Large observing program PRODIGE at NOEMA: the first results for selected Taurus disks
Dmitry Semenov
Thursday, Dec. 8th, 16:20CET
I am going to talk about our IRAM large program PRODIGE (PROtostars to DIsks: Global Evolution), which is aimed at performing a deep chemical line survey of the eight Class II T Tau disks. Using NOEMA at the 0.9" and 0.3 km/s resolution, more than 80 lines from about 20 key CHONS molecules and their isotopologues are targeted with the PolyFiX correlator at 210-280 GHz. The data are reduced, self-calibrated and imaged using a custom pipeline based on Gildas package. The uv visibilities are fitted with the DiskFit model to obtain molecular column densities and excitation temperatures. I will present the first results for the combined 12CO, 13CO and C18O (2-1) data, and show the CO isotopologue radial temperature profiles and column densities. The dependence of these quantities on the stellar and disk parameters will be discussed.