The primary goal of my ERC StG project ELEMENTS is to provide stringent observational constraints on the cosmic origins of elements heavier than iron through the analysis - with cutting-edge 3D NLTE models - of high-quality spectroscopic data collected with new astronomical facilities 4MOST.  This project thus represents the first large systematic study of s-, p- and r-process nucleosynthesis across the Galaxy. 

Selected recent papers
Observational constraints on the origin of the elements. VIII. Constraining the barium, strontium, and yttrium chemical evolution in metal-poor stars
Guiglion, Bergemann et al. A&A, 683, A73, 2024

Observational constraints on the origin of the elements - VII. NLTE analysis of Y II lines in spectra of cool stars and implications for Y as a Galactic chemical clock
Storm & Bergemann, MNRAS, 525, 3, 2023

Observational constraints on the origin of the elements - VI.
Origin and evolution of neutron-capture elements as probed by the Gaia-ESO survey
Lian, Bergemann et al. MNRAS, 525, 1, 2023

3D NLTE modelling of Y and Eu. Centre-to-limb variation and solar abundances
Storm, Barklem et al., A&A, 683, A200, 2019

M3DIS - A grid of 3D radiation-hydrodynamics stellar atmosphere models for stellar surveys. I. Procedure, validation, and the Sun
Eitner, Bergemann et al., A&A, 688, A52
, 2024

Figure credit
(c) M. Bergemann, ESO/Y. Beletsky, G. Stinson, 2pem/Wikimedia Commons, 
ESA/ATG medialab; background: ESO/S. Brunier

© Maria Bergemann 2024