The Early Phase of Star Formation
The MPIA conference series at Ringberg Castle, Germany
EPoS 2024 Registered Persons
Main topics in the contributions
(based on points given in the registration)
50 Molecular Clouds
42 High-Mass SF
30 Magnetic Fields
28 Cores
28 Disks
27 Feedback
26 Accretion
25 Filaments
18 Extra-Galactic SF
18 Low-Mass SF
17 Chemistry
14 Outflows
13 Clustered SF
13 Fragmentation
13 Turbulence
11 Collapse
11 Jets
9 Core MF
7 Triggered SF
6 Binarity
6 Initial MF
5 Cosmic Rays
3 Cosmic Dust
Main method applied in the contributions
Theory Both Observation
44 28 71

Scientists from 20 countries have registered.
39 20 17 9 8 8 7 6 6 6 4
4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1

No Name Cou. Suggested Contribution
148 Jaime Pineda DE -
147 Naval Kishor Bhadari IN On the Formation of Massive stars in Filamentary Clouds
146 Thavisha E. Dharmawardena US The interplay between the 3D structure of Galactic molecular clouds and star formation
145 Carl A. Larsson SE The dynamical state of a massive infrared dark cloud filament
144 Konstantin Grishunin DE APEX-LAsMA survey of the molecular gas in the LMC: First results
143 Maria Koutoulaki UK The Multiplicity of Massive Young Stellar Objects
142 Samuel A. Federman US Inner 1000 au of Outflows From Class 0 Protostars Observed with JWST
141 Jan Forbrich UK Almost like home: deep CO isotopologue, dust continuum and HCN observations of resolved Giant Molecular Clouds in the Andromeda Galaxy
140 Michael Küffmeier DK Multi-scale modeling of embedded disk
139 Beth Jones DE Investigating high-mass star formation with ALMAGAL: Robust temperatures and luminosities of cores in a thousand high-mass cluster-forming regions
138 Wonju Kim DE CASCADE: Unveiling the photodissociation chemistry and feedback in DR18
137 Valentin Le Gouellec US Accretion properties of Class 0 protostars studied with near-infrared spectroscopy
136 Yaoting Yan DE Non-metastable ammonia masers in the high-mass star-forming regions
135 Jens Kauffmann US Unraveling Molecular Cloud Populations and Lifecycles with LEGO and the Haystack Telescope
134 Cameren Swiggum AT Unveiling the majority origins of young stellar clusters in the local Milky Way and their role in shaping interstellar structure
