TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Public Attributes | List of all members
objstruct Struct Reference

#include <list.h>

Collaboration diagram for objstruct:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

int number
int id_parent
int fdnpix
int dnpix
int npix
int nzdwpix
int nzwpix
float fdflux
float dflux
float flux
float fluxerr
PIXTYPE fdpeak
int peakx
int peaky
double mx
double my
float dmx
float dmy
double poserr_mx2
double poserr_my2
double poserr_mxy
int xmin
int xmax
int ymin
int ymax
int ycmin
int ycmax
int * submap
int subx
int suby
int subw
int subh
short flag
BYTE wflag
BYTE singuflag
int imanflag [MAXFLAG]
double mx2
double my2
double mxy
float a
float b
float theta
float abcor
float cxx
float cyy
float cxy
int firstpix
int lastpix
float bkg
float dbkg
float sigbkg
float dsigbkg
float thresh
float dthresh
float mthresh
int iso [NISO]
float fwhm
int type
double pos [2]
double wcspos [2]
double mag
double flux
double bulge_ratio
double bulge_req
double bulge_posang
double bulge_ar
double bulge_sersicn
double disk_scale
double disk_ar
double disk_posang
double z
float hubble_type
float noiseqarea
int subsize [2]
int subpos [2]
double subfactor
double * maskbuf
int * nmaskbuf
int * startbuf
int buf1size
double * buf2
int buf2size

Member Data Documentation

◆ a

float objstruct::a

◆ abcor

float objstruct::abcor

◆ b

float objstruct::b

◆ bkg

float objstruct::bkg

◆ blank

PIXTYPE* objstruct::blank

◆ buf1size

int objstruct::buf1size

◆ buf2

double* objstruct::buf2

◆ buf2size

int objstruct::buf2size

◆ bulge_ar

double objstruct::bulge_ar

◆ bulge_posang

double objstruct::bulge_posang

◆ bulge_ratio

double objstruct::bulge_ratio

◆ bulge_req

double objstruct::bulge_req

◆ bulge_sersicn

double objstruct::bulge_sersicn

◆ cxx

float objstruct::cxx

◆ cxy

float objstruct::cxy

◆ cyy

float objstruct::cyy

◆ dbkg

float objstruct::dbkg

◆ dblank

PIXTYPE * objstruct::dblank

◆ dflux

float objstruct::dflux

◆ disk_ar

double objstruct::disk_ar

◆ disk_posang

double objstruct::disk_posang

◆ disk_scale

double objstruct::disk_scale

◆ dmx

float objstruct::dmx

◆ dmy

float objstruct::dmy

◆ dnpix

int objstruct::dnpix

◆ dpeak

PIXTYPE objstruct::dpeak

◆ dsigbkg

float objstruct::dsigbkg

◆ dthresh

float objstruct::dthresh

◆ fdflux

float objstruct::fdflux

◆ fdnpix

int objstruct::fdnpix

◆ fdpeak

PIXTYPE objstruct::fdpeak

◆ firstpix

int objstruct::firstpix

◆ flag

short objstruct::flag

◆ flux [1/2]

double objstruct::flux

◆ flux [2/2]

float objstruct::flux

◆ fluxerr

float objstruct::fluxerr

◆ fwhm

float objstruct::fwhm

◆ hubble_type

float objstruct::hubble_type

◆ id_parent

int objstruct::id_parent

◆ imaflag

FLAGTYPE objstruct::imaflag[MAXFLAG]

◆ imanflag

int objstruct::imanflag[MAXFLAG]

◆ iso

int objstruct::iso[NISO]

◆ lastpix

int objstruct::lastpix

◆ mag

double objstruct::mag

◆ maskbuf

double* objstruct::maskbuf

◆ mthresh

float objstruct::mthresh

◆ mx

double objstruct::mx

◆ mx2

double objstruct::mx2

◆ mxy

double objstruct::mxy

◆ my

double objstruct::my

◆ my2

double objstruct::my2

◆ nmaskbuf

int* objstruct::nmaskbuf

◆ noiseqarea

float objstruct::noiseqarea

◆ npix

int objstruct::npix

◆ number

int objstruct::number

◆ nzdwpix

int objstruct::nzdwpix

◆ nzwpix

int objstruct::nzwpix

◆ peak

PIXTYPE objstruct::peak

◆ peakx

int objstruct::peakx

◆ peaky

int objstruct::peaky

◆ pos

double objstruct::pos[2]

◆ poserr_mx2

double objstruct::poserr_mx2

◆ poserr_mxy

double objstruct::poserr_mxy

◆ poserr_my2

double objstruct::poserr_my2

◆ sigbkg

float objstruct::sigbkg

◆ singuflag

BYTE objstruct::singuflag

◆ startbuf

int* objstruct::startbuf

◆ subfactor

double objstruct::subfactor

◆ subh

int objstruct::subh

◆ subimage

PIXTYPE* objstruct::subimage

◆ submap

int* objstruct::submap

◆ subpos

int objstruct::subpos[2]

◆ subsize

int objstruct::subsize[2]

◆ subw

int objstruct::subw

◆ subx

int objstruct::subx

◆ suby

int objstruct::suby

◆ theta

float objstruct::theta

◆ thresh

float objstruct::thresh

◆ type

int objstruct::type

◆ wcspos

double objstruct::wcspos[2]

◆ wflag

BYTE objstruct::wflag

◆ xmax

int objstruct::xmax

◆ xmin

int objstruct::xmin

◆ ycmax

int objstruct::ycmax

◆ ycmin

int objstruct::ycmin

◆ ymax

int objstruct::ymax

◆ ymin

int objstruct::ymin

◆ z

double objstruct::z

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: