TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
src Directory Reference

The LINC-NIRVANA local proxy to the IIF LBT TCS interface.


Directory dependency graph for src:


directory  adsec
 Client interface to the Adaptive Secondary mirror.
directory  iif
 The LINC-NIRVANA proxy to channel data to/from the ICE interface of the TCS. This is basically a pipe that represents the ICE commands of the TCS, plus a local data storage for data dictionary values which are polled to reduce the bandwidth of getting data about pointing, mirror shapes and local weather data.
directory  lbto
 The client part of the ICE interface in the bare IIF format. This defines the data types that can be exchanged (star lists) and the command list to steer the telescope.



Detailed Description

The LINC-NIRVANA local proxy to the IIF LBT TCS interface.