TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Basda::Dev Namespace Reference

This is the namespace for the device exceptions. More...


struct  ActivateException
 Exception: Device activate exception. More...
struct  CloseException
 Exception: Device close exception. More...
struct  DeactivateException
 Exception: Device deactivate exception. More...
struct  DeinitException
 Exception: Device deinit exception. More...
struct  InitException
 Exception: Device init exception. More...
struct  MoccaChangeExternalProfileException
struct  MoccaCmdForAEncException
struct  MoccaCmdForIEncException
struct  MoccaCmdRejectedByDeviceException
struct  MoccaCollisionDetectedException
struct  MoccaDeviceException
struct  MoccaUploadExternalProfileException
struct  OpenException
 Exception: Device open exception. More...
struct  ResetException
 Exception: Device reset exception. More...

Detailed Description

This is the namespace for the device exceptions.