| WheelMoConModuleDummyMock (std::string _name, const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
virtual | ~WheelMoConModuleDummyMock () |
void | setDistanceToHomePosition (int _distance) |
int | getCommandedPositionTarget () |
| WheelMoConModuleDummyMock (std::string _name, const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
virtual | ~WheelMoConModuleDummyMock () |
void | setDistanceToHomePosition (int _distance) |
int | getCommandedPositionTarget () |
| MoConModuleDummy (std::string _name, const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
virtual | ~MoConModuleDummy () |
void | setBasicSettings (const SelectBasicSettings::Constant _selectID, const double _parameter) |
With this method a value of the basic configuration can be changed. More...
void | setBasicSettings () |
| This method sets all basic configuration with the values stored in the property tree. More...
void | getBasicSettings () |
| This method returns the basic configuration of the motor. More...
void | stop () |
| This method stops the motor with a deceleration. More...
void | abort () |
| Abort the moving of the motor immediately without deceleration. More...
void | moveToPositiveLimit () |
| The motor moves to the positive software limit switch. More...
void | moveToLimit (const int &_limit) |
| move the motor to the positive limit switches (_limits[i]>0) or negative (_limits[i]<0) limit switches. More...
virtual void | moveAbsolute (const int &_position) |
| The motor move to the absolute position. More...
virtual void | moveRelative (const int &_position) |
| The motor moves to the relative position. More...
void | moveToNegativeLimit () |
| The motor moves to the negative software limit switch. More...
virtual void | moveToHome () |
| The motor is looking for the reference positions and reset the step counter to zero. More...
void | setExternalProfileBufferSize (const unsigned int _bufferSize, bool _extended=true) |
| This method set the external buffer size. More...
virtual bool | isMoving () |
| Checks if the motors is in motion. More...
bool | isAtHome () |
| This method indicate whether the motor is at the home position. More...
bool | isMotionComplete () |
| Checks if the motor has finished the motion. More...
void | setMotionComplete (bool _complete) |
| Set the MOTOR_COMPLETE flag. More...
int | isAtLimit () |
| Checks if the motors is in limit. More...
virtual double | getMEncPosition () |
| Returns the current position of the motor. More...
double | getAEncPosition () |
| Returns the current position of the motor. More...
double | getIEncPosition () |
| Returns the current positions of the motor. More...
double | getVelocity () |
| Returns the current velocity of the motor. More...
void | waitForEvent (Nice::Time _time, Basda::DeviceAsync &_async) |
| This method wait till an event was received. More...
Nice::I64 | getReferenceTime () |
| This method synchronize the MoCon time with the PC time. More...
Nice::I64 | getCurrentTime () |
| This method returns the current MoCon time. More...
void | setExternalProfileData (const unsigned int _index, const unsigned int _timeBase, const int _velocity, const int _position, const int _acceleration=0, const int _jerk=0) |
| This method set the external profile data. More...
void | setExternalProfileStart (const ValueStartMode::Constant _startMode, const Nice::Date _startTime=Nice::Date::microSeconds(-1)) |
| This method starts the external profile from the beginning or from the last position. More...
void | setExternalProfileStop () |
| This method starts the external profile at a defined time. More...
int | getExternalProfileInfo () |
| This method returns the actual index of the external profile. More...
Nice::Time | initExternalProfile (int _frequency, unsigned int _maxSamplesPerSegment, unsigned int _minSamplesPerSegment, unsigned int _faultTolerance) |
void | clearExternalProfileBuffer () |
| This method freed the allocated memory of the external profile. More...
void | calculateTransition (const Nice::Date &_date, const Nice::NPoint &_positionSequence) |
| This method calculates the transition from one trajectory to another if a trajectory already exist. More...
void | calculateTransition (const Nice::Date &_date, const Nice::NPoint &_positionSequence, const Nice::Time &_transitionLength) |
unsigned int | fitTrajectory () |
| This method convert the given trajectory to a motor controller profile. More...
void | validateExternalProfile () |
unsigned int | bufferExternalProfile () |
Nice::Date | uploadExternalProfile () |
| This uploads the external profile data. More...
bool | isExternalProfileDone () |
void | uploadExternalProfile (const Nice::SeqSeqInt &_segments) |
void | setPosition (const int &_position) |
| Change the absolute position of the motor. More...
