

Statistics playground
First-author publications:
Co-author publications:
Unrefereed arXiv manuscripts and conference articles:
  • Dos and don'ts of reduced chi-squared; René Andrae, Tim Schulze-Hartung & Peter Melchior, 2010
    Content: In this arXiv manuscript, we review the pitfals of using reduced chi-square. In the astrophysical literature, there are many examples where reduced chi-square is used inadequately such that the results obtained have no credibility.
  • Error estimation in astronomy: A guide; René Andrae, 2010
    Content: This arXiv manuscript is an introduction to methods for error estimation that addresses undergraduate and graduate students. I explain the basics of parameter estimation and why error estimation is of vital importance. Then I briefly outline seven methods for error estimation which are applicable in different contexts.
  • Morphological Galaxy Classification with Shapelets; René Andrae & Peter Melchior; AIP Conference Proceedings vol. 1082, pp. 129-133, 2008
    Content: A preliminary version of Soft clustering analysis of galaxy morphologies: A worked example with SDSS written for the classification workshop 2008 at Ringberg castle, Germany.