133 Sheng-Jun Lin TW Witnessing the birth of a binary
132 Hendrik Linz DE Episodic accretion in high-mass star formation: Follow-up on accretion-burst sources
131 Xu Zhang DE Temperature and Non-Thermal Velocity Dispersion of Massive Dense Cores in Cygnus X
130 Namitha Issac CN Detection of explosive outflows towards G34.26+0.15
129 Tai Withers CA Same Data, New Insights: Virial Analysis of Ammonia-Identified Clumps in Giant Molecular Clouds
128 Sophia K. Stuber DE Bridging Galactic and Extragalactic Dense Gas Tracers across the Whirlpool Galaxy with NOEMA
127 Shamus Tobin CA Annular Substructures in Oph IRS63 and GSS30 IRS3 Investigated using Radiative Transfer Modelling
126 Ashley Barnes DE Overview and initial results of the ALMA Central Molecular Zone Exploration Survey (ACES)
125 Paul C. Clark UK Can we have both competitive accretion AND fragmentation?
124 Antonio Martínez-Henares ES Modeling of the High-velocity Jet Powered by the Massive Star MWC 349A
123 Anna Punanova SE Cold methanol formation ladder
122 Masato Kobayashi DE Low-metallicity molecular cloud formation and its impact on the mode of galactic star formation
121 Fuheng Liang DE Giant molecular clouds in passive lenticular galaxy NGC1387 and conundrum of star formation
120 Alberto Sanna IT Gas infall via accretion disk - late findings
119 Thomas Stanke DE Molecular clouds roasted by starburst clusters
118 Travis J. Thieme TW The Dynamics of Infall in Class 0 Protostars: A Case of Multiple Streamers in Lupus 3-MMS
117 Molly Wells DE Simulations of Accretion Flows: Filamentary Analysis and Comparison
116 Pierre Dumond FR A consistent explanation for the unusual initial mass function and star formation rate in the Central Molecular Zone
115 Núria Miret-Roig AT Synchronising stellar clocks. A new observable for probing star formation and dispersion
114 Alva Kinman SE The Core Mass Function in the Galactic Center
113 Bringfried Stecklum DE Outside in or inside out - how do accretion bursts proceed?
112 Gan Luo FR The cosmic-ray ionization rate in nearby clouds
111 Brandt Gaches SE The High-resolution Accretion Disks of Embedded Protostars (HADES) simulations: Accretion flows onto embedded protostars
110 Anton Feeney-Johansson JP Shell-like structures observed in molecular outflows in the eDisk survey
109 Andrea Socci AT First evidence of a column density dependence of the filament widths
108 Logan Francis NL JOYS: The Detection of HD in the Outer Galaxy and Applications for Galactic Chemical Evolution
107 Francesca Bonanomi AT On the formation of dense fibers in molecular clouds
106 Shih-Ping Lai TW Searching for young stellar objects through SEDs by machine learning
105 Emmanouil A. Agianoglou GR A fast and robust recipe for modeling non-ideal MHD effects in star-formation simulations
104 Jixuan Zhou UK Search for variable sources in GASTON data
103 Felix Priestley UK Molecular tracers of the threshold density for star formation
102 Katharine G. Johnston UK Resolving the disk-jet accretion connection for forming massive stars
101 Lise Ramambason DE New constraints on the physics of the early feedback with JWST
100 Elena Redaelli DE The initial conditions of high-mass star formation
99 Jonathan D. Henshaw UK Beads-on-a-string: The formation and evolution of GMCs in NGC4321
98 Luca Moscadelli IT The 3D velocity and magnetic fields of a MHD disk-wind around a forming star
97 Rolf Kuiper DE On the metallicity-dependence of radiation forces and photoionization feedback in massive star formation
96 Artis Aberfelds LV Radio continuum flux monitoring of high-mass protostars
95 Josefa Elisabeth Großschedl DE The evolution of velocity dispersion in OB associations - The case of Sco-Cen
94 Harmeen Kaur IN Investigating morphology and feedback-driven star formation in young clusters and associated HII regions.
93 Yao-Lun Yang JP Chemical Evolution in Embedded Protostars: Ice Chemistry Unveiled by JWST
92 Ross A. Burns JP A Keplerian disk with a four-arm spiral birthing an episodically accreting high-mass protostar
91 Dana Alina KZ Magnetic field of a ring-like molecular cloud, G111
90 Jürgen Steinacker DE -
89 Raphael Skalidis US Unveiling the CO-dark gas properties of our Galaxy
88 Eric Keto US Scales of Stability and Turbulence in the Molecular ISM
87 Mehrnoosh Tahani US The role of magnetic fields in star formation: what 3D observations are revealing
86 Joao Alves AT Feedback-driven filament formation
85 Rachel Friesen CA Dense gas flows and feedback in the Serpens South protocluster
84 Javier Ballesteros-Paredes MX Gravity or turbulence? The star formation law in turbulent and collapsing clouds and the kinematical signatures of the newborn stars
83 Sudeshna Patra IN Dense Gas Mass-Luminosity Conversion Factor in Milky Way as a Function of Metallicity
82 Alessandro Coletta IT Investigating massive star formation with ALMAGAL: fragmentation of dense clumps, compact source catalog and physical analysis of the core population
