TwiceAsNice  2019-02-18
Nice::Log Class Reference

Log is an easy to use thread safe logging library, with 9 levels of logging (Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LINFO, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LDEBUG). 3 classes of log macros, plain string logging, c++ iostream logging and optional output redirection. More...

#include <Stream.h>

Collaboration diagram for Nice::Log:
Collaboration graph

Detailed Description

Log is an easy to use thread safe logging library, with 9 levels of logging (Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LINFO, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LDEBUG). 3 classes of log macros, plain string logging, c++ iostream logging and optional output redirection.

Florian Briegel
2012-08-10 11:04:58 AM The logging class is based on std::iostream using the class Nice::LogStreamBuf derived from std::ostreambuf. There are 6 levels of logging defined Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LINFO, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LDEBUG, Nice::LTRACE. The logging level can be set at runtime or compile time. At compile time:
     #define Nice::LDEBUG      // all loglevels
     #define NICE_DEBUG     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LINFO, Nice::LDEBUG
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL7     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LINFO
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL5     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL4     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL3     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL2     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL1     // Nice::LFATAL

The following code snippet illustrates using the log macros:

     #include "niceLog.h"

     using namespace Nice;

     int main(int argc , char ** argv )
         T_QLOG("something to print");
         U9_QLOG("something to print");
         U8_QLOG("something to print");
         U7_QLOG("something to print");
         U6_QLOG("something to print");
         U5_QLOG("something to print");
         U4_QLOG("something to print");
         U3_QLOG("something to print");
         U2_QLOG("something to print");
         U1_QLOG("something to print");
         D_QLOG("something to print");
         I_QLOG("something to print");
         N_QLOG("something to print");
         W_QLOG("something to print");
         E_QLOG("something to print");
         C_QLOG("something to print");
         A_QLOG("something to print");
         F_QLOG("something to print");

         F_LOG("log log log " << 1 << "...");
         A_LOG("log log log " << 2 << "...");
         C_LOG("log log log " << 3 << "...");
         E_LOG("log log log " << 4 << "...");
         W_LOG("log log log " << 5 << "...");
         N_LOG("log log log " << 6 << "...");
         I_LOG("log log log " << 7 << "...");
         D_LOG("log log log " << 8 << "...");
         U1_LOG("log log log " << 9 << "...");
         U2_LOG("log log log " << 10 << "...");
         U3_LOG("log log log " << 11 << "...");
         U4_LOG("log log log " << 12 << "...");
         U5_LOG("log log log " << 13 << "...");
         U6_LOG("log log log " << 14 << "...");
         U7_LOG("log log log " << 15 << "...");
         U8_LOG("log log log " << 16 << "...");
         U9_LOG("log log log " << 17 << "...");
         T_LOG("log log log " << 18 << "...");

         F_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         A_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         C_ASSERT(1 == 2, "no  its false");
         E_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         W_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         N_ASSERT(1 == 2, "no  its false");
         I_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         D_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         T_ASSERT(1 == 2, "no  its false");

         F_ASSERT(1 == 1, "yes its true");
         A_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         C_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         E_ASSERT(1 != 2, "yes its true");
         W_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         N_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         I_ASSERT(1 == 1, "yes its true");
         D_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         T_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");

         // redirect output to file and use mono logtype text

         F_LOG("log log log " << 1 << "...");
         E_LOG("log log log " << 2 << "...");
         W_LOG("log log log " << 3 << "...");
         I_LOG("log log log " << 4 << "...");
         N_LOG("log log log " << 5 << "...");
         D_LOG("log log log " << 6 << "...");

         // redirect output back to stderr and set min loglevel to Nice::LWARNING
         F_LOG("log log log " << 1 << "...");
         A_LOG("log log log " << 2 << "...");
         C_LOG("log log log " << 3 << "...");
         E_LOG("log log log " << 4 << "...");
         W_LOG("log log log " << 5 << "...");
         N_LOG("log log log " << 6 << "...");
         I_LOG("log log log " << 7 << "...");
         D_LOG("log log log " << 8 << "...");
         T_LOG("log log log " << 9 << "...");

