Functions | |
def | str2bool (v) |
def | getDefaultConnAddr (_side) |
def | getDefaultSide () |
def | connectService (_side) |
def | __read_fits (self, filename, datatype='< f8') |
def | LoadSlopeFilter (args) |
def | LoadModeFilter (args) |
def | GetCurrentM2C (args) |
def | GetM2C (args) |
def | RunAo (args) |
def | RefreshSlopeBuff (args) |
def | ReadSecSlopeBuff (args) |
def | ReadSecFrameCounter (args) |
def | PauseAo (args) |
def | ResumeAo (args) |
def | StopAo (args) |
def | SetDataDecimation (args) |
def | LoadShape (args) |
def | GetShape (args) |
def | LoadGain (args) |
def | LoadModeGain (args) |
def | LoadDisturb (args) |
def | LoadRecMat (args) |
def | Offloading (args) |
def | CalibrateCmd (args) |
def | GetOffloads (args) |
def | SaveStatus (args) |
def | ApplyCommands (args) |
def | initAlert (args) |
def | getDefaultFitsFile () |
def | TestClient (args) |
Variables | |
dictionary | ToBank = {'BankA': ADSEC.Bank.BankA, 'BankB': ADSEC.Bank.BankB} |
parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) | |
default | |
help | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", metavar="<command>") | |
loadSlopeFilterParser | |
choices | |
func | |
loadModeFilterParser | |
getCurrentM2CParser | |
getM2CParser = subparsers.add_parser("GetM2C", help="get M2C", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
runAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("RunAo", help="run ao with parameters", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
type | |
int | |
float | |
refreshSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("RefreshSlopeBuff", help="Starts downloading slope buffer from secondary BCUs after applying disturbance matrix callable during open loop", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
readSecSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecSlopeBuff", help="Get one of the downloaded sloped from the downloaded slope buffer", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
readSecFrameCounterParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecFrameCounter", help="Get the frame counter", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
pauseAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("PauseAo", help="Tell the AdSec system that we want to pause. Callable during closed loop.", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
resumeAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("ResumeAo", help="Resumes the loop after a pause. Callable when the system is paused.", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
stopAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("StopAo", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
setDataDecimationParser = subparsers.add_parser("SetDataDecimation", help="Callable during open loop before diagnostic data is sent", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
loadShapeParser | |
getShapeParser | |
loadGainParser | |
loadModeGainParser | |
loadDisturbParserParser | |
loadRecMatParserParser | |
offloadingParser | |
calibrateCmdParser | |
getOffladsParser | |
saveStatusParser = subparsers.add_parser("SaveStatus", help="Saves the current AdSec status to some data structure", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
applyCommandsParser | |
initAlertParser = subparsers.add_parser("initAlert", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
testClientParser | |
True | |
id = Ice.Identity() | |
name | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
private |
Reads a FITS file located in the dataPath Parameters ---------- filename : string will be appended to the data Path datatype : string see numpy convention for data type interpretation Returns ------- out : ndarray
def adsec.adSecArbClient.ApplyCommands | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.CalibrateCmd | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.connectService | ( | _side | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetCurrentM2C | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.getDefaultConnAddr | ( | _side | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.getDefaultFitsFile | ( | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.getDefaultSide | ( | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetM2C | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetOffloads | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.GetShape | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.initAlert | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadDisturb | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadGain | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadModeFilter | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadModeGain | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadRecMat | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadShape | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.LoadSlopeFilter | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.Offloading | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.PauseAo | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.ReadSecFrameCounter | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.ReadSecSlopeBuff | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.RefreshSlopeBuff | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.ResumeAo | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.RunAo | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.SaveStatus | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.SetDataDecimation | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.StopAo | ( | args | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.str2bool | ( | v | ) |
def adsec.adSecArbClient.TestClient | ( | args | ) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.applyCommandsParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.args = parser.parse_args() |
adsec.adSecArbClient.calibrateCmdParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.choices |
adsec.adSecArbClient.default |
adsec.adSecArbClient.float |
adsec.adSecArbClient.func |
adsec.adSecArbClient.getCurrentM2CParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.getM2CParser = subparsers.add_parser("GetM2C", help="get M2C", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.getOffladsParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.getShapeParser | | = Ice.Identity() |
adsec.adSecArbClient.initAlertParser = subparsers.add_parser("initAlert", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser]) | |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadDisturbParserParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadGainParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadModeFilterParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadModeGainParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadRecMatParserParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadShapeParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.loadSlopeFilterParser | |
adsec.adSecArbClient.offloadingParser |
adsec.adSecArbClient.parent_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
adsec.adSecArbClient.pauseAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("PauseAo", help="Tell the AdSec system that we want to pause. Callable during closed loop.", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.readSecFrameCounterParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecFrameCounter", help="Get the frame counter", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.readSecSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("ReadSecSlopeBuff", help="Get one of the downloaded sloped from the downloaded slope buffer", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.refreshSlopeBuffParser = subparsers.add_parser("RefreshSlopeBuff", help="Starts downloading slope buffer from secondary BCUs after applying disturbance matrix callable during open loop", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.resumeAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("ResumeAo", help="Resumes the loop after a pause. Callable when the system is paused.", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.runAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("RunAo", help="run ao with parameters", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.saveStatusParser = subparsers.add_parser("SaveStatus", help="Saves the current AdSec status to some data structure", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.setDataDecimationParser = subparsers.add_parser("SetDataDecimation", help="Callable during open loop before diagnostic data is sent", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.stopAoParser = subparsers.add_parser("StopAo", help="Callable during closed loop", parents=[parent_parser]) |
adsec.adSecArbClient.subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", metavar="<command>") |
adsec.adSecArbClient.testClientParser |
dictionary adsec.adSecArbClient.ToBank = {'BankA': ADSEC.Bank.BankA, 'BankB': ADSEC.Bank.BankB} |
adsec.adSecArbClient.True |
adsec.adSecArbClient.type |