Atmospheric grids calculated with petitCODE for various publications can be found here. The file headers and names should be self-explanatory (also check the associated publications for further information). In case anything remains unclear please contact me via email.
Publication | Description | Temperature Range |
Download |
Linder et al. (2018) | Cool clear and cloudy atmospheric grid for self-luminous atmospheres (emission only). This is an extension of the Samland et al. (2017) grid, to low temperatures. Only Na2S and KCl clouds are considered for the cloudy models. | 150-1000 K | (3.7 GB) |
Samland et al. (2017) | Clear and cloudy atmospheric grid for self-luminous atmospheres (emission only) | 500-1700 K (clear) 500-850 K (cloudy) |
(483 MB) |
et al. (2017) |
Atmospheric grid for prime JWST targets (emission and transmission) | 547-2734 K | (359 MB) |
Mollière et al. (2015) | Cloud-free hot jupiter (emission only) grid | 1000-2500 K | (2.23 GB) |