Nice::Time | getLinkTimeout () |
| This method return the TCP connection timeout. More...
Nice::BitSet | getPositionSwitchStatus () |
Nice::Completion | getProgress () |
void | setChatType (Nice::ChatLinePtr _chat) |
void | setCollision (bool _collisionNegative, bool _collisionPositive) |
void | setBrokenSwitches (Nice::BitSet _brokenPositionSwitchMask, int _fromPosition, int _toPosition) |
void | setWheelPositionOffset (int _positionOffset) |
| MoConModuleDummy (std::string _name, const Nice::JointPtr &_config) |
virtual | ~MoConModuleDummy () |
void | setBasicSettings (const SelectBasicSettings::Constant _selectID, const double _parameter) |
With this method a value of the basic configuration can be changed. More...
void | setBasicSettings () |
| This method sets all basic configuration with the values stored in the property tree. More...
void | getBasicSettings () |
| This method returns the basic configuration of the motor. More...
void | stop () |
| This method stops the motor with a deceleration. More...
void | abort () |
| Abort the moving of the motor immediately without deceleration. More...
void | moveToPositiveLimit () |
| The motor moves to the positive software limit switch. More...
void | moveToLimit (const int &_limit) |
| move the motor to the positive limit switches (_limits[i]>0) or negative (_limits[i]<0) limit switches. More...
virtual void | moveAbsolute (const int &_position) |
| The motor move to the absolute position. More...
virtual void | moveRelative (const int &_position) |
| The motor moves to the relative position. More...
void | moveToNegativeLimit () |
| The motor moves to the negative software limit switch. More...
virtual void | moveToHome () |
| The motor is looking for the reference positions and reset the step counter to zero. More...
void | setExternalProfileBufferSize (const unsigned int _bufferSize, bool _extended=true) |
| This method set the external buffer size. More...
virtual bool | isMoving () |
| Checks if the motors is in motion. More...
bool | isAtHome () |
| This method indicate whether the motor is at the home position. More...
bool | isMotionComplete () |
| Checks if the motor has finished the motion. More...
void | setMotionComplete (bool _complete) |
| Set the MOTOR_COMPLETE flag. More...
int | isAtLimit () |
| Checks if the motors is in limit. More...
virtual double | getMEncPosition () |
| Returns the current position of the motor. More...
double | getAEncPosition () |
| Returns the current position of the motor. More...
double | getIEncPosition () |
| Returns the current positions of the motor. More...
double | getVelocity () |
| Returns the current velocity of the motor. More...
void | waitForEvent (Nice::Time _time, Basda::DeviceAsync &_async) |
| This method wait till an event was received. More...
Nice::I64 | getReferenceTime () |
| This method synchronize the MoCon time with the PC time. More...
Nice::I64 | getCurrentTime () |
| This method returns the current MoCon time. More...
void | setExternalProfileData (const unsigned int _index, const unsigned int _timeBase, const int _velocity, const int _position, const int _acceleration=0, const int _jerk=0) |
| This method set the external profile data. More...
void | setExternalProfileStart (const ValueStartMode::Constant _startMode, const Nice::Date _startTime=Nice::Date::microSeconds(-1)) |
| This method starts the external profile from the beginning or from the last position. More...
void | setExternalProfileStop () |
| This method starts the external profile at a defined time. More...
int | getExternalProfileInfo () |
| This method returns the actual index of the external profile. More...
Nice::Time | initExternalProfile (int _frequency, unsigned int _maxSamplesPerSegment, unsigned int _minSamplesPerSegment, unsigned int _faultTolerance) |
void | clearExternalProfileBuffer () |
| This method freed the allocated memory of the external profile. More...
void | calculateTransition (const Nice::Date &_date, const Nice::NPoint &_positionSequence) |
| This method calculates the transition from one trajectory to another if a trajectory already exist. More...
void | calculateTransition (const Nice::Date &_date, const Nice::NPoint &_positionSequence, const Nice::Time &_transitionLength) |
unsigned int | fitTrajectory () |
| This method convert the given trajectory to a motor controller profile. More...
void | validateExternalProfile () |
unsigned int | bufferExternalProfile () |
Nice::Date | uploadExternalProfile () |
| This uploads the external profile data. More...
bool | isExternalProfileDone () |
void | uploadExternalProfile (const Nice::SeqSeqInt &_segments) |
void | setPosition (const int &_position) |
| Change the absolute position of the motor. More...
