TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
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Ui::FinderDialogUI Class Reference

#include <FinderDialogUI.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ui::FinderDialogUI:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Ui::FinderDialogUI:
Collaboration graph

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ui_FinderDialogUI
void setupUi (QDialog *FinderDialogUI)
void retranslateUi (QDialog *FinderDialogUI)
- Public Attributes inherited from Ui_FinderDialogUI
QGridLayout * gridLayout_5
QSplitter * splitter
QWidget * layoutWidget
QGridLayout * gridLayout_3
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_4
QPushButton * m_multicast
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_2
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_5
QToolButton * FilterErase
QLineEdit * FilterLE
QPushButton * quickViewButton
QGroupBox * groupBox
QGridLayout * gridLayout_2
QGridLayout * gridLayout
QVBoxLayout * verticalLayout
QLabel * label_4
QLabel * label_3
QLineEdit * m_endpoint
QLineEdit * m_name
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_2
QLabel * label_2
QLineEdit * m_host
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_3
QLabel * label
QSpinBox * m_port
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_7
QLabel * label_6
QComboBox * m_proto
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout
QTableWidget * m_connections
QFrame * line_2
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_6
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer
QPushButton * m_reconnect
QPushButton * m_disconnect
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_8
QSpacerItem * horizontalSpacer_3
QPushButton * m_check
QPushButton * m_connect
QTableWidget * m_finder
QWidget * m_quickViewW
QGridLayout * gridLayout_4
QVBoxLayout * m_quickviewLayout
QHBoxLayout * horizontalLayout_9
QLabel * label_5
QComboBox * m_dataTypeFilt

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