ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint8_t buffer 

send data to show on InterCam's OLED

hcamera control handle
bufferbuffer for data
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SendFourLine2InterCamOled()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::SendFourLine2InterCamOled ( qhyccd_handle handle,
char *  messagetemp,
char *  messageinfo,
char *  messagetime,
char *  messagemode 

◆ SendOneLine2InterCamOled()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SendOneLine2InterCamOled ( qhyccd_handle handle,
char *  messageTop 

spilit the message to two line,send to camera

hcamera control handle
messageTopmessage for all the oled
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SendOrder2CFW()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SendOrder2CFW ( qhyccd_handle handle,
char *  order,
uint32_t  length 

control color filter wheel

handlecamera control handle
orderorder send to color filter wheel
lengththe order string length
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SendTwoLine2InterCamOled()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SendTwoLine2InterCamOled ( qhyccd_handle handle,
char *  messageTop,
char *  messageBottom 

spilit the message to two line,send to camera

hcamera control handle
messageTopmessage for the oled's 1st line
messageBottommessage for the oled's 2nd line
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetAMPV()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetAMPV ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetAutoExposure()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetAutoExposure ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetAutoFocus()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetAutoFocus ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetAutoWhiteBalance()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetAutoWhiteBalance ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetBrightness()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetBrightness ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetCamViewMode()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetCamViewMode ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetChipBinMode()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipBinMode ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  wbin,
uint32_t  hbin 

set the camera image bin mode

hcamera control handle
wbinwidth bin
hbinheight bin
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipBitsMode()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipBitsMode ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  bits 

set the camera depth bits

hcamera control handle
bitsdepth bits
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipChannels()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipChannels ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  channels 

set the image channels,it means the image is color one

hcamera control handle
channelsimage channels
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipCoolPWM()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipCoolPWM ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  PWM 

set cool power

hcamera control handle
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipExposeTime()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipExposeTime ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  i 

set the expose time to camera

hcamera control handle
iexpose time value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipGain()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipGain ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  gain 

set the gain to camera

hcamera control handle
gaingain value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipOffset()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipOffset ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  offset 

set the camera offset

hcamera control handle
offsetoffset value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipResolution()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipResolution ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint32_t  x,
uint32_t  y,
uint32_t  xsize,
uint32_t  ysize 

set camera ouput resolution

handlecamera control handle
xthe top left position x
ythe top left position y
xsizethe image width
ysizethe image height
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipSpeed()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipSpeed ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  i 

set the transfer speed to camera

hcamera control handle
ispeed level
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipUSBTraffic()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipUSBTraffic ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  i 

set hblank

hcamera control handle
ihblank value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipWBBlue()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipWBBlue ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  blue 

set the red gain value of white balance

hcamera control handle
blueblue gain value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipWBGreen()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipWBGreen ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  green 

set the red gain value of white balance

hcamera control handle
greengreen gain value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetChipWBRed()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetChipWBRed ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  red 

set the red gain value of white balance

hcamera control handle
redred gain value
success return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetContrast()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetContrast ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetDDR()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::SetDDR ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetDdrnum()

virtual void QHYBASE::SetDdrnum ( uint32_t  val)

◆ SetDebayerOnOff()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetDebayerOnOff ( bool  onoff)

◆ SetExposureThreadRunFlag()

virtual void QHYBASE::SetExposureThreadRunFlag ( bool  val)

◆ SetFineTone()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::SetFineTone ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint8_t  setshporshd,
uint8_t  shdloc,
uint8_t  shploc,
uint8_t  shwidth 

◆ SetFlagQuit()

virtual void QHYBASE::SetFlagQuit ( bool  val)

◆ SetFocusSetting()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetFocusSetting ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  focusCenterX,
uint32_t  focusCenterY 

Set the camera on focus mode.

hcamera control handle
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetGamma()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetGamma ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetGPSOn()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetGPSOn ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  mode 

◆ SetGuideModeOnOff()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::SetGuideModeOnOff ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  mode 

◆ SetHandle()

void QHYBASE::SetHandle ( qhyccd_handle pHandle)

◆ SetInterCamOledBrightness()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetInterCamOledBrightness ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  brightness 

send data to show on InterCam's OLED

hcamera control handle
brightnessthe oled's brightness
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetInterCamSerialParam()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetInterCamSerialParam ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint32_t  opt 

Set InterCam serial2 params.

hcamera control handle
optthe param
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetLPMode()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetLPMode ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetMaxImageReadTrials()

void QHYBASE::SetMaxImageReadTrials ( int  value)

◆ SetPIDParas()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetPIDParas ( qhyccd_handle handle,
double  p,
double  i,
double  d 

◆ SetScreenStretchB()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetScreenStretchB ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetScreenStretchW()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetScreenStretchW ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  value 

◆ SetStreamMode()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetStreamMode ( qhyccd_handle handle,
uint8_t  mode 

Set the camera's mode to chose the way reading data from camera

handlecamera control handle
modethe stream mode
0x00:default mode,single frame mode
0x01:live mode
on success,return QHYCCD_SUCCESS
another QHYCCD_ERROR code on other failures

◆ SetTotalDataLength()

virtual void QHYBASE::SetTotalDataLength ( uint32_t  val)

◆ SetTrigerFunction()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::SetTrigerFunction ( qhyccd_handle handle,
bool  value 

◆ SetVcamOnoff()

uint32_t QHYBASE::SetVcamOnoff ( qhyccd_handle h,
double  mode 

◆ StopLiveExposure()

virtual uint32_t QHYBASE::StopLiveExposure ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ TotalDataLengthAdd()

virtual void QHYBASE::TotalDataLengthAdd ( uint32_t  val)

◆ UpdateParameters()

virtual void QHYBASE::UpdateParameters ( qhyccd_handle h)

◆ VendRequestRead()

uint32_t QHYBASE::VendRequestRead ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint8_t  req,
uint16_t  value,
uint16_t  index,
uint32_t  length,
uint8_t data 

◆ VendRequestWrite()

uint32_t QHYBASE::VendRequestWrite ( qhyccd_handle h,
uint8_t  req,
uint16_t  value,
uint16_t  index,
uint32_t  length,
uint8_t data 