Nice::Time | getLinkTimeout () |
| This method return the TCP connection timeout. More...
Nice::BitSet | getPositionSwitchStatus () |
Nice::Completion | getProgress () |
void | setChatType (Nice::ChatLinePtr _chat) |
void | setCollision (bool _collisionNegative, bool _collisionPositive) |
void | setBrokenSwitches (Nice::BitSet _brokenPositionSwitchMask, int _fromPosition, int _toPosition) |
void | setWheelPositionOffset (int _positionOffset) |
enum | CMDS {
} |
enum | CMDS {
} |
template<typename Type > |
Type | checkAttribute (const std::string &_node, const std::string &_attributeName, const Type &_default) |
void | addInternalProperties () |
| This method add some internal properties like status properties. More...
void | generateBrokenWheelSwitches () |
void | travelRangeChanged (const Nice::Point &_p) |
void | startTimer (const Nice::Date _startDate) |
| When the Date is not set (Nice::Date()) the the timer starts immediately. More...
template<typename Type > |
Type | checkAttribute (const std::string &_node, const std::string &_attributeName, const Type &_default) |
void | addInternalProperties () |
| This method add some internal properties like status properties. More...
void | generateBrokenWheelSwitches () |
void | travelRangeChanged (const Nice::Point &_p) |
void | startTimer (const Nice::Date _startDate) |
| When the Date is not set (Nice::Date()) the the timer starts immediately. More...
std::string | m_name |
int | m_cardNo |
int | m_moduleNo |
Nice::JointPtr | m_config |
Nice::Completion | m_completion |
Nice::Timer | m_timer |
Nice::Timer | m_countDown |
Nice::Time | m_duration |
int | m_maxVelocity |
int | m_minVelocity |
int | m_limit |
bool | m_collisionPositive |
bool | m_collisionNegative |
PositionBlock | m_commandedPosition |
PositionBlock | m_absEncPosition |
PositionBlock | m_incEncPosition |
bool | m_extendedProfileParamter |
| member for to define buffering mode (start from the beginning or from the last position) More...
unsigned int | m_bufferSize |
| the external profile buffer size More...
unsigned int | m_externalProfileIndexCycle |
| the index of the buffer cell to store the next segment More...
Nice::I64 | m_externalProfileStartCycle |
| the cycle when the external profile started More...
Nice::I64 | m_elapsedCyclesSinceProfileStart |
| the difference between the current cycle and the m_externalProfileStartCycle (profile elapsed cycles) More...
Nice::I64 | m_sumOfSegmentDuration |
| sum of the elapsed segment duration (in cycles) since profile start More...
unsigned int | m_externalProfileInfo |
| the current index of the executed external profile segment More...
Nice::Time | m_timeResolution |
int | m_frequency |
Basda::MoConModuleProfile | m_profile |
| member for the extended external profile mode More...
Nice::NPoint | m_positionSequence |
Nice::NPoint | m_positionSequenceBackup |
Nice::Date | m_startDate |
Nice::Point | m_travelRange |
Nice::Time | m_blockSize |
Nice::Date | m_pcReferenceDate |
Nice::Date | m_currentPcDate |
Nice::I64 | m_currentMoConClocks |
double | m_cycleTime |
Nice::U16 | m_basicResolution |
Nice::U32 | m_basicAcceleration |
double | m_accelerationPerCycle |
| The basic acceleration is set during the external profile initialization, to keep the acceleration constant over the whole trajectory. More...
std::vector< Basda::MoConModuleProfile::Segment > | m_externalProfileBuffer |
unsigned int | m_externalProfileBufferSize |
Nice::Monitor | m_monitor |
Nice::ChatLinePtr | m_chat |
Nice::SeqSeqInt | m_segments |
unsigned int | m_microsteps |
Nice::U32 | m_depth |
Nice::SeqBitSet | m_positionSwitches |
Nice::SeqBitSet | m_brokenPositionSwitchMask |
int | m_positionOffset |
int | m_correctedPositionDeviation |
Nice::DateDummyPtr | m_niceDateDummy |