TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Functions | Variables
laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop Namespace Reference


def set_mask_to_loop (loopMask)
def get_mask_pixels (full_mask)
def set_partialMask (full_MPmask)
def get_save_sky_data ()


 ccd = camera.LittleJoeCamera('')
 binning = ccd.ctrl.binning()
 full_MPmask = pyfits.getdata('HWS_Calib/SX/recMats/bin1/IM.Dig.hws.sx_full_MP_SNRmask.fits')
 maskSNRcut =[2])
 ccd39Bias = pyfits.getdata('/data/2017-06-Com2/ccd39.bias.fits')
def partialMask = set_partialMask(full_MPmask)

Function Documentation

◆ get_mask_pixels()

def laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.get_mask_pixels (   full_mask)
Returns flat array of illuminated pixels from the mask provided. The mask can be 80x80 or 40x40.
It only considers the first 40x40 elements.
The pixel position can be from 0 to 1600 (corresponding to 40x40 array)

◆ get_save_sky_data()

def laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.get_save_sky_data ( )
Get Sky / dark frames and to estmate the noise. The data is downloaded and saved to local drive.
This will be used again to get the partial mask again.

◆ set_mask_to_loop()

def laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.set_mask_to_loop (   loopMask)
Sets 80x80 mask to the loop service. 
The 80x80 mask should be given as input.
Wrong shape will raise an exception
Currently works only for binning 1 of ccd39

◆ set_partialMask()

def laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.set_partialMask (   full_MPmask)
Function that will acquire the stars (for now 30s and 40s rings), create a geometric mask,
also find the threshold (minimum pixel value from all the stars individually)
Needs to provide the full metapupil mask as the input.

Variable Documentation

◆ binning

laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.binning = ccd.ctrl.binning()

◆ ccd

laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.ccd = camera.LittleJoeCamera('')

◆ ccd39Bias

laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.ccd39Bias = pyfits.getdata('/data/2017-06-Com2/ccd39.bias.fits')

◆ full_MPmask

laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.full_MPmask = pyfits.getdata('HWS_Calib/SX/recMats/bin1/IM.Dig.hws.sx_full_MP_SNRmask.fits')

◆ maskSNRcut

laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.maskSNRcut =[2])

◆ partialMask

def laospy.TakeSetPartialMaskToLoop.partialMask = set_partialMask(full_MPmask)

◆ wfcCtrl


◆ wfcCtrlCommon


◆ wfcFitsWriter