81 Georgina Stroud UK Methanol Masers in the ALMAGAL Survey
80 Rebecca J. Houghton UK The star formation rate in the Galactic Centre using JWST imaging
79 Fatemeh Zahra Majidi IT Mauve: A UV-Vis Cubesat dedicated to studying the Stellar Magnetic Activity
78 Simon D. Reyes-Reyes DE Measuring accretion rates onto high-mass protostars with JWST
77 Kaho Morii JP Insights from ASHES: Core Characteristics in 70 µm Dark High-mass Clumps
76 Md Rashid IN Indication of nonthermal radio emission in Orion HII region: Molecular cloud interaction?
75 André Oliva CH The MHD origin of jets around massive stars
74 Zhiwei Chen CN M17 MIR: A Massive Star is Forming via Episodic Mass Accretion
73 Samuel Fielder CA Starless Core Fragmentation in Orion B North
72 Cheng-Han Hsieh US Evolution of Protostellar Disks
71 Sanghyuk Moon US When and How Do Prestellar Cores Collapse? Critical Conditions and Collapse Dynamics from Analytic Modeling and Numerical Simulations
70 Ahmad Ali DE Star cluster formation and feedback in different galactic environments
69 Yoko Oya JP Overview of the ALMA Large Project FAUST
68 Friedrich Wyrowski DE -
67 Annie Zavagno FR Machine learning for filament detection
66 Megan Allen UK Investigating long term evolution and dissolution of star-forming regions
65 Jia-Wei Wang TW Global Properties and Local Magnetogravitational Configurations within the Massive Star Forming Region NGC2264
64 Vittoria Brugaletta DE Simulations of the Low-Metallicity Interstellar Medium
63 Daniel Seifried DE MHD simulations of molecular clouds and synthetic dust polarisation maps: What can we learn from it?
62 Kamber Schwarz DE Evidence of Enhanced Ionization in Protostellar Envelopes
61 Jinshi Sai TW Influence of Turbulence in Dense Cores on the Formation and Evolution of Protostellar Disks
60 Nicolas Peretto UK Star cluster progenitors are dynamically decoupled from their parent molecular clouds
59 Bo Huang ES B-field Orion Protostellar Survey: Magnetized Envelopes in Orion
58 Benjamin Thomasson FR Analytical model of hierarchical fragmentation within molecular clouds: towards a new perspective?
57 Henrik Beuther DE JOYS: JWST Observations of Young protoStars
56 Seamus Clarke TW The interaction between outflows and filaments, and its effect on star formation
55 Mayank Narang TW Discovery of a highly collimate, fast jet from a low-luminosity quiescent protostar IRAS 16253-2429 with JWST
54 Giovanni Sabatini IT First ALMA Maps of Cosmic-Rays Ionization Rate in High-mass Star-forming Regions
53 Helen Kirk CA Mass segregation in dense core clusters and groups
52 David James Whitworth MX On the Magnetic Field to Density relation: A multi-scale analysis
51 Michael Mattern FR Understanding the Star Formation Efficiency in Dense Gas: Initial Results from the CAFFEINE Survey with ArTéMiS
50 Maxime Tanious FR Anatomy of the Class I protostar L1489 IRS with NOEMA at 3mm
49 Elizabeth J. Watkins UK Characterising Superbubble Populations And Their Energetics In Nearby Galaxies Using JWST And ALMA
48 Valentin Delabrosse FR JWST study of the DG Tau B ALMA disk wind candidate
47 Yuki Okoda JP Outflow Shocked Regions in a Very Young Protostellar source: JWST meets ALMA
46 Alice Nucara IT Probing Star-Formation Mechanisms in Massive Star-Forming Regions: Bridging Observations and Simulations through the Rosetta Stone Project
45 Helena Faustino Vieira UK High-resolution dust extinction mapping: environmental variations in the ISM
44 Asmita Bhandare DE Mixing is easy: new insights on gas and dust dynamics during disc formation
43 Sami Dib DE The New IMF
