TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Classes | Namespaces
Exception.h File Reference

This file keeps the collision controller exception of the MPIA collision controller electronic. More...

#include <Nice/Util/Exception.h>
#include <core/Exception.h>
#include <Basda/Mocca/Exception.h>
Include dependency graph for Exception.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  Basda::CoConException
 Exception: CoCon core exception. More...
struct  Basda::CoConFunctionException
 Exception: MoCon default function error exception. More...
struct  Basda::CoCon::CollisionDetectedException
 Exception: Collision still exist. More...
struct  Basda::CoCon::NotInitializedException
 Exception: not initialized. More...
struct  Basda::CoCon::CollisionStillExistException
 Exception: Collision still exist. More...
struct  Basda::CoCon::NoStribesDetectedException
 Exception: No stribes detected. More...
struct  Basda::CoCon::StribesBrokenException
 Exception: Stribes broken. More...
struct  Basda::CoCon::BrokenCableToPatchBoxException
 Exception: broken cable to patch box. More...


 These are contants that are used by the services internally.
 This is the namespace for the CoCon exception.

Detailed Description

This file keeps the collision controller exception of the MPIA collision controller electronic.

The MPIA inhouse electronic sends an error number which will be converted in a Basda exception via the Basda::MPIACoreProtocol. These error numbers are related to the Basda collision controller devices.

Frank Kittmann