Member Data Documentation

◆ autoexposure_controlmode

uint8_t QHYBASE::autoexposure_controlmode

◆ autoexposure_messuremethod

uint8_t QHYBASE::autoexposure_messuremethod

◆ autowhitebalanceloops

uint8_t QHYBASE::autowhitebalanceloops

◆ badframenum

uint8_t QHYBASE::badframenum

◆ camampv

double QHYBASE::camampv

◆ cambits

uint32_t QHYBASE::cambits

current camera bits mode

◆ camblue2green

double QHYBASE::camblue2green

current white blance blue value

◆ camchannels

uint32_t QHYBASE::camchannels

current camera channels

◆ camddr

uint16_t QHYBASE::camddr

◆ camgain

double QHYBASE::camgain

current cam gain

◆ camgreen

double QHYBASE::camgreen

current white blance green

◆ camLPMode

uint8_t QHYBASE::camLPMode

◆ camoffset

double QHYBASE::camoffset

current cam offset

◆ camred2green

double QHYBASE::camred2green

current white blance red value

◆ camtime

double QHYBASE::camtime

current cam expose time

◆ camtype

uint8_t QHYBASE::camtype

◆ camviewmode

double QHYBASE::camviewmode

◆ camx

uint32_t QHYBASE::camx

current camera width

◆ camxbin

uint32_t QHYBASE::camxbin

current camera width bin

◆ camy

uint32_t QHYBASE::camy

current camera height

◆ camybin

uint32_t QHYBASE::camybin

current camera height bin

◆ ccdchiph

double QHYBASE::ccdchiph

ccd chip height

◆ ccdchipw

double QHYBASE::ccdchipw

ccd chip width

◆ ccdimageh

uint32_t QHYBASE::ccdimageh

ccd image height

◆ ccdimagew

uint32_t QHYBASE::ccdimagew

ccd image width

◆ ccdpixelh

double QHYBASE::ccdpixelh

ccd pixel height

◆ ccdpixelw

double QHYBASE::ccdpixelw

ccd pixel width

◆ chipoutputbits

uint32_t QHYBASE::chipoutputbits

◆ chipoutputsizex

uint32_t QHYBASE::chipoutputsizex

◆ chipoutputsizey

uint32_t QHYBASE::chipoutputsizey

◆ chipoutputx

uint32_t QHYBASE::chipoutputx

◆ chipoutputy

uint32_t QHYBASE::chipoutputy

◆ connected

uint32_t QHYBASE::connected

◆ ddrnum

uint32_t QHYBASE::ddrnum

◆ debayerformat

uint32_t QHYBASE::debayerformat

◆ debayeronoff

bool QHYBASE::debayeronoff

◆ defaultgain

double QHYBASE::defaultgain

◆ defaultoffset

double QHYBASE::defaultoffset

◆ delRowRoise

bool QHYBASE::delRowRoise

◆ Derivative

double QHYBASE::Derivative

differential coefficient

◆ filterpos

int8_t QHYBASE::filterpos

◆ flag_timer

bool QHYBASE::flag_timer

timer flag

◆ flag_timer_2

bool QHYBASE::flag_timer_2

timer flag 2

◆ flagtempauto

bool QHYBASE::flagtempauto

temperature to read flag

◆ frameflag

int32_t QHYBASE::frameflag

◆ gpsarray

uint8_t QHYBASE::gpsarray[5000 *11 *2]

◆ gpson

uint8_t QHYBASE::gpson

◆ humidityvalue

double QHYBASE::humidityvalue

◆ imgbrightness

double QHYBASE::imgbrightness

◆ imgcontrast

double QHYBASE::imgcontrast

◆ imggamma

double QHYBASE::imggamma

◆ imgprocesslut

int32_t QHYBASE::imgprocesslut[65536]

◆ initdone

uint32_t QHYBASE::initdone

◆ Integral

double QHYBASE::Integral


◆ is_3a_autoexposure_on

uint8_t QHYBASE::is_3a_autoexposure_on

◆ is_3a_autofocus_on

uint8_t QHYBASE::is_3a_autofocus_on

◆ is_3a_autowhitebalance_on

uint8_t QHYBASE::is_3a_autowhitebalance_on

◆ is_superspeed

uint8_t QHYBASE::is_superspeed

◆ isbadframe

uint8_t QHYBASE::isbadframe

◆ iscolorgainupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::iscolorgainupdate

◆ isdepthupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isdepthupdate

◆ isexposureupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isexposureupdate

◆ isFocusmode

bool QHYBASE::isFocusmode

hold the camera work mode, false: capture mode, true: focus mdoe

◆ isFX3

bool QHYBASE::isFX3

◆ isgainupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isgainupdate

◆ islive

uint8_t QHYBASE::islive

◆ isoffsetupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isoffsetupdate

◆ isOverscanRemoved

bool QHYBASE::isOverscanRemoved

sign whether removed the overscan area for image.

◆ isReadoutData

bool QHYBASE::isReadoutData

sign whether it is reading out the image data

◆ isReadoutTemp

uint8_t QHYBASE::isReadoutTemp

◆ isresolutionupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isresolutionupdate