42 Doug Johnstone CA Protostellar Variability: From Ensemble Statistics to Individual Sources
41 Samantha Scibelli US Precursor Prebiotic Chemistry in Starless and Prestellar Cores in the Perseus Molecular Cloud
40 Hannah Ambrose UK The Origin of Stellar Multiplicity
39 Frederike Marx DE Disk Formation around young stars
38 Paolo Suin FR Role of stellar feedback on the clouds' star formation efficiency
37 Natalie Butterfield US Detection of a Magnetized Dust Ring in the Galactic Center
36 Adam Ginsburg US The Brick is dense and icy, but still barely star-forming
35 Alessio Traficante IT The SQUALO ALMA project: clump-fed accretion mechanism in high-mass star-forming objects
34 Sonu Tabitha Paulson IN Unveiling the Cosmic Cradle: clustering and massive star formation in the enigmatic Galactic bubble N59
33 Toktarkhan Komesh KZ The environments of hyper-compact H II regions. I. G345.0061+01.794 B
32 M. Teresa Valdivia-Mena DE The first systematic search for streamers toward low-mass protostars
31 Shanghuo Li DE High-order multiplicity formation in high-mass stellar protocluster
30 Vineet Rawat IN Investigating the global properties and cluster formation potential of a giant molecular cloud G148.24+00.41: A comprehensive observational study from filaments to clumps
29 Vardan Elbakyan DE Accretion bursts in high-mass protostars
28 Yoshiaki Misugi JP Evolution of the Angular Momentum of Molecular Cloud Cores in Magnetized Molecular Filaments
27 Olga Bayandina IT Maser Monitoring Organisation: looking for maser flares
26 Shuo Kong US Magnetically Regulated Molecular Cloud and Star Formation
25 Griselda Arroyo-Chávez MX On the role of gravity, turbulence, and magnetic field in angular momentum transfer within molecular clouds
24 Maite Beltrán IT Self-similarity of the magnetic field in G31.41+0.31 from core to circumstellar scales
23 Andreas Burkert DE The self-regulated origin of the molecular filament scaling relation
22 Gordian Edenhofer DE Interstellar dust in 3D at parsec-scale resolution out to 1.25 kiloparsecs in distance
21 Thomas Henning DE -
20 Enrique Vázquez-Semadeni MX Multi-scale accretion and the delayed formation of massive stars
19 Lee Hartmann US (How) Do stars form from disk accretion?
18 María Claudia Ramírez-Tannus DE The origin of massive close binary stars
17 Aris Tritsis CH Can we observe ambipolar diffusion in prestellar cores?
16 Alex Lazarian US Effects of Magnetic Field for Early Phase of Star Formation: New Effects to Consider
15 Anna F. McLeod UK Detection of a Keplerian accretion disk around an extragalactic high-mass YSO
14 Hua-bai Li CN A Unified Explanation of Zeeman Measurements and Polarized Thermal Dust Emission
13 Leonard E. C. Romano DE Cloud Formation by Supernova Implosion
12 Nagayoshi Ohashi TW Disks (Review Talk)
11 Matthew Bate UK High-Mass Star Formation (Review Talk)
10 Mario Tafalla ES Molecular Cloud Cores (Review Talk)
9 Eva Schinnerer DE Extra-Galactic Star Formation (Review Talk)
8 Mélanie Chevance DE Molecular Clouds (Review Talk)
7 Álvaro Hacar AT Hubs and Filaments (Review Talk)
6 Megan Reiter US Feedback (Review Talk)
5 Kate Pattle UK Magnetic Fields (Review Talk)
4 Stella Offner US EPoS Science using Artificial Intelligence (Perspective Talk)
3 Tom Megeath US EPoS Research with the JW Space Telescope (Telescope/Satellite Talk)
2 Fabian Heitsch US Answering the Big Questions: Are we making progress? (Prime Talk)
1 Qizhou Zhang US Answering the Big Questions: Are we making progress? (Prime Talk)
The EPoS way: Large group, small room, remote location. Consider all aspects. Short talks, intense discussions.