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Currently advertised positions

No PhD or Post-doctoral positions at the moment. For Bachelor/Master thesis, see below

Postdoctoral researchers / PhD students

If you are interested in persuing a post-doctoral position or your PhD studies within my research group, I can help you apply for funding from e.g. the German research foundation, the DFG or from other sources. Please contact me and we can discuss about a possible project together and how to apply for funding.

Please note that the application process normally takes a few months.

Master / Bachelor projects

You are studying at the University of Heidelberg and are interested in a Bachelor or Master project related to the formation of planets? Feel free to contact me and we can discuss about possible projects!

Past and current projects of Bachelor and Master students range from hydrodynamical and N-body simulations using already existing codes to improving migration and accretion formulae in planet population synthesis models. In addition, previous projects have also lead to publications in peer reviewed journals MNRAS and A&A.

The actual project can be individually tailored to the interested of the student as long as it is related to planet formation and protoplanetary discs.

This page was last modified on 11 November 2021.