Document more!
Florian Briegel
2012-08-10 11:04:58 AM The logging class is based on std::iostream using the class Nice::LogStreamBuf derived from std::ostreambuf. There are 6 levels of logging defined Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LINFO, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LDEBUG, Nice::LTRACE. The logging level can be set at runtime or compile time. At compile time:
     #define Nice::LDEBUG      // all loglevels
     #define NICE_DEBUG     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LINFO, Nice::LDEBUG
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL7     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING, Nice::LNOTICE, Nice::LINFO
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL5     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR, Nice::LWARNING
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL4     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL, Nice::LERROR
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL3     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT, Nice::LCRITICAL
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL2     // Nice::LFATAL, Nice::LALERT
     #define NICE_LOG_DEBUGLEVEL1     // Nice::LFATAL

The following code snippet illustrates using the log macros:

     #include "niceLog.h"

     using namespace Nice;

     int main(int argc , char ** argv )
         T_QLOG("something to print");
         U9_QLOG("something to print");
         U8_QLOG("something to print");
         U7_QLOG("something to print");
         U6_QLOG("something to print");
         U5_QLOG("something to print");
         U4_QLOG("something to print");
         U3_QLOG("something to print");
         U2_QLOG("something to print");
         U1_QLOG("something to print");
         D_QLOG("something to print");
         I_QLOG("something to print");
         N_QLOG("something to print");
         W_QLOG("something to print");
         E_QLOG("something to print");
         C_QLOG("something to print");
         A_QLOG("something to print");
         F_QLOG("something to print");

         F_LOG("log log log " << 1 << "...");
         A_LOG("log log log " << 2 << "...");
         C_LOG("log log log " << 3 << "...");
         E_LOG("log log log " << 4 << "...");
         W_LOG("log log log " << 5 << "...");
         N_LOG("log log log " << 6 << "...");
         I_LOG("log log log " << 7 << "...");
         D_LOG("log log log " << 8 << "...");
         U1_LOG("log log log " << 9 << "...");
         U2_LOG("log log log " << 10 << "...");
         U3_LOG("log log log " << 11 << "...");
         U4_LOG("log log log " << 12 << "...");
         U5_LOG("log log log " << 13 << "...");
         U6_LOG("log log log " << 14 << "...");
         U7_LOG("log log log " << 15 << "...");
         U8_LOG("log log log " << 16 << "...");
         U9_LOG("log log log " << 17 << "...");
         T_LOG("log log log " << 18 << "...");

         F_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         A_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         C_ASSERT(1 == 2, "no  its false");
         E_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         W_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         N_ASSERT(1 == 2, "no  its false");
         I_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         D_ASSERT(false, "no  its false");
         T_ASSERT(1 == 2, "no  its false");

         F_ASSERT(1 == 1, "yes its true");
         A_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         C_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         E_ASSERT(1 != 2, "yes its true");
         W_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         N_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         I_ASSERT(1 == 1, "yes its true");
         D_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");
         T_ASSERT(true, "yes its true");

         // redirect output to file and use mono logtype text

         F_LOG("log log log " << 1 << "...");
         E_LOG("log log log " << 2 << "...");
         W_LOG("log log log " << 3 << "...");
         I_LOG("log log log " << 4 << "...");
         N_LOG("log log log " << 5 << "...");
         D_LOG("log log log " << 6 << "...");

         // redirect output back to stderr and set min loglevel to Nice::LWARNING
         F_LOG("log log log " << 1 << "...");
         A_LOG("log log log " << 2 << "...");
         C_LOG("log log log " << 3 << "...");
         E_LOG("log log log " << 4 << "...");
         W_LOG("log log log " << 5 << "...");
         N_LOG("log log log " << 6 << "...");
         I_LOG("log log log " << 7 << "...");
         D_LOG("log log log " << 8 << "...");
         T_LOG("log log log " << 9 << "...");

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