◆ isspeedupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isspeedupdate

◆ isusbtrafficupdate

uint8_t QHYBASE::isusbtrafficupdate

◆ lastcambits

uint32_t QHYBASE::lastcambits

◆ lastcamxbin

uint32_t QHYBASE::lastcamxbin

◆ lastcamybin

uint32_t QHYBASE::lastcamybin

◆ LastError

double QHYBASE::LastError

the step k - 1 difference

◆ lastx

uint32_t QHYBASE::lastx

◆ lastxsize

uint32_t QHYBASE::lastxsize

◆ lasty

uint32_t QHYBASE::lasty

◆ lastysize

uint32_t QHYBASE::lastysize

◆ m_CurrentPwm

double QHYBASE::m_CurrentPwm

current cool power

◆ m_CurrentTemp

double QHYBASE::m_CurrentTemp

current ccd/cmos tempratue

◆ m_ddrNumMutex

pthread_mutex_t QHYBASE::m_ddrNumMutex

◆ m_exposureThreadRunFlag

bool QHYBASE::m_exposureThreadRunFlag

◆ m_exposureThreadRunFlagMutex

pthread_mutex_t QHYBASE::m_exposureThreadRunFlagMutex

◆ m_flagQuit

bool QHYBASE::m_flagQuit

◆ m_flagQuitMutex

pthread_mutex_t QHYBASE::m_flagQuitMutex

◆ m_max_image_read_trials

int QHYBASE::m_max_image_read_trials

◆ m_pHandle

qhyccd_handle* QHYBASE::m_pHandle

◆ m_TargetTemp

double QHYBASE::m_TargetTemp

target ccd/cmos temprature

◆ m_totalDataLength

uint32_t QHYBASE::m_totalDataLength

◆ m_totalDataLengthMutex

pthread_mutex_t QHYBASE::m_totalDataLengthMutex

◆ NowError

double QHYBASE::NowError

the step k difference

◆ nowVoltage

double QHYBASE::nowVoltage


◆ onlySizeX

uint32_t QHYBASE::onlySizeX

effective area x size

◆ onlySizeY

uint32_t QHYBASE::onlySizeY

effective area y size

◆ onlyStartX

uint32_t QHYBASE::onlyStartX

effective area x position

◆ onlyStartY

uint32_t QHYBASE::onlyStartY

effective area y position

◆ outputdataactualbits

double QHYBASE::outputdataactualbits

◆ outputdataalignment

double QHYBASE::outputdataalignment

◆ overScanSizeX

uint32_t QHYBASE::overScanSizeX

overscan area x size

◆ overScanSizeY

uint32_t QHYBASE::overScanSizeY

overscan area y size

◆ overScanStartX

uint32_t QHYBASE::overScanStartX

overscan area x position

◆ overScanStartY

uint32_t QHYBASE::overScanStartY

overscan area y position

◆ PrevError

double QHYBASE::PrevError

the step k - 2 difference

◆ Proportion

double QHYBASE::Proportion

scale factor value

◆ qhy5iiGuidePortOnOff

uint8_t QHYBASE::qhy5iiGuidePortOnOff

◆ rawarray

uint8_t* QHYBASE::rawarray

raw buffer pointer for usb transfer

◆ readprogress

double QHYBASE::readprogress

get the reading data from camera progress status

◆ resolutionmode

uint32_t QHYBASE::resolutionmode

◆ retrynum

uint32_t QHYBASE::retrynum

◆ roiarray

uint8_t* QHYBASE::roiarray

roi image buffer

◆ roixsize

uint32_t QHYBASE::roixsize

roi image xsize

◆ roixstart

uint32_t QHYBASE::roixstart

roi image xstart position

◆ roiysize

uint32_t QHYBASE::roiysize

roi image ysize

◆ roiystart

uint32_t QHYBASE::roiystart

roi image ystart position

◆ screenstretchb

uint16_t QHYBASE::screenstretchb

◆ screenstretchw

uint16_t QHYBASE::screenstretchw

◆ singlestatus

uint8_t QHYBASE::singlestatus

◆ streammode

uint8_t QHYBASE::streammode

◆ unbinningx

uint32_t QHYBASE::unbinningx

◆ unbinningxsize

uint32_t QHYBASE::unbinningxsize

◆ unbinningy

uint32_t QHYBASE::unbinningy

◆ unbinningysize

uint32_t QHYBASE::unbinningysize

◆ usbspeed

uint32_t QHYBASE::usbspeed

current usb speed mode

◆ usbtraffic

uint32_t QHYBASE::usbtraffic

current usbtraffic

◆ uselesssizex

uint32_t QHYBASE::uselesssizex

◆ uselesssizey

uint32_t QHYBASE::uselesssizey

◆ uselessstartx

uint32_t QHYBASE::uselessstartx

◆ uselessstarty

uint32_t QHYBASE::uselessstarty

◆ vcamonoff

bool QHYBASE::vcamonoff

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: