TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Functions | Variables
adsec.adSecArbClient Namespace Reference


def str2bool (v)
def getDefaultConnAddr (_side)
def getDefaultSide ()
def connectService (_side)
def __read_fits (self, filename, datatype='< f8')
def LoadSlopeFilter (args)
def LoadModeFilter (args)
def GetCurrentM2C (args)
def GetM2C (args)
def RunAo (args)
def RefreshSlopeBuff (args)
def ReadSecSlopeBuff (args)
def ReadSecFrameCounter (args)
def PauseAo (args)
def ResumeAo (args)
def StopAo (args)
def SetDataDecimation (args)
def LoadShape (args)
def GetShape (args)
def LoadGain (args)
def LoadModeGain (args)
def LoadDisturb (args)
def LoadRecMat (args)
def Offloading (args)
def CalibrateCmd (args)
def GetOffloads (args)
def SaveStatus (args)
def ApplyCommands (args)
def initAlert (args)
def getDefaultFitsFile ()
def TestClient (args)


dictionary ToBank = {'BankA': ADSEC.Bank.BankA, 'BankB': ADSEC.Bank.BankB}
 parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", metavar="<command>")
 getM2CParser = subparsers.add_parser("GetM2C", help="get M2C", parents=[parent_parser])
 runAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("RunAo", help="run ao with parameters", parents=[parent_parser])
 refreshSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("RefreshSlopeBuff", help="Starts downloading slope buffer from secondary BCUs after applying disturbance matrix callable during open loop", parents=[parent_parser])
 readSecSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecSlopeBuff", help="Get one of the downloaded sloped from the downloaded slope buffer", parents=[parent_parser])
 readSecFrameCounterParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecFrameCounter", help="Get the frame counter", parents=[parent_parser])
 pauseAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("PauseAo", help="Tell the AdSec system that we want to pause. Callable during closed loop.", parents=[parent_parser])
 resumeAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("ResumeAo", help="Resumes the loop after a pause. Callable when the system is paused.", parents=[parent_parser])
 stopAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("StopAo", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser])
 setDataDecimationParser = subparsers.add_parser("SetDataDecimation", help="Callable during open loop before diagnostic data is sent", parents=[parent_parser])
 saveStatusParser = subparsers.add_parser("SaveStatus", help="Saves the current AdSec status to some data structure", parents=[parent_parser])
 initAlertParser = subparsers.add_parser("initAlert", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser])
 id = Ice.Identity()
 args = parser.parse_args()

Function Documentation

◆ __read_fits()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.__read_fits (   self,
  datatype = '<f8' 
Reads a FITS file located in the dataPath

filename : string
will be appended to the data Path
datatype : string
see numpy convention for data type interpretation

out : ndarray

◆ ApplyCommands()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.ApplyCommands (   args)

◆ CalibrateCmd()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.CalibrateCmd (   args)

◆ connectService()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.connectService (   _side)

◆ GetCurrentM2C()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetCurrentM2C (   args)

◆ getDefaultConnAddr()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.getDefaultConnAddr (   _side)

◆ getDefaultFitsFile()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.getDefaultFitsFile ( )

◆ getDefaultSide()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.getDefaultSide ( )

◆ GetM2C()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetM2C (   args)

◆ GetOffloads()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetOffloads (   args)

◆ GetShape()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetShape (   args)

◆ initAlert()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.initAlert (   args)

◆ LoadDisturb()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadDisturb (   args)

◆ LoadGain()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadGain (   args)

◆ LoadModeFilter()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadModeFilter (   args)

◆ LoadModeGain()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadModeGain (   args)

◆ LoadRecMat()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadRecMat (   args)

◆ LoadShape()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadShape (   args)

◆ LoadSlopeFilter()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadSlopeFilter (   args)

◆ Offloading()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.Offloading (   args)

◆ PauseAo()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.PauseAo (   args)

◆ ReadSecFrameCounter()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.ReadSecFrameCounter (   args)

◆ ReadSecSlopeBuff()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.ReadSecSlopeBuff (   args)

◆ RefreshSlopeBuff()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.RefreshSlopeBuff (   args)

◆ ResumeAo()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.ResumeAo (   args)

◆ RunAo()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.RunAo (   args)

◆ SaveStatus()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.SaveStatus (   args)

◆ SetDataDecimation()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.SetDataDecimation (   args)

◆ StopAo()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.StopAo (   args)

◆ str2bool()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.str2bool (   v)

◆ TestClient()

def adsec.adSecArbClient.TestClient (   args)

Variable Documentation

◆ applyCommandsParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("ApplyCommands", help="Sends a vector of commands to be applied to the AdSec."
2  "Each element of the <commands> vector is an actuator command in meters."
3  "This command will be applied as an offset from the last loaded shape."
4  "Dim: 672",
5  parents=[parent_parser])

◆ args

adsec.adSecArbClient.args = parser.parse_args()

◆ calibrateCmdParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("CalibrateCmd",
2  help="A stub for future implementation", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ choices


◆ default


◆ float


◆ func


◆ getCurrentM2CParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("GetCurrentM2C", help="get current M2C"
2  "Callable during close and open loop", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ getM2CParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.getM2CParser = subparsers.add_parser("GetM2C", help="get M2C", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ getOffladsParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("GetOffloads",
2  help="If offloading is enabled the currently offloaded Tip/Tilt/Focus is requested."
3  "Callable during close loop only."
4  "has to be polled frequently by us.", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ getShapeParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("GetShape", help="Callabel only during open-loop"
2  "Get the current applied shape name", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ help

◆ id = Ice.Identity()

◆ initAlertParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.initAlertParser = subparsers.add_parser("initAlert", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ int

◆ loadDisturbParserParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadDisturb",
2  help="setting/loading a history of disturbance matrices."
3  "Offsetting triggered by slope sending. Used for calibration setting"
4  "modes in command space"
5  "Dim: 4000x672load slope filter", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ loadGainParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadGain", help="loop gain, reconstruction filter gain"
2  "mode gains, Dim: 672", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ loadModeFilterParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadModeFilter", help="Callable during close and open loop"
2  "Dim: 672,672,2", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ loadModeGainParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadModeGain", help="loop gain, reconstruction filter gain for TipTilt"
2  "mode gain, single value for a single mode", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ loadRecMatParserParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadRecMat",
2  help="Callable during close and open loop. During open loop the"
3  "m2cFile is set. During close loop the passed m2c file is cross checked"
4  "to the current m2c. If the m2cFile does not match the current m2c an error"
5  "status is passed back."
6  "Dim: 672,672", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ loadShapeParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadShape", help="Callabel only during open-loop"
2  "Applies a shape to the secondary by name."
3  "Also a flat can be applied to the secondary.", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ loadSlopeFilterParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("LoadSlopeFilter", help="Callable during close and open loop"
2  "Dim: 627,1600, 1", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ name

◆ offloadingParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("Offloading",
2  help="Enables/Disables Tip/Tilt/Focus offloading from FLAOS"
3  "Callable in open loop only", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ parent_parser

adsec.adSecArbClient.parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)

◆ parser

adsec.adSecArbClient.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

◆ pauseAoParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.pauseAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("PauseAo", help="Tell the AdSec system that we want to pause. Callable during closed loop.", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ readSecFrameCounterParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.readSecFrameCounterParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecFrameCounter", help="Get the frame counter", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ readSecSlopeBuffParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.readSecSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecSlopeBuff", help="Get one of the downloaded sloped from the downloaded slope buffer", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ refreshSlopeBuffParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.refreshSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("RefreshSlopeBuff", help="Starts downloading slope buffer from secondary BCUs after applying disturbance matrix callable during open loop", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ resumeAoParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.resumeAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("ResumeAo", help="Resumes the loop after a pause. Callable when the system is paused.", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ runAoParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.runAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("RunAo", help="run ao with parameters", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ saveStatusParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.saveStatusParser = subparsers.add_parser("SaveStatus", help="Saves the current AdSec status to some data structure", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ setDataDecimationParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.setDataDecimationParser = subparsers.add_parser("SetDataDecimation", help="Callable during open loop before diagnostic data is sent", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ stopAoParser

adsec.adSecArbClient.stopAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("StopAo", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ subparsers

adsec.adSecArbClient.subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", metavar="<command>")

◆ testClientParser

Initial value:
1 = subparsers.add_parser("TestClient",
2  help="Test the whole AdSec interface with dummy data.", parents=[parent_parser])

◆ ToBank

dictionary adsec.adSecArbClient.ToBank = {'BankA': ADSEC.Bank.BankA, 'BankB': ADSEC.Bank.BankB}

◆ True


